
Topic: Ideas for the Switch Software

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I would like and I’m pretty sure most gamers and owners of the switch would agree.

That I would like a deeper experience when it comes to viewing your profile, game activity etc.
Maybe something similar to Steam/Xbox/Playstation where you have a profile with x amount of most recent played games like say the 3-5 games and the total hours you/or the account your viewing.

And then a tab for all games played along with more in depth information and more options maybe add where we can message our friends that would be a nice addition.

Along with a tab system showing/or adding more options to your profile you can view and friends can view like a list off every game you’ve ever played with your account the total hours you’ve played the games in your games list, and maybe screenshots that you’ve/I taken in that particular game.

This one might not be liked but hey I think you will once you hear me out

Add NintendoooChevoos or something similar maybe there called like Excellence Points who knows.
You could even game themed ones like Zelda themed ones for Zelda games and when you progress through the game story etc you can unlock these Zelda Excellence Points, I mean Rupee stickers that show up on your profile next to or under the game tab of Zelda when viewed when looking at your profile and only seeing just hours there would be more to see and read etc.
Sorry I mean Excellence Points you’ve unlocked cough cough achievements. Like anyone can have 100 hours in Zelda but 100 hours with x amount of points earned sticker rupees who knows 😃

Just something to add a deeper and richer experience to your time spent with Nintendo and show off the games you enjoy and give us the ability to review games to help it become an even better community.

Also I feel this is a must for me because I love it on my 2ds and I love it on steam adding custom themes we can buy from the E-shop like you/we can on the 3ds, 2ds systems.

Also you can link a/your 3DS account but think of this link it as you would normally do but now that you have your profile will now show you all games you’ve played on there and hours etc would be a great addition to your profile and the fans/people would love this!

As I feel most peoples accounts are just all very samey and there no individuality and I know my children would love a pokemon theme, Sonic theme and my partner omg would love a animal crossing one.



Don't worry I am sure the staff of the website will get working on that right away!!!

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311

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