
  • News These Fuzzy Super Scribblenauts Headphones Can Be Yours

    If you preorder at Gamestop, of course

    The original Scribblenauts came with an infamous rooster hat for those who preordered, so can Warner Bros. top that with an even better incentive second time around? How about with a pair of plush headphones that actually work? Bad luck if you said no, as that's exactly what's happening. Coming in three...

  • News Batman: The Brave and the Bold Vignette Unmasks the DS Version

    Introducing gamers to the characters and the game's visual style

    Next month sees the return of the Batman franchise as Batman: The Brave and the Bold launches on the Wii and the DS; which in itself, is an adaptation of the 2008 animated series. In the lead-up to the game's launch, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has sent over a vignette from...


  • E3 2010 Super Scribblenauts Trailer

    Warner Bros is bringing sketchy back

    We already know that Warner Bros' sequel to last year's Scribblenauts lets you use adjectives to customise your world, so here's a few to customise this E3 trailer: shiny, new, luscious. With promises of fixed controls, new challenges and even more words to be added, there's good reason to be hopeful that this...



  • News Wii & DS Become Guardians Of The Great Ga'Hoole Tree

    Fantasy book series gets video game treatment to coincide with film release

    With several anticipated Summer blockbuster films ahead of us, we can expect to see video game spin-offs to start appearing our consoles and handhelds if they haven't already. Krome Studios and Tantalus Media, two companies that have given us video game adaptations of Star...

  • News Taz's Appetite Expands Onto The DS

    Developed by WayForward Technologies, take control of The Tasmanian Devil in dual modes of play.

    Looney Tunes is one of those franchises where the roster of characters is so large and diverse, there's one for everyone. Whether you share personality traits, or you just like the way they walk and talk, you just can't help but associate yourself with...


  • News Warner Bros. Interactive Announces New Batman Game for Wii and DS

    Animated show tie-in to coming this fall

    Wii owners may have missed out on Arkham Asylum, but they're getting an exclusive release in the form of a game based upon the Batman: The Brave and the Bold animated series, in which the Dark Knight teams up with other DC heroes to combat villainy. Wayforward are the developers behind this licensed tie-in,...

  • News LEGO Harry Potter Year 2 Vignette Released

    Get prepared to stab a LEGO diary!

    We've been blessed by the LEGO gods here at Nintendo Life! Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and TT Games have released a new video vignette the upcoming LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4, which is due for release on Wii and DS in May of this year. Take a look at the vignette below, it focuses on the second year at...


  • News See Aragorn's Quest In Motion

    Tolkien fans upset: initial trailer well under four hours long

    Even though the final Lord of the Rings film was well over five years ago, the movie trilogy obviously sparked a furious lusting for Middle Earth-related games, something EA did their best to capitalise on with mixed results. Now the licence is back with studio Warner Bros., who just...



  • News Two New Mini Ninjas Trailers

    Eidos releases two new videos of Futo in action!

    Eidos was kind enough to send over two brand new videos of their upcoming Wii action title Mini Ninjas for everyone to enjoy. Below is the snippet of information that came with the videos that sets up the action taking place in each of them. Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and Eidos have...


  • News New Lord of the Rings Game is, You Know, For Kids

    Warner Bros. turns the cute factor up to eleven

    As you may already be aware, EA's ownership of the LotR movie licence has recently expired and the rights have now reverted to Warner Bros. Given the nature of the subject matter one would naturally assume that Warner would play it safe and create an epic action adventure with lots of orc-slaying and...