
Topic: What N.F.L Team You Rolling With This Year And How They Going To Do.

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Yeah, like I wrote above, I didn't think we would beat the Eagles anyway. But as soon as Purdy went out I knew it was over. Shanahan has worked miracles with backup QBs before (just look at this year), but there is a reason Josh Johnson has been on 13 teams in 10 years. He is horrible and we didn't stand a chance. The defense put up a fight for as long as possible, but there was nothing they could do in the end. It was a good season, though, and I'm very interested to see where they decide to go at QB next year when Lance is healthy again.


3DS Friend Code: 5069-3937-8083


I don't follow American Rugby or whatever you call it but Rihanna winning the Superbowl is amazing!

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


The call was bad and it kinda spoiled a great Super Bowl for me, but as someone with no real emotional investment in either team, I thought the result was kind of the expected one in the end.

KC started bad, really digging a hole for themselves somewhat unnecessarily, but the Eagles had double the plays/possession at one point, yet I don't think KC were ever more than two scores behind. That DPI call that effectively killed the Eagle's game because they let it by never pulling meaningfully ahead. I feel like The Eagles were kind of a paper tiger through the whole season and Mahomes was really one of their only true tests this season, and it kinda exposed them in the end. There were deffo some plays that may have gone differently with different turf as players were slipping all over the place which blew coverages, but I dunno, like I say I feel like the right team won in the end even if the rode to that victory is paved in question marks.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


Well, it's that time of the year again. Alot of big moves were made during the off-season so it's going to be interesting to see how the teams perform this year. The Lions have already beat the defending Champs so it looks like a crazy year.

I am hoping that my Bears will at least be positive this year especially after last year. I am hoping for 9-6 but we shall see. I think we can get that as long as everyone stays healthy.

Anyone else have predictions for their team?

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


No real predictions other than this might be the Niners last chance. If Purdy can stay healthy and prove to be the real deal (looking good so far at halftime), we can definitely win the Super Bowl. But a team's window doesn't usually stay open that long unless you have an all-time great at QB like Brady or Mahomes, so I think it might be this year or back to the drawing board.


3DS Friend Code: 5069-3937-8083


Well, turnovers seem to be the theme for my team today. I think we would have done better if it was for that. I think we were too confident in facing a Roger's less Packers team.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


My Cardinals executed the tank for Caleb to perfection on Sunday. Made the game competitive enough to where you can’t say for certain they are tanking but pulled it out in the end.

Also really pulling for Zach Wilson to do good. The Jets had Super Bowl aspirations this year and now he has to fill the shoes of Aaron Rodgers. He will get torn apart for every loss even though the expectations are nearly impossible for him to live up to. He looked decent in the second half tonight and the jets could be really good if he can just manage the game and not lose it for them. Really hope he can turn around his career.

It would be funny if Wilson plays good enough to where the jets no longer need Rodgers, then the Vikings trade for him after Kirk Cousins leaves. Fulfilling the life cycle of a Packers QB.

Currently playing: Pokemon Soul Silver, Mario RPG
Enos 1:15


Damn bad break for Aaron Rodgers. Out for the season. Hopefully the second stringer can step up and deliver the season Jets fans were hoping.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


Impressive win for the Bears today. Their second string Division II non drafted QB looked better today then Justin Fields has all year.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


i'm not really a sports guy anymore but raiders

Always found nfl a bit odd it's a slower rugby league(st helens rlfc saints) which it's self is a faster rugby union(waterloo rufc)

Gotta say nfl is way ahead in terms of saftey though rugby(esspeicaly league) players are always battered and bloody



As a Chargers fan, this season has been pure misery.

But even as a general fan of the sport, it really hasn't been that fun of a season for me.

Usually towards Halloween it feels like teams start clicking into place and we see the "real season" start, with those first six or so weeks often feeling like an extended pre season. However, this year, it still feels like we are still in that early October period, even as we go into some of the most important weeks of the season.

No division has a real juggernaut on it, almost every team has some kind of major flaw to it. Lots of teams have records they absolutely do not deserve. Or have got six or seven wins against teams with losing records, but then struggle against teams that are actually good.

It feels like every time we get this incredible match up on paper, the result is either a slogfest, or a game that is ultimately so forgettable, it ends up getting upstaged by something else in the game, like an injury or some bad call or whatever.

In previous years my way to watch was to Redzone on Sunday, and then spend the week rewatching full games that were the best that weekend. But it feels like there is no need to this season, the on the field product just isn't good enough, redzone will do.

The Stroud fairy tail has been fun, but that is about it. Oh and I guess the Lions run has been fun, but again, they haven't got many wins against actually good teams, and have some ugly losses already, I am just scared the wheels are gonna come off this thing before we even reach the playoffs.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


Well the schedules for this year are out and for my team, Bears it can be a good or bad one. We got the third easiest schedule but with our rookie QB who knows. If the hype behind him is real then we could be looking at the playoffs but if the hype isn't it then it will probably be another bust for us.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


Maybe its just scars from last season, but I don't know what to think about my team. They have apparently one of the easiest schedules in the league (although when you factor their rest cadence versus other teams it gets muddier) but I'm looking at the schedule and struggling to find even six wins I feel really confident about. There are also so many unknowns around how Harbaugh and Roman will use Herbert and the offence around him, too. I can kinda see this season being a complete disaster.

Life to the living, death to the dead.

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