DS News


  • News Rune Factory 2 Ripe and Ready for Europe in October

    Farming RPG hits at last

    Some of our readers on the Western side of the Atlantic may be anxiously anticipating Rune Factory 3 and its multiplayer charms, but over in Europe there's just one month to go until Rune Factory 2 does the rounds. With more of the same mix of fighting and farming, not to mention a heavy amount of romance, Rune Factory 2...

  • News New Ace Attorney Investigations Title Outed by Famitsu

    Miles Edgeworth returns!

    The Ace Attorney series has a proud and well-regarded heritage on DS – less so on WiiWare – with this year's Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth another excellent entry in the series. Now Japanese über-mag Famitsu has outed a second instalment in the Investigations series and Edgeworth looks set to feature...

  • News Even a Wii Remote or a DS Stylus Can Be a Sonic Device

    Pretend you're The Doctor even when you're not playing his games

    Every fan of Doctor Who (or, simply, The Doctor) knows that he'd have a lot more trouble fighting Cybermen and Daleks without his trusty Sonic Screwdriver. It seems that no matter what the problem is, it can be solved by him pointing the device at it and acting like he's concentrating...

  • News Rock Out in this Rock Band 3 DS Trailer

    Hear "Walking on the Sun" for the 400th time

    How do you shrink a multiplayer music experience to a portable handheld console? Guitar Hero: On Tour offered a guitar grip and successor Band Hero even came with a silicone sleeve to make drums easier to use, but the DS's upcoming Rock Band 3 is taking a less accessory-based approach, being only...

  • Review Custom Robo Arena (DS)

    Fun in little need of fine tuning

    Custom Robo won't ring a bell to a lot of Nintendo fans on this side of the world. Though the first title hit Japan in 1999 on the Nintendo 64, it wasn't until 2004's GameCube update, the fourth in the action-RPG series, that the franchise saw a western release. The games revolve around players creating their own...

  • News Kapow! It's the Batman: The Brave and the Bold Release Dates

    Holy crimefighting in September, Batman!

    The masked defenders of hand-drawn 2D animation, WayForward Technologies, are set for a Wii and DS return this month as Batman: The Brave and the Bold crusades its way to stores around the world. Launching in North America on September 7th and with a European release following on September 24th, the new game...

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  • News Mama to Pick Up Two More Hobbies

    She can craft and babysit too, and with this baby doll so can you

    We've just added some newly released screenshots for Majesco's upcoming showcases of Mama's versatility, Babysitting Mama for Wii and Crafting Mama for DS. Interestingly, the former will hit stores in a special box the likes of which we've never seen before; the game comes in a crib...

  • News Super Scribblenauts' D-Pad Controls are Thanks to You, Hardcore Gamers

    Complaining does pay off sometimes

    For a game based on imagination, you wouldn't have expected Scribblenauts to have frustrated gamers in such a basic regard, but its touchscreen controls rubbed plenty of gamers up the wrong way, complaining they lacked the precision required to manoeuvre Maxwell around his sketchy world. Developer 5th Cell is...


  • First Impressions G.G Series Collection+

    The arcade collection you never knew about

    Genterprise certainly appears to be a big fan of the Nintendo DSi, having released nearly a score of titles under the G.G Series banner, all of which have been previewed on this very site. Having them collected into a DS retail release to reach a broader audience makes sense, but even if you've already...

  • News Atari's Greatest Hits Hitting the DS in November

    Reborn company finally delivers classic 2600 titles to handhelds

    We've long wondered if any of the companies that have held the rights to the Atari back catalogue over the past 20 years would ever see fit to put out a compilation of Atari-branded games from that most golden of console oldies, the Atari 2600. Well now the wondering can finally cease...

  • News Prepare for a DSi and XL Price Crash Stateside

    May hint at 3DS pricing

    With the official unveiling of the 3DS's price and release date just under one month away, Nintendo of America has started doing some of the preparatory work by dropping the suggested retail price of the DSi and DSi XL to $149.99 and $169.99 respectively. Shaving around $20 off both consoles' prices on September 12th, the...

  • News Golden Sun: Dark Dawn Set to Brighten Up November

    Launching Stateside on November 29th

    There was some concern when Golden Sun: Dark Dawn was absent from Nintendo's 2010 release schedule. Did that mean the Camelot RPG would be delayed until 2011? It turns out, no, it did not, as Nintendo has just confirmed a North American release on November 29th. You can read our Golden Sun: Dark Dawn First...

  • News These Super Scribblenauts DSi Consoles Defy Adjectives

    Only as PAX prizes, sadly

    The game that's more a test of wordsmanship than gaming skills, Super Scribblenauts is going all-out to provide the most stylish gamers out there with enough customised stuff to sink a pink, spotted battleship. First came the rooster hat, then the fluffy headphones, but the real cream of the Super Scribblenauts crop is the...

  • News Pikachu Wants to Charge Your DSi Console with Love

    But where is it plugged in?

    Pikachu's been in the licensing business for a long time, so he knows what he's doing: stand here, smile please, hold this. You'd think he'd get tired, but no: witness the love he's showing this DSi as he charges its battery using only smiles and electricity. Launching in Japan on September 18th – the same day as...

  • News Nintendo Lays Out PAX Showing

    Some big guns to be on display

    As many of you already know, the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) is coming up September 3rd - 5th in Seattle, WA and Nintendo is gearing up for the show by releasing a list of titles that will be playable during the expo. The majority of the games to be shown by Nintendo were recently on display at the E3 Expo in Los Angeles,...

  • News Down Under's DSi XL Range Gets Colourful Next Month

    Grab yellow, blue and red on September 23rd

    Colour-conscious Japanese gamers gained three more colour choices in June when yellow, blue and green DSi LL consoles launched, and North America received the midnight blue console last month. PAL regions have been disappointingly short-changed in the XL colour stakes – until now. On September 23rd...

  • News Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light Gets 3 Bonuses

    Posters and gift cards up for grabs

    Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light looks like being another strong addition to the DS's stable of RPGs, but Square Enix isn't taking any chances when it comes to getting fans to stick down their money in advance, with two separate pre-order incentives up for grabs, as well as a bonus poster available to all who...

  • News Doctor Who to Land the TARDIS on Wii & DS


    Like bowties and time travel? Then you should be excited to hear that the hit BBC programme Doctor Who is zooming to the DS and Wii with Doctor Who: Evacuation Earth for the former and Doctor Who: Return to Earth for the latter, both set for release in the coming months from Asylum Entertainment. The program stars The Doctor, a 907 year...

  • News Natsume Brings New Voice Actors to Lufia and Rune Factory Series

    Possible plush pre-order too

    Natsume announced Rune Factory 3 a few months back, with the promise of new features including a multiplayer mode, and Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals is set to arrive from Natsume before 2010 is history. Both games will arrive with a sparkling audio overhaul, courtesy of a new voiceover company bringing the scripts to...

  • News Latest Pokemon Titles Top One Million Preorders in Japan

    Pokémon goes platinum before launch

    Out in Japan next month, Pokémon Black and White are destined to destroy all opponents in a storm of sales, with pre-orders for the titles having already smashed the million mark. The most impressive part? Stores only started taking pre-orders on July 31st, making the feat a new record for the DS, with the...

  • Podcast NLFM Episode 8: Have You Heard Captain Falcon's Theme Song?

    If you haven't then you're in for a real treat

    Some video game themes are so iconic that it's impossible to not recognize where they're from, even if you haven't touched the game in years. Tetris. Super Mario Bros. Captain Falcon? While we're not saying his theme song is up there in the annals of game music legend, after this episode of NLFM, we're...

  • Review Ivy the Kiwi? (DS)

    Absolutely di-vine

    After spending years helping Sega create some of its most popular console releases during the Mega Drive and Saturn eras, Yuji Naka decided it was time to form his own development studio. His main goal was to create gaming experiences that appealed to a much broader audience. No better title could sum up this goal more perfectly...

  • News Plants vs. Zombies Eyes Up DS, Licks Rotting Lips

    2011 date for Popcap's classic

    The DS keeps providing shelter for all kind of miscreants: Angry Birds was recently announced for a DS release, and now Popcap's similarly world-dominating strategy title Plants vs. Zombies is getting ready to infect the console next year. Plants vs. Zombies is tower defence done differently: there are no towers, for a...

  • News Charity to Provide Nintendo DS Systems for Young Cancer Patients

    Local charity holding its inaugural Footsteps in Faith 5K and Fun Walk

    When Genre Baker, then eight years old, from North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania was in hospital receiving treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), there was one little machine in the form of a Nintendo DS that made the stays more bearable and now a year older, he is the...

  • News New Sonic Wisp Power-Ups Help Sonic Hover and More

    Green and pink Wisps unveiled

    With generally positive impressions of Sonic Colours for DS following E3, Sega isn't about to let you forget about Sonic Colours for Wii, announcing two new power-ups for the game this week. The first is the Pink Wisp, which galvanises Sonic's spikes to allow him to stick to walls and ceilings, allowing him to explore...

  • News Watch Dr. Wily's Between-Game Preparations, D.I.Y.-Style

    WarioWare creations guide him through the evil lair setup process

    Oh, that Dr. Wily, always up to no good with his evil Robot Masters and his bushy eyebrows. With the amount of smackdowns he's had from Mega Man, you'd think he'd give up the ghost on his crazy plans for world domination sooner or later. Instead, Wily is like clockwork cartoon evil,...

  • News Let the Warm Glow of this Golden Sun Trailer Brighten Your Day

    The future's bright

    It's been three long weeks since we got chance to play Camelot's upcoming RPG Golden Sun Dark Dawn, and our First Impressions only left us wanting more. This new Japanese trailer for the game has exactly the same effect. With more Psynergies, Summons and simply stunning graphics than before, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn looks like it...

  • Review Art Academy (DS)

    Your only limit is your creativity

    To DSi owners, Art Academy will be a familiar sight. Last year we saw Art Academy: First Semester and Second Semester, a set of artistic tools by Nintendo. While First Semester received positive reviews, Second Semester was criticized for being “less of the same”, resembling an overpriced expansion pack rather...

  • News Get a Feel for Okamiden with New Screenshots and Gameplay Video

    Puzzles, combat and dialogue all in one place

    Capcom's Okamiden is shaping up to be one of the DS's biggest titles of 2011, as these new screenshots and gameplay video from Gamescom in Cologne show. Taking in more of the paint-and-brush gameplay from its predecessor Okami, the extra precision offered by the DS stylus opens up new opportunities for...

  • News Bask in the Supernatural Aura of this Ghost Trick Trailer

    Detecting new phantoms inbound

    We had a short but enjoyably bizarre hands-on session with Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective a month ago, and the curious DS puzzler continues to take shape under the direction of Phoenix Wright mastermind Shu Takumi. With Gamescom currently tearing up Cologne, Capcom has released a new trailer for Ghost Trick to show off...

  • News Nintendo's Q4 Schedule Outs BIT.TRIP FATE

    Plus dates for Kirby, DK and more

    Gaijin Games let the first detail of its upcoming BIT.TRIP title slip last week with the revelation it'll be playable with the Wii Zapper, but a new Nintendo press release has confirmed the name as BIT.TRIP FATE with a release date pencilled in for this Fall. The press release also gives vague "holiday...

  • News Insanity Grips the DS in Upcoming Shutter Island Game

    DiCaprio in your pocket

    Movie fans who enjoyed Martin Scorsese's nailbiting thriller, Shutter Island will soon be able to stroll off the boat into insanity themselves on the DS as revealed by a recent ESRB rating: This is a seek-and-find puzzle game, based on the movie Shutter Island, in which players assume the role of U.S. marshals who...

  • News Art Academy Paints a Pretty Picture Inside UK Top Five

    It's obviously drawing people in

    DSi owners will be familiar with Art Academy: First Semester and Second Semester, the artistic tools designed to help users discover their innate artistic talents. Recently released in cartridge form, the latest UK charts show it sitting inside the All-Formats Top 5, having jumped from 28th place in the previous...

  • Review Star Fox Command (DS)

    Return to glory for team Star Fox

    The Star Fox series is one which holds a special place in the hearts of many gamers. Featuring a colourful cast of anthropomorphic animals led by Fox McCloud across the Lylat system, it all began back in 1993 on the Super Nintendo with the original Star Fox. The game was a huge hit and has since seen four sequels...

  • News What's the World DS-Playing Record This Month?

    Congratulations if you said 659

    Two months ago, 586 people at the London MCM Expo all played DS games simultaneously, setting a new Guinness World Record in the process. Last month, 659 people did exactly the same thing, only in Bradford instead of London. Guinness World Records' Gaming Editor Gaz Deaves was on-hand to verify the attempt: It was a...

  • News Contain Your Surprise as Nintendo Outsells Competition in July

    650,000 units makes Big N the top dog

    The monstrous machines at the NPD Group have crunched the numbers for July and spat out an unsurprising statistic: Nintendo sold more hardware than its competition. Shifting 400,000 DS machines and 254,000 Wii consoles, the company outsold Microsoft and Sony comfortably, though with 440,000 units sold of the...

  • News Etrian Odyssey III Bonus Poster Revealed

    Nearly drowned out by sound of Atlus back-slapping

    You may have forgotten about Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City in the crowd of top-drawer RPGs on the way to DS this year, but publisher Atlus wants you to remember this press release about another upcoming bonus for purchasers. As well as the existing pre-order incentive of a 60-page artbook,...

  • News Brighten Up Your Dull Desktop with Super Scribblenauts Wallpaper

    Get daring, bright, bold and so on

    So you're wearing your Scribblenauts rooster hat, thinking about wearing your Super Scribblenauts pre-order headphones, and you want to know exactly how you can express your excitement for Warner Bros.'s upcoming wordy epic. How about with some wallpaper? Good answer. Being Super Scribblenauts however, this isn't...

  • News Get a Double Dose of CSI Later this Year

    More murder mystery from Ubisoft

    Just as the Crime Scene Investigation television series show no signs of running out of steam, so Ubisoft's video game adaptations continue to find fresh corpses and accompanying mysteries to solve. This year is no exception, with both Wii and DS receiving new titles before Christmas rolls around. Along with PS3 and...

  • News Archie Writer Reveals Sonic Colours Comic, Hints at New Characters

    Hints as subtle as a Dr Robotnik creation

    Sonic the Hedgehog stars in the world's longest-running video game comic (it's true), so it shouldn't be a surprise that the Archie Comics team is already beavering away on a set of new stories to complement the upcoming Sonic Colours for Wii and DS. Comic writer Ian Flynn spoke to First Comics News about...

  • News Help Professor Layton Find the Lost Future on October 22nd

    European release date and name change confirmed

    It's a double-whammy of release date announcement news for Europeans today, as Nintendo also rubber-stamps the next Professor Layton game for a release on October 22nd. Changing its North American name from Professor Layton and the Unwound Future to Professor Layton and the Lost Future, the game still...

  • Review Nanostray (DS)

    Shooting star

    Shoot 'em ups are a rare thing on the DS. Even with the rise of DSiWare last year, we have still seen little in the way of more traditional shooters for the console. Early release Nanostray was one of the first games to step up to the challenge and fortunately, it doesn't disappoint. Published back in 2005 by Majesco, the game is a...

  • News These Fuzzy Super Scribblenauts Headphones Can Be Yours

    If you preorder at Gamestop, of course

    The original Scribblenauts came with an infamous rooster hat for those who preordered, so can Warner Bros. top that with an even better incentive second time around? How about with a pair of plush headphones that actually work? Bad luck if you said no, as that's exactly what's happening. Coming in three...

  • News Europeans Can Farm Frantically this Autumn

    Potatoes and puzzles courtesy of Rising Star

    It may have been available on North American shores for nearly twelve months – in fact, our first and only news story about this game was almost exactly one year ago – but European gamers are yet to sample the sweet taste of Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming, but Rising Star Games is set to rectify that...

  • News Batman: The Brave and the Bold Vignette Unmasks the DS Version

    Introducing gamers to the characters and the game's visual style

    Next month sees the return of the Batman franchise as Batman: The Brave and the Bold launches on the Wii and the DS; which in itself, is an adaptation of the 2008 animated series. In the lead-up to the game's launch, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has sent over a vignette from...

  • News Intellivision Lives! Thanks to a DS Revival This September

    Get ready for the iconic spaceships, sharks and robots to take over your DS

    If compilations of classic games are your thing, then you'll be glad to know that Intellivision Lives! for the DS will be getting its retail release this September, and what a wait it's been! Since its announcement back at E3 2005, all the potential publishers have taken a...

  • News Tetsuya Nomura Wants to Make The World Ends With You 2

    Nothing to do with Bono

    Square Enix's The World Ends With You is, let's face it, pretty sensational: innovative, individual and impossibly stylish, it's received critical acclaim since launch. Like many great games, however, the question of a sequel looms over it like an irritating Noise: Tetsuya Nomura, the game's designer, wants to see a sequel,...

  • News Brush Up with Art Academy on October 25th

    Creative compilation coming to North America

    DSiWare Donatellos will already be aware of the Art Academy series, with Semester One and Semester Two already available for download, but Nintendo wants to get everybody involved in the class, even that annoying kid at the back. That's why it's combining both downloads into a single retail release,...

  • News Get Ready for a Story Mode Full of New Pokemon in Black & White

    And there'll be no old monsters until you've finished

    Video chat, three-on-three battles and a brand new graphical style are just some of the surprises awaiting folks who plan to pick up the new Pokémon Black & White, out in Ja

  • News Sonic Colours Breaks Sonic Cycle, says Producer

    Sonic Boom heard everywhere

    Takashi Iizuka is a man of great experience in the games industry, having worked on Sonic titles since 1994's 16-bit send-off Sonic & Knuckles. Now head of Sonic Team, he's the man charged with glugging the poisoned chalice of reviving the blue hedgehog to his former glory, with Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 and...

  • Review Giana Sisters DS (DS)

    Low on originality, high on fun

    Giana Sisters DS began life as a limited personal computer release called The Great Giana Sisters back in 1987. Due to the game's extremely close resemblances to Nintendo's NES release Super Mario Bros., the game was yanked from store shelves soon after its release, making it quite a rare find today. Now DTP...

  • News iPhone Success Angry Birds to Peck DS

    Even Hitchcock would be scared

    If you've got an Apple device you might have engaged in a bit of Angry Birds, the fastest-selling game on the Apple Store having sold over 5 million copies in six months. If you haven't got an Apple device, there's no need to grab one just to play this game as it's on the way to DS. In an interview with completely...

  • Review Retro Atari Classics (DS)

    When classic compilations go wrong

    Since retro compilations started to become a decent way for companies to earn money off their old IP, it's become the norm to see classics from some of the bigger names in the industry repackaged in each succeeding generation of consoles since the late 20th century. Unfortunately Atari has mis-stepped with its...


  • News Nintendo Posts 43 Percent Revenue Drop

    For the first time in two years, the Big N posts a quarterly loss

    There has been many-a-meme relating to the DS “printing money,” but now a quarterly earnings report from Nintendo suggests the handheld's printer may be running out of ink. According to the earnings report, which covers the second quarter of fiscal year 2010/2011 running from...

  • First Impressions Golden Sun: Dark Dawn

    Glory be to Camelot!

    This truly is a rich time for DS RPGs: Dragon Quest IX, Final Fantasy the 4 Heroes of Light and of course Golden Sun: Dark Dawn should ensure we remember 2010 as the Year of the RPG, and Golden Sun could emerge as the best of the bunch. The demo offered two available modes: adventure and battle, and we had time to try both. The...

  • News Get Briefed on the New Features Implemented in Call of Duty: Black Ops

    A portable companion to the regiments on the home front

    With first-person shooters often making more of an impact on home consoles, n-Space is working hard to offer DS gamers something that can be enjoyed as well when Call of Duty: Black Ops launches later this year on 9th November. The company previously brought three other titles in the series to...

  • News High Court Outlaws Flash Carts in UK

    Piracy? But that's not all they R4!

    The R4 flash cart has been the bane of Nintendo's handheld existence for years now, with the device widely being used to play illegally downloaded DS ROMs. Rampant piracy has made it especially difficult for third-party developers to reach projected sales marks, and is also the reason non-Japanese-speaking gamers...

  • First Impressions Wii and DS Round-Up from London

    Get the lowdown on Okamiden, Super Scribblenauts and more!

    Ace Nintendo Life reporters James and Darren were recently invited to attend a special preview event in London to get hands-on with the 3DS as well as Nintendo's upcoming Wii and DS line-up. We've already posted our impressions of the 3DS and its games, so let's cast our eye to the wider...

  • News Nintendo Provides Face Training to European Gamers This September

    A rarity that is a DSi-only game

    We here at Nintendo Life know the importance of exercise and general body & mind maintenance; especially since we're in the business of interactive entertainment which requires a significant amount of time in front of a screen. Muscles need to be exercised and the ones in the face are no exception. It's been...

  • News Here's a Pokemon Black & White Video Chat Video For You

    And another mysterious beast revealed

    A few weeks ago we brought you news that video chat could be coming to Pokémon Black & White for DSi and 3DS owners. Now the feature's been confirmed, with its television debut on the Pokémon Sunday show, and it seems you can even draw on your friends' faces using the touchscreen for some on-the-fly facial...

  • News Trademarks Suggest Dragon Quest VI is Europe-bound

    Though we doubt you're bored of DQIX yet

    In January this year, Japanese DS owners rejoiced at being able to buy yet another Dragon Quest game in the form of Dragon Quest VI, a conversion of the Super Famicom original that never saw release outside the Land of the Rising Sun. It seems the DS remake won't suffer the same fate though, if a...

  • News Green Lantern Games Put Ryan Reynolds in Your Wii and DS

    Rise of the Manhunters on the way next year

    Not to be outdone by Sega's recent announcement of the Thor video game heading to Wii and DS next year, Warner Bros. Interactive is bringing the Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters to both machines to coincide with the launch of the film next summer. With a Wii version from Double Helix software,...

  • News Rising Star Wants to Know the Games You Want, Europe

    Let them know and who knows what may happen

    Rising Star Games has already brought European gamers the likes of Rune Factory Frontier and both No More Heroes titles, and later this year is releasing Yuji Naka's Ivy the Kiwi? games, Eldar Saga and Rune Factory 2 for DS. It's quite a busy year for the publisher but it's hungry for more, and is opening...

  • News Nintendo to Show Off Other M and Dragon Quest IX at San Diego Comic-Con

    Get a free treasure map!

    Of all the conventions, one stands staunchly above the others in nerd notoriety: Comic-Con International in San Diego, California (July 22 to July 25 at the San Diego Convention Centre). Nintendo's announced that it's to have a featured exhibit for the first time since 2006, complete with tantalizing playables and super cool...

  • News Thor to Hammer Down His Presence on Wii & DS in 2011

    The God of Thunder gets his first standalone video game outing

    As far as video game adaptations go, graphic novels and comics can be a goldmine. Sega recently announced that they're to mine one of those nuggets, and just in time for Comic Con season: Marvel's Thor. Thor: The Video Game has been announced as a third-person action game in development...

  • News Tetris Party Deluxe Rotates & Drops Down in Europe This September

    The latest cross-platform puzzler has its release date slotted in

    Tetris is one of those franchises that just won't go away, whether you want it to or not. The simplicity of its premise has lead to countless variations in rule-sets, and the latest instalment that's out on the Wii and the DS – Tetris Party Deluxe – has had its European release...

  • Nintendo Download 19th July 2010 (North America)

    The kittenpocalypse begins!

    Let's just not talk about the Virtual Console this week. Instead, let's talk about furry things, like legends and kitties and selling things to unsuspecting animals. WiiWare: AquaSpace (Nintendo, 600 Points) – This fish tank...thing hit Europe recently under the name Zenquaria: Virtual Aquarium. The most notable...

  • Podcast NLFM Episode 7: User-Generated Content

    Listener contributions, confusing homophones and Team Fortress 2 secrets revealed!

    Oh hi, didn't see you come in there. Stay a while, and listen! Turns out we've got some fine musicians in the audience as we take a look to some listener-created tunes. We've also got a few select choices from The Megas, The World Ends With You, and the song that...

  • News Shu Takumi Talks Ghost Trick, Ace Attorney

    Would love to see a 3DS Phantom Detective

    Recently, PlanetDS.de published an interview with Shu Takumi, a creative director at Capcom who's working on Ghost Trick and whose past projects include the first four Phoenix Wright titles. In it, he discusses his excitement with Phantom Detective: I swear none of you have ever seen anything like it...

  • Review LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 (DS)

    Harry Potter gets the LEGO treatment

    Some of the most successful movie series of all time have already received the LEGO treatment, so it's no real surprise to see the immensely popular Harry Potter series given a blocky makeover. While LEGO Harry Potter doesn't stray too far from the trademark gameplay mechanics the series has featured in previous...

  • News Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light World Map Trailer

    Storybook scenery comes to life!

    The nice folks over at Square-Enix were kind enough to send over the newest gameplay video of their upcoming DS role-playing game Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light in action. In this new World Map Trailer, you'll be given a glimpse of how your characters will move around the world map as well as a peek at some of...

  • News Metroid: Other M & Dragon Quest IX to Take Centre Stage at Nintendo Unleashed

    Sample a present masterpiece and some future fun

    The Nintendo Unleashed tour will be starting this weekend as The Big N gives fans the opportunity to play the latest and biggest titles before they hit the shops. The tour takes its first steps at the London Film and Comic Con on the 17th and 18th of July, where attendees will be able to get their...

  • News Professor Layton and the Unwound Future Jumps a Week Closer to the Present

    North America hits 88 and skips a week

    With the recent announcement of a Professor Layton game on the 3DS, let's not forget the platform on which the popular series made its debut. In a truly time-puzzling manner, Nintendo has confirmed that Professor Layton and the Unwound Future will be launching a week earlier than previously announced, now on...

  • Review Runaway: A Twist of Fate (DS)

    Potent point-and-click

    The DS, initially thought of as the ideal format for point-and-click adventures and hidden object games, has seen a veritable deluge of such titles. It seems like for every few flops there's a classic awaiting discovery. Runaway: A Twist of Fate doesn't quite fit into the latter category, but it's more than decent enough for...

  • News Nintendo's European Release Schedule Offers Few Surprises

    Unless you love Scooby-Doo

    The news of Last Window: The Secret of Cape West heading to Europe is just one nugget from the latest Nintendo Europe press release outlining its schedule from now until the end of September. While this means that there's no sight of its big 2010 titles like Kirby's Epic Yarn, Donkey Kong Country Returns and