
Topic: Warframe

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The free-to-play (the good kind of free-to-play) co-op, space-ninja, loot-hunting, shooter is coming to the Switch! No release date yet.

Edited on by Captain_Toad

Was Mariobro4. No, I'm not taking off my's important.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1530-1570-5053 | 3DS Friend Code: 3566-2311-3009 | Nintendo Network ID: Mariobro4


The only thing that will probably keep me away from playing it on Switch is that I have literally more than a thousand hours and lots of content in my PS4 account, which I doubt will be able to be transferred. This really is "free to play" done right, and the hundreds of warframes weapons and cosmetics that I have without spending a dime are proof of that. I actually did buy something with real money just to support the game. The game is simply too much fun, and I hope that Switch users give it the appreciation it deserves.

By the way guys, I'll leave two videos, one for plain entertainment, and the other for anyone interested in learning about the basics of the game:

"100 Days of Warframe" (almost everyone's starting experience)

"Beguiner's guide 2018"

Edited on by roy130390

Switch Friend Code: SW-3916-4876-1970


Don't be fooled by the F2P label. This is a game on par with Destiny in terms of quality. Some would argue it's even better with all it's content and features. We're talking about a AAA co-op shooter and one of the more popular games on Twitch. Ofc it's grind heavy but then again every game of this type is.I understand it might not be for everyone but it's definitely a great addition to the library and one big enough to push subs for the forthcoming online service.

Edited on by Syndrome



TL:CW: No lootboxes RNG. A weapon or armor or thing you see on the real-world purchase window is yours. And it can still be gathered in gameplay.

There's not much on tutorials.

[Captain notes: Beginners guide by roy is recommended.]

Free updates and expansions. FREE EXPANSIONS!

There will be grinding..Lots of grinding but the gameplay makes it all worth it.

The warframe devs are negative Activision-Bungie. I.E. They don't nickel and dime their community and treat the players like human beings. A rare sight I know.

Edited on by Captain_Toad

Was Mariobro4. No, I'm not taking off my's important.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1530-1570-5053 | 3DS Friend Code: 3566-2311-3009 | Nintendo Network ID: Mariobro4


I know nothing about Warframe. Do you play against other players, or is a co-op where you play with other players against the CPU?

Playing against other people will probably turn me off, since I can't last more than a few seconds against real world people. That's why I hate games like Fortnite, I always get killed without even knowing what's going on.

Nickname/user name: マノロ

Switch Friend Code: SW-0173-2422-2348 | Nintendo Network ID: maruse


@maruse Keep in mind that it's been years since i last played Warframe on my PC and many things have changed since then(the devs do an awesome job at updating/adding content to the game). So having said that, i can tell you that Warframe is a heavily PVE-focused game. You can play most of the game's content solo or co-op with a friend(s). There's even a horde mode which i remember being a lot of fun back in the day.

There are a few PVP modes where you fight against other players but they're not mandatory and it's just an extra "thing" to do if you wish so. Here's a layout of what PVP contains:
So there's much of co-op and little to no griefing in this game, if that's what you're asking. Prepare for a lot of grinding tho.

Hope that helps.

Edited on by Syndrome



@Syndrome Thanks! I'll try it if it gets published in Japan too.

Nickname/user name: マノロ

Switch Friend Code: SW-0173-2422-2348 | Nintendo Network ID: maruse


Surprised Nintendolife haven't reported on this yet as it's a pretty major announcement. I had never heard of it before today but from what I've read, it's a really great game and if it gets its hooks into you can be seriously addictive.

Can't wait to find out more.

🇬🇧 Mr Mustard 🇹🇭

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Fantastic addition to the Switch library. One of my favorite games of this generation of consoles. But four years, 3k+ hours, and $850 later...I have no desire to go back to Warframe. Personally, I'm tired of these "games as a service" type games.

Once the servers are turned off, all that time and effort will disappear.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,256 games (as of May 29th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


Never heard of it, looking at that beginner's guide thing now. Normally free-to-play games bore me after a little bit. (even Fortnite) So, we'll see.

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A little disappointed that Panic Button were not working on a few other titles I'd have liked to see first but still a great addition and will surely help push the online subscription.



Looking forward to this. Played it alot on ps4 x years ago. 😊😊

Play mostly everything. 😊


New trailer and release date!

Was Mariobro4. No, I'm not taking off my's important.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1530-1570-5053 | 3DS Friend Code: 3566-2311-3009 | Nintendo Network ID: Mariobro4


Good game. Played a bunch of this on PS4 a few years back. Looking forward to seeing it on the Switch.

Friend Code: SW-4697-0836-1490

Currently playing: Warframe, Diablo 3, Splatoon 2, Paladins, Zelda: BotW, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Bastion.

“...and we will send you to whatever god you wish.”


Eh, I've tried it a few times. And the game wasn't bad, but I kept losing interest in it after the tutorial area and first mission.


Switch Friend Code: SW-6813-5901-0801 | Twitter:



Yeah, it’s one of those games where the fun ramps up once you develop your frame a bit. The start is pretty barebones.

I at least have the luxury of knowing precisely which frame I want to focus on. That was a bit overwhelming as a new player.

Friend Code: SW-4697-0836-1490

Currently playing: Warframe, Diablo 3, Splatoon 2, Paladins, Zelda: BotW, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Bastion.

“...and we will send you to whatever god you wish.”


Not long now: 6 days until the game releases on the Switch. This looks good after how hard the devs polished this game.

Making promise is easy. The hard part is keeping it.

Switch Friend Code: SW-3533-1743-6611 | 3DS Friend Code: 5069-3944-7877 | My Nintendo: azooooz | Nintendo Network ID: desert_king_Q8


@Fake-E-Lee Hi mate, ok, I'll try to answer the best that I can:

1- About grinding: Warframe is a game that constantly asks for resources to build new things, however, progression through story allows said needed things to be obtained through the quests and missions. If you see something you like, you can focus on getting it, but I recommend you to check how accesible the weapon/ warframe/ mod is before doing anything. I've been playing the game for years, and thankfully, it's fast paced gameplay full of actionis so engaging that even at this day, when I need to farm/grind I simply make my experience better by constantly trying new weapons and warframes (some weapons are really easy to do, and some warframe cab be obtained through joining clans). You won't be walking round, you'll be doing bullet jumps, wall running, shooting and slicing tons of enemies, testing new weapons and abilities and trying to complete whatever objective you have while gathering stuff through having fun with the game.

2- I really think is the most fun I have been having with a game and most of the time, I don't even notice the grind (rng can be a female dog sometimes though). At first, you'll be a little disoriented and overwhelmed, but I can recommend you this video: so that you know the basics before starting the game. I would have loved a video that expained me more when I started haha.

3- You don't have to spend one dollar, or at least I never had the necessity. I did spend 5 dollars last year to support the game though. I think that people that say that they need to farm/grind for a long time are trying to get really hard items or are doing something I can't even imagine. Honestly, even as a beguinner, I had my second warframe the firt week I started, just by playing an hour or two. There are some cosmetic skins that do require you to buy the game's currency with real money named tennogen, but once you buy said currency and at least keep 1 platinum, all the platinum you get from selling stuff to other players still works to buy tennogen. At least that works on PS4, as far as I know PC does require real money for said skins, but even then, there are so many cosmetic items thataren't tennogen, and warframes and weapons are all available to get through gameplay by investing some hours.

4- I really think that this game is worth your time. Even when I get awesome games like Evil Within 2 and God of War, I never abandon Warframe. It simply is the most fun I had with a game since Dark Souls multiplayer on PS3, and after more than 1000 hours it's still as fun as it was at the start. I really don't think that you need to spend money to enjoy the game since you can get platinum through selling stuff and that the "slow" start helps to let you learn and enjoy your first warframe. Money is easily worth spending if you already know what warframe or weapon do you like though ( I only recommend this with the ones considered hard to get, and no weapons falls in this category for me, just warframes), specially if you wait to get a 50% or 75% discount coupon, which you can use in most products except bundles. You can do magic with 10 dollars if you know what you want. Buying and selling to other players requires a little observation of the trading chat and price checking on web sites so that you don't get scammed.

I hope that I anwered your questions, sorry for my english.

Edited on by roy130390

Switch Friend Code: SW-3916-4876-1970

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