
Topic: Pikmin 4

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@Octane that's fair, different strokes for different folks and all. If anything I think they work wonderfully for multiplayer Co op as well, where you don't need to worry about daytime but you still have a time limit if you wanna get the pink flower / platinum medal



@Operative2-0 Yeah, they're definitely something I want to see return as an optional challenge at least.



Thank you so much Miyamoto, this makes me even more hyped for Hey Pikmin, knowing it's not being treated as a last chance game.



I told y'all. It's still coming.

But we're at a point that we're getting vague annual updates from Miyamoto, I hope this trend doesn't continue for much longer.



I'm under the assumption that a lot of the team (beyond maybe some core people) went elsewhere in order to get the 6 billion games Nintendo seems to be releasing this year actually to be released this year. (if it actually comes out this year, I'm expecting the amount of people in the Xenoblade 2 credits to be Ubisoft levels of absurd)

Edited on by kkslider5552000

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@SLIGEACH_EIRE They must have hit an important snag, is my guess. Nintendo seems to keep their quality bar, so if they found some serious problem with the game (be it a glitch, gameplay feedback, or otherwise), they'll probably be working on it until they reach a solution.
Maybe they're working on that LEVEL EDITOR!?!?!
I can dream.

Edit: kkslider5552000 also has a good point.

Edited on by MasterWario

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I'm of the mind that the game is essentially done, but they're holding it back for when Switch games actually slow down next year. Assuming that happens of course.



@Operative2-0 Sounds about right. Get Zelda and Mario out in its first year along with a couple of multiplayer games. The rest is saved for next year. I mean, I don't like that idea, but I can understand the business decision behind it.



All I want from Pikmin 4.


  • Town building
    An upgradable "flying" home base (as you might still need to travel to different locations with it). Using the money from the treasures not just to hit a certain number but also transfering the money into power-ups, skills, and other bonuses.
  • Adventuring and exploration
    Hundreds of hours of secrets and collectibles to find. Not a short 15 hour game like Pikmin 1, and not a 20 hour campaign and too many DLC missions like in Pikmin 3. An 50 hour story like in Pikmin 2 it should be.


  • Time-limited stuff
    Running out of oxygen in Pikmin 1 or food in Pikmin 3 was good for bringing up some tension for the good players, but it made the game too hard for beginners or slow players. Pikmin 2 did it right, leaving the end open for everyone to complete the game 100%.
  • Moving multiple characters at the same time
    Two characters in Pikmin 2 were breaking up the flow somewhat. But it added something new to the series and it added a new dimension of puzzles. Pikmin 3 overshoot the complexity with 3 player puzzles, there were too much of them, especially in some of the score attack stages.

Switch fc: 6705-1518-0990


@SKTTR I want the opposite, make the game harder, stricter time limits. I felt that even the first and the third game were very generous. You can easily 100% those games. Remove that stuff and it's just another "adventure" game.



Octane wrote:

@SKTTR I want the opposite, make the game harder, stricter time limits. I felt that even the first and the third game were very generous. You can easily 100% those games. Remove that stuff and it's just another "adventure" game.

This is exactly what I want. I don't want the game to be too relaxed. I want the night to hold terrors. I want the sunset have a meaning.

But I also want the treasures to have meaning. I would love for them to make it that we can use them in some way funny or meaningful. Like build a playground for our Pikmins



@Octane A difficulty select would solve that problem:
Easy - No time limits, easier than Pikmin 1/3
Normal - About Pikmin 1/3 difficulty and time limits
Hard - About Pikmin 2 difficulty and time limits
Very Hard - Harder than Pikmin 2 and stricter time limts


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


I just want it... now!



@Grumblevolcano Pikmin 2 was easier than 1 and 3. It completely did away with the limited days, and even the dungeons allowed you to play longer than the day lasted.



@Octane Oh, in that case switch 2 with 1/3 and vice versa.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


@Grumblevolcano Regardless, that feels like including an auto-complete function for puzzles in Zelda. I'm OK with difficulty settings, but I don't believe they should completely alter the gameplay. Remove the time limit, and you've got a different game. The time limit is intregral to the gameplay.



I thought it was almost done... that was like 2 years ago!



@Samus7Killer Well think about Breath of the Wild, a lot of that game's delays were related to bringing it to Switch. Pikmin 4 was likely a Wii U game originally but then the Star Fox Zero delays and the fact Switch was coming March 2017 meant it got purposed into a Switch exclusive and as a result it releasing say sometime in 2018 for example.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


hopefully it's ready for next year... Hey Pikmin looks way too easy and kiddie. but maybe that game will be good to hold us over.
I liked StarFox Zero a lot actually.


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