All together now - "yesssss!"

Everybody loves a paintbrush-wielding white wolf game, but if there's on criticism we could level at the genre it's that there just aren't enough titles like the stellar Okami, released on Wii to great critical acclaim last year. Well, the genre is about to bulge again next year, with the announcement of Okamiden, scheduled to hit DS before 2010 is out.

Whilst many players struggled with the Wii controls, the promise of using the DS stylus should ensure super accuracy with the old Celestial Paintbrush. The first screenshots - as shown here in a scan of Famitsu magazine - certainly look tasty, although reveal little about the game's locales.

We'll hopefully have an official press release and update from Capcom themselves in the near future, but until then just dig into these scans and let us know your ideas in the comments below!
