
Topic: EB Games is no longer EB Games.

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Just an FYI for anyone in Canada, EB Games is rebranding completely to GameStop. What do all of you think about this? They were already owned by GameStop, but I think it’s just a bit sudden. I’m gonna miss that 🍁 on the logo…
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Edited on by octokid

amazing new mexico sunset. im hanging on a bridge with my friend-[GUNSHOTS] /ref
have a good day! stay hydrated! et cetera!
(any pronouns, she/they preferred, thank you!)

Switch Friend Code: SW-5873-1162-6324 | 3DS Friend Code: 3025-2448-4778 | My Nintendo: MonkeyMoo | Nintendo Network ID: MissMonkeyMoo


I remember when they rebranded EB Games to Gamestop here nearly 20 years ago. It just cemented for me that EB Games was gone for good although they felt more like a Gamestop then an EB Games for awhile to me before the name change.

The best memory I have of EB Games was standing in line waiting to get my Gold copy of LoZ: OoT that I pre-ordered.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


EB GAMES hasn't existed in years I don't recall of any that are still around. It appears gamestop is the current place of video games.

Nintendo Switch OLED Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Edition Gamer


@Atomic77 EB hasn't been around in the US for 20 years, they were in Canada until recently. Might want to read the first post there bud.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


I was really confused when I read the title of the forum as I had just picked up Metroid Dread from EB games. Forgot that EB Games was a thing in Canada (Australia here).

Edited on by Eric258

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While we still have EB Games in Australia (and New Zealand too), I believe I had noticed on my more recent receipts (it's been a little while since I had last shopped there) that it said something to the effect of "GameStop trading as Electronics Boutique".

It may just be a matter of time before the rebranding is reflected here as well, though I would hope not, as I find the GameStop branding to be far blander than that of EB Games here.

Porygon did nothing wrong.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1910-7582-3323


That’s sad to see… I still miss Software Etc. and Funcoland where I lived.



In five years when the new consoles are digital only game stores will no longer exist. Just like blockbuster the good memories will live on in our heads.



We don't have any physical game stores left in Norway. The last GameStops went away in 2019/2020 or something.

Edited on by TommyTendo


I don't shop at GameStop anymore and haven't since the pandemic hit. I shop at local retro stores (who sell new games too) and Best Buy or Target is no one else has them.


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You hit the nail on the head. Yeah it was around 20 years ago for eb games. I remember getting my green & purple pokemon carrying case for my teal gameboy boy color there which got a crap load of use through out the years to come holding my: teal gameboy color, pink see through GBA, red GBA SP~ 😁 They were so freaking helpful though asking what I was looking for & showed me the carrying case. Ended up getting the carrying case because I loved how it had a back compartment to hold up to 6 gameboy, gameboy color, & GameBoy Advance games & also got several game boy games at the time defently a good memory for me~ 👍 Never forgot how kind & helpful they were~ 🥰

Happy Gaming! (^_^)

The Beatitudes: Matthew 5:1-12

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