
  • News Guitar Hero Live to Add 34 New Tracks on 25th November

    With popular bands like Cinderella and Five Finger Death Punch

    Guitar Hero Live on Wii U may not have stormed the charts as successfully as versions on other platforms, but Nintendo's system is still getting the full works of new songs and content additions. New tracks have gradually been added to the online GHTV and related areas, even if you're...

  • News Activision Blizzard Has Just Opened a TV and Film Studio

    Skylanders and Call of Duty are first up

    Activision has no shortage of big hitter video game franchises, but it's a fairly safe bet that Skylanders and Call of Duty are the biggest successes to come from the company. It seems that Activision wants to continue to hit new heights and has just recently announced that it's opening Activision Blizzard...







  • News Here's Your Next Helping Of Guitar Hero Live Tracks

    A mix of old and new

    Activision has released the next set of songs for its forthcoming music title, Guitar Hero Live. This week's helping includes shock rock outfit Marilyn Manson, newcomers Royal Blood and veteran outfit the Deftones. Here's this week's list: Royal Blood "Little Monster" Marilyn Manson "Disposable Teens" Killswitch Engage "In...

  • News Newly Confirmed Guitar Hero Live Tracks Bring The Spandex And Poodle Perms

    "Got any Priest, mate?"

    Activision is releasing the full track list for its forthcoming Guitar Hero Live in batches, and it has just announced the second helping of songs. While some fans expressed disappointment at the first drop, this week's offering should get classic rock fans more excited as it includes Pantera, Rage Against the Machine and...
