
Topic: 2 accounts 1 switch

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So, My gf and I have been using the same switch for a while for TOTK I was the only one at the time with an account and she just had a profile on the switch. We recently got the new OLED TOTK switch and I had watched videos on how to transfer save data from switch to switch. I am more of a handheld player and she likes to play on the TV. In doing the transfer it would only ever transfer one of our saves, OLED would have my save while her profile started a new game, old switch would have her save and mine would start new. I ended up making her a nintendo account and still the same problem but in addition when trying to play TOTK on her profile on the OLED it tells us she doesn't own the game to play. Is there a way without using her account to transfer the user profile save to the OLED switch and also keep my save data on the OLED? Ideally we would use cloud save data so we could use either switch at anytime so we could both play but is this possible? I am at a bit of a loss at the moment. any instruction or video would be of great help.



@DocSpazz I know this isn't a full answer, but I'll start with this. You can only transfer one switch user profile at a time. The switch will only allow a switch user transfer if the switch user profile is linked to a nintendo account.

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


@DocSpazz "Use either switch at any time"? Oof. When one account is linked to two switchs, there will be restrictions that can prevent you from using both consoles at the same time. No matter how many times I see someone describe it in a simple way, it never sticks in my head. So, if someone else can describe limitations of having multiple consoles, chime in.

Wulff Den made a youtube video "having multiple switches is dumb", but I don't know if it fully addresses your scenario.

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker

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