
Topic: Summer Games Fest / E3 Season 2024

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Thought with June coming up and what I like to call E3 season (rest in peace E3 you will be missed) I thought I would make a place to discuss the announcements, presentations, and everything else in one place. Here is to my knowledge all of the official announcements I've found so far (All times in ET)

MARVELOUS! Game Showcase - 6:00 PM
State Of Play - 6:00 PM

OTK Games Expo - 3:00 PM

Access-Ability Summer Showcase - 11:00 AM
Guerrilla Collective - 1:00 PM

IGN Live - 7th - 9th
Access-Ability Summer Showcase - 11:00 AM
Summer Game Fest - 5:00 PM
Day Of The Devs: SGF Edition - Immediately After SGF
Devolver Direct - 8:00 PM

Future Of Play - 11:00 AM
Wholesome Direct - 12:00 PM
Latin American Games Showcase - 1:00 PM
Women-Led Games Showcase - 2:30 PM
Future Games Show Summer Showcase - 3:00 PM

XBOX Games Showcase + A Special Showcase - 1:00 PM
PC Gaming Show - 4:00 PM

Ubisoft Forward - 3:00 PM

LEVEL5 Vision 2024
Nintendo Direct
Upload VR Showcase

If there are any updates or announcements I have missed @ me in this thread and I'll add them. What are you most excited for and expecting to see this year!?

Edited on by Blooper987


Switch Friend Code: SW-0772-1845-0995


Wholesome Direct is my choice for upcoming cute / cozy games like Harvest Moon style / Animal Crossing style on Switch and other consoles.



Ill definitely watch the direct because I love a good remake, and ill take a peek at the level 5 showcase to check if a certain franchise is getting localized in the west or not, and the Xbox showcase just to see whatever activision things they’re gonna throw onto gamepass

Wait, why do we need a signature? Eh, I don’t know. Here’s your signature.


Monster Hunter Wilds is at the forefront of my mind as we know nothing about it as yet.

Everything else to-be announced this summer is backlog fodder.

Just...waiting for Fantasy Life i to arrive in October, honestly.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,256 games (as of May 29th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


It's called a Special Showcase for Xbox because it will be the first showcase featuring studio closures, as they happen, live. Get excited!

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

Megaman Legends 2 Let's Play!:


Given that I use an Xbox exclusively since my family’s Switch transferred households, I’ll definitely be watching the Xbox showcase for fun. It’s so exciting to think what games will be shown there, and I just love how June is regarding gaming; it’s a month of fun and free time for games!

I don’t know if anything there will excite or interest me, but I am hoping the show is good or passable, especially since they closed Tango and three other game studios under their helm recently…I really don’t know why they did that though, it makes no sense honestly.

Regarding what I expect, I don’t really know actually. There have been reports and rumors of some games they have in-development and are yet to announce. A couple of those rumored projects seem appealing to me, but I still am going to take those with a grain of salt. A fairly reputable guy has this ongoing rumor of a new Banjo-Kazooie game being in-development and I would absolutely love for that to happen. However, given it is a rumor, I’m just going to wait and see if this rumor is true. If the project is actually real, I would not expect them to reveal it at the showcase, given a recent update the guy gave said the rumored entry was only in development for around 2-3 years, was only green-lit recently, and that it was already being reworked from its initial vision.

Edited on by Pastellioli

Viva happy!

I’m an elephant!

Currently playing: Rare Replay and Conker: Live and Reloaded

Current hyperfixation: Conker’s Bad Fur Day


Updated this with all the new presentations announced. Tomorrow the excitement begins!!!


Switch Friend Code: SW-0772-1845-0995

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