





  • News New Loveplus+ Heading To 3DS in Japan

    Now with extra plus

    Loveplus is one of Konami's more niche franchises. Essentially, the game is a dating sim that has you choose a virtual girlfriend to carry about on your handheld. It was released on the Nintendo DS way back in 2009 and it became a cult hit among the Japanese. A sequel was made in the form of New Loveplus for the 3DS and now an...


  • News Konami Picks Up New Contra Trademark

    It's aptly named Contra Run & Gun

    The long-running Contra series doesn't look like its finishing any time soon. Contra: Evolution, a remake of the NES classic, recently launched on Apple's app store in North America - only to be removed mysteriously. Turns out it wasn't ready and it'll be available at some point later in the year, however, it seems...

  • News PES 2014 Will Not Be Dispensed On Wii U

    Poor PES 2013 sales means there's no 3DS version either

    EA created quite a stir last month when it confirmed FIFA 14, its next iteration in is popular football franchise, would be skipping the Wii U and would only be making it to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, as well as the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One - when they arrive. Of course that means...


  • News Konami: We Had To Take Risks With Castlevania To Prevent It Becoming Like Mega Man

    Producer Dave Cox explains why throwing caution to the wind worked

    MercurySteam's reboot of Castlevania in 2010 may have upset some hardcore fans of the series, but in terms of sales it was a triumph. Lords of Shadow became Konami's best selling game in North America for that year, and its second most successful European release. That's quite a...


