
Topic: NintendoLife Artists Thread

Posts 101 to 120 of 2,590


My body is a piece of art.


It's like, I just love a cowboy
You know
I'm just like, I just, I know, it's bad
But I'm just like
Can I just like, hang off the back of your horse
And can you go a little faster?!


@Late, I added your FC!

Do you have a DeviantART?


3DS Friend Code: 0001-3326-9455 | Nintendo Network ID: Demmi-Alpha



3DS Friend Code: 0001-3326-9455 | Nintendo Network ID: Demmi-Alpha


@demmi-defender: Added you back
My DeviantART:
I don't update it too often. Should add few drawings there, including Shiki. Most of the drawings there are 2-3 years old.

It's its, not it's.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8287-7444-2602 | Nintendo Network ID: LateXD


Nice drawings guys! And the photos are amazing! My deviantART... Nothing special, only got a few pics and they're fairly old. Keep an eye on it though, I'm working on getting newer pics up!

Myland's Dream Address: 6500-2329-0504 | darkSpyro | Ghostroaster | Reddit

3DS Friend Code: 2191-7661-4611 | Nintendo Network ID: Nibelilt

i dunno if you guys would call mii making an art, but these took me a while to make. the older ones are from my wii, the newer ones are obviously 3DS mii`s.
if you don`t recognise some of the people mii`s, you may need to click on the image to get a description of who they are.
there are a whole load of other people who post mii`s on the site.
if you do sign up to post mii`s on the site, try to post up original mii`s as some guys on there can be complete d-bags about copies. just remember to use the search function first.

Edited on by Dizzy_Boy




@zezhyrule: Had some hard time drawing Samus as I started with Samus from Other M but somehow changed her suit and face to Prime look and now I'm not quite sure if I left something from Other M there. I'm also not so good at drawing human faces and know next to nothing about anatomy so it's good enough for me

EDIT: I forgot to say thanks... Stupid me... Thank you for your comment!

Edited on by Late

It's its, not it's.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8287-7444-2602 | Nintendo Network ID: LateXD


Late wrote:

Time to revive this thread. Here's something I drew for a competition. Trying to win Kid Icarus: Uprising and a new 3DS.

Is it weird to say your drawing made me smile? That was a very good job you did there. I'd like to see it in color

Edit : Right above me, you did a fantastic job on that Samus drawing!

Edited on by e-love

✰ not around as much as I used to be ✰

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