
Topic: Nintendo labo kit 4: VR

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@Moroboshi876 So far ive tried the photo and bird ones - they are both managable without cardboard (photo - u just have to turn right joycon to focus which is easy ; bird - just by moving the joycon u "fly" ,the steering is up to Switch itself) All the games are on the cartridge.

my Switch fc: SW-6145-9649-2985
my 3ds friend code:1564-4008-8780
SuperMarioRun: 7635-1072-9440
AC PocketCamp: 6892-7280-610


@premko1 Thanks! I didn't know. I don't need that extra cardboard!

Switch code: SW-2291-6286-4620

Nintendo 3DS code: 2879-0476-7598

My Nintendo: Toni | Twitter:


@Moroboshi876 I've heard the blaster takes up to 3 hours to build and I believe that's the one that takes the longest. Building the goggles shouldn't take long so you can at least see how well the VR works in general before moving onto the blaster. I don't have the VR kit but I was able to build the Toy-Con in Variety Kit faster than what the estimated time was according to the software.

I personally like the building process but I guess it's not for everyone. I really enjoy seeing how it all comes together to form a functioning controller. It's quite magical.

It's its, not it's.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8287-7444-2602 | Nintendo Network ID: LateXD


@Late Well, I don't mean I can't enjoy it, but it's not the part that appeals me the most, not by a long shot. So I guess I can assemble the goggles and leave the blaster for another day. Having a 1 year old at home I guess I'll have to change my "stay up late on Friday for Xbox One / Raspberry playtime" for "stay up late for building a blaster", right? It's the only way I have to enjoy a 3-hour run of anything by myself.

Thanks, because it helps to know it's not a thing to do in the half hour I have -if I'm lucky- between the moment I put my daughter to sleep and my wife and I have dinner.

Switch code: SW-2291-6286-4620

Nintendo 3DS code: 2879-0476-7598

My Nintendo: Toni | Twitter:


@Moroboshi876 The goggles take about half an hour. I haven't built the blaster yet but Nintendo estimate 2-3 hours. For a competent adult I would expect about 2 hours maximum unless you deliberately do it at a leisurely pace. The builds are separated into sections so you don't need to do it all at once, if folding cardboard for 2 hours sounds dull.

Friend Code: SW-1014-2011-3950 (Switch name: Dii)
Mario Maker 2 Maker ID: LMR-JBK-RWG


@chardir Thanks. One more quick question, though: about folding cardboard... is it any way to do it wrong? I'm not much of a handyman and I wouldn't want to fold it by the wrong place and having that mark forever.

Switch code: SW-2291-6286-4620

Nintendo 3DS code: 2879-0476-7598

My Nintendo: Toni | Twitter:


@Moroboshi876 Nah, you can't get it wrong. There are animated instructions that you can forward / rewind / zoom / rotate as much as you need. The cardboard itself is printed, cut and all the folds are scored and clearly visible, and there are extra markings to show where parts connect to other parts.

I will say though, keep it away from your 1-year-old.

Friend Code: SW-1014-2011-3950 (Switch name: Dii)
Mario Maker 2 Maker ID: LMR-JBK-RWG


@chardir Yeah, I know. That's one of the reasons why I'll have to wait until next Thursday night (next Friday is a holiday here) to get on with it.

Switch code: SW-2291-6286-4620

Nintendo 3DS code: 2879-0476-7598

My Nintendo: Toni | Twitter:


Just got it and put the googles together. I'm very impressed with it. The videos look very similar to Oculus from what I remember. It seems neither the resolution or frame rate are an issue.

Excited to see how BOTW works out.

Hopefully someone makes a strap.

Sakurai: Which is why I think we should forget about console wars and focus on what’s really important: enjoying the games themselves.

"If we did this (mobile games), Nintendo would cease to be Nintendo." - Iwata


@Trajan, apparently the velcro strap intended for Google Cardboard works just as well with LABO VR. @JaxonH posted a photo around here somewhere, maybe in the general Switch thread, with his set up with it.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


Heyo, i'm planning on doing an semi-in depth review of this kit, because it totally blew me away and has pretty much sucked every hour of my time since i got it besides those dreaded hours i have to let the system charge, but i found two fun easter eggs, particularly in the Discover section that i want to be the first to document, lol. xd

Apologies if this is a bad place to post this, i'm new here. Also, similar things may happen in other Labo kits, idk, i only own the VR one.

In any Discover topic, on the right of the screen the normal blue background ends. Normally it looks like some artwork concept or something, but if you grab and drag it all the way to the left it's actually and X-Ray visor. Notable stuff includes you can see the dudes' skeletons in the "Meet the Team" file, and you can see the circuit boards of the Joy-Con in the Joy-Con topic.

Also in the Joy-Con section, if you unlock and enter the "Turning the Joy-Con" file, they give you a Check-it-Out mode where you can twist and turn the joycon and see feedback of you doing it in-game. You can also press buttons and the buttons you press highlight. If you press B + Y + X on the right joycon, and Up + Left + Down on the left, they turn into lightsabers. There's no mini-game or anything, just a silly joke, although they zap if you knock them together.

I have a feeling stuff like these is present in other Check-it-Out modes too, so you can go looking if you like.



Built the goggles today. Impressive.
Kids love it too

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.


@linkfanpc Cool Easter eggs! I’ll have to try them out in a bit when I’m done with my elephant


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr



Nice, i went to Walmart to buy the expansion sets (I only got starter pack) and they still have no in stock, i really want my elephant. ;c



@linkfanpc It’s so fun, the marble puzzle game with it.
I think I’ll have to get that strap @JaxonH mentioned instead of my setup. Mine raises an issue trying to use the toycons, and it threads through the cardboard plates behind the Switch so it’s a pain to remove and reapply.
I definitely see myself using this more than the other kits. I like the others, but you can definitely tell they went the full mile this time to add some lasting appeal.


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but how do you create your character in first person? I seem to only be able to create a character in the third person. Scouring the FPS game hasn't shown me what nodes are needed.

Sakurai: Which is why I think we should forget about console wars and focus on what’s really important: enjoying the games themselves.

"If we did this (mobile games), Nintendo would cease to be Nintendo." - Iwata


I have seen BotW in VR, and it actually looks pretty good!

I just played the Gamexplain video with the side by side screenshots with my phone in my Google Cardboard and the depth effect came through beautifully. My phone does have a 720p screen as well, so it may be a good indication of what it'll look like. Of course we'll have to see how things look in motion to fully judge, though.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


@RR529 lucky! I’m guessing there’s no YouTube videos that could play with the goggles, are there?


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


@AlohaPizzaJack, I'd assume LABO VR works just like Cardboard, so just find a video that defaults to a side by side format (like that Gamexplain video) and just try it.

I think the issue is that some 360°/VR videos don't default to a side by side view (so you can watch them flat on a regular screen), and while you can switch to the side by side format on a phone by clicking a little VR icon on the lower right side of the screen, Google had no reason to assume Switch would get a VR kit and probably didn't add that feature to Switch's YouTube app (they could easily add it in an update though).

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)

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