
Topic: Nintendo labo kit 4: VR

Posts 41 to 60 of 146


Yorumi wrote:

darkfenrir wrote:

But yeah, I wish VR is more like... what anime/manga is showing it will be than what it is currently

Admittedly that would be cool though I don't think even that will make it more than a niche product. I think the isolation is such a big factor that they're not ever really going to overcome that. If it ever ceases to be a problem I think it would be due to a generational shift where a younger generation that grew up with it finally replaces an older one. However, that will take a long time and even then it's honestly hard to imagine a society so completely devoid of interaction. Even ignoring friendships, children, family etc.

VR has been around for 30+ years and the tech is effectively no different than it was in the early 90's, strap a screen to your fact with motion controls. Sure they've increased the resolution but that's about it. I know you weren't saying it was right around the corner I'm just bouncing off your post now. It's something for everyone to understand, if VR is essentially the same tech now as it was 30 years ago how long do you suppose it will be before we have anything even remotely approaching the VR we see in sci-fi? Decades? Centuries? The tech just isn't there and it's not even close to being there.

Isolation in current headsets can be fixed by simply allowing the headset to scan and reconstruct reality, a reverse form of AR. Instead of putting virtual objects into the real world, put real objects (people included) into VR. That way you can see everyone as normal no matter what you are doing in VR. It's also a conscious choice. You don't have to play a singleplayer game. You can play asymmetrical games that involve the whole family, or party games that also involve the family. There will be times where you are going to want and need to use VR to communicate with said family at long distances as well, because it's the only technology that can truly bridge the gap between people on a human level. Phones, voice chat, texting cannot do this for example.

Yorumi wrote:

Barring that, I won't deny it would be somewhat more immersive but just how much so? You won't be breathing the air, smelling the smells(granted that could probably be accomplished), and feeling things, like for example your body moving. I know people can name every kind of sci-fi thing to strap to your body but that tech is a fantasy right now.

Your brain fills in a lot of gaps. VR can still get thousands of times more immersive simply by increasing specs and existing senses. No one can comprehend how immersive a 16K resolution headset with a 200+ field of view, with personal HRTF audio + audio propagation, a full body reprseentation (and more stuff) will be. The level of immersion will blur the line between reality and virtuality with ease.

And no, it's not fantasy. Body suits and haptic gloves already exist:

They just need another 5-10 years for the suits and gloves respectively before they'd likely be fit for consumers rather than enterprise.

darkfenrir wrote:

VR has been around for 30+ years and the tech is effectively no different than it was in the early 90's, strap a screen to your fact with motion controls. Sure they've increased the resolution but that's about it

This is a misunderstanding of how technological advancement works. It doesn't work just because time flows. It works because of investment and R&D. No one really invested in VR after it failed in the 90s, and so there was a 15 year gap where almost nothing happened. Plus, we still have plenty of advance since then, such as finger-sensing motion controllers, better haptics for the controllers, much higher refresh rates and field of view, much higher fidelity graphics, the ability to represent a full body avatar in VR with a decent degree of accuracy on the upper half, the fact that sense of presence is now a thing, positional tracking for consumers, wireless and also standalone headsets.

The next 3 years will usher in a non-stop barrage of breakthroughs such as: eye-tracking, hand-tracking, facial-tracking, full-body tracking, foveated rendering, variable focus, personal HRTFs, reconstruction, and huge jumps in resolution/field of view.

This article just came out today and shows just how fast things are progressing:

Here's your problem: You're judging the rate of progress based off 3 year old hardware that didn't have a chance for much of the renewed R&D to go into the products. Now that R&D is in full swing, the whole medium will radically change very fast.

Edited on by DartBuzzer



Some people:

I dont like VR = VR crap



Yorumi wrote:

Anyone else laughing at fantasy above? Oh how many times I've heard "it's just right around the corner, we just need a little more time." How are those anti-gravity flying cars coming along?

Except you can't show me working prototypes of flying cars, that the media has actually tried and given their impressions on - and are actually flying cars as is expected.

On the other hand, I can you show you working prototypes of varifocal displays, eye-tracking, hand-tracking, facial-tracking, body-tracking, foveated rendering, wireless, reconstruction. Most of which has been publicly demoed.

There's nothing unbelievable here. It's really just about progressing things far enough to fit into a consumer product a few years from now.

If you reject this, you're going to look incredibly silly in the next 3-5 years as everything I said will likely be sitting next to me as a consumer product.

Edited on by DartBuzzer



DartBuzzer wrote:

and are actually flying cars as is expected.

Exactly what I've been saying about VR. There's no implementation of the tech as it is expected, ergo, not Virtual Reality.

DartBuzzer wrote:

Doesn't matter what people think until they try it. Then they make their judgement.

So who are you to judge if there are flying cars if you tried it.


Edited on by shaneoh

The Greatest love story ever, Rosie Love (part 33 done)
The collective noun for a group of lunatics is a forum. A forum of lunatics.
I'm belligerent, you were warned.


Yorumi wrote:

DartBuzzer wrote:

If you reject this, you're going to look incredibly silly in the next 3-5 years as everything I said will likely be sitting next to me as a consumer product.

What you can't understand is that this is the kind of stuff they said 30 years ago. Heck the power glove was an attempt at this, any boy was it the future. Tech people are always, always making all kinds of promises, showing off their concepts and whatever. Much like with AI the reality is far different from what they hype up. There aren't full immersion VR things in high end arcades and just to give you an idea it was 30 years or so years between when VR appeared in high end arcades and consumer grade VR was made available(discounting the virtual boy).

You can keep saying this overhyped tech guy is saying this or that but after you've seen it over and over for decades you realize what they are actually doing.

It doesn't matter what people have said in the past. The past is the past. It does not dictate the future. The R&D, investment, and rate of progress in the now is what determines the future.

There aren't crazy immersive VR rigs in VR Arcades because those arcades often licence existing technology. It's rare for a VR Arcade to build their own hardware. They are just able to get the more premium / enterprise stuff.

Yorumi wrote:

They're hyping people up to get investments and what they're presenting is not reality.

And yet these are all existing prototypes from many different companies, many of which have been publicly demoed and reported on as working as intended. This is the state of things; it's not a fantasy, it's a reality in the R&D phase which means it needs a push to get to consumers with some extra improvements, and that's it. Otherwise it exists.

Heck, some of these things are already there for consumers. I can get hand tracking right now. I can get body tracking right now. I can get facial tracking on an Iphone X. I can get eye tracking in the Vive Pro Eye headset releasing this year (among other headsets releasing this year). Oculus Quest releases very soon and does reconstruction.

I'll even prove it to you:

Hand tracking:
Body tracking:
Facial tracking (iPhone):
Eye tracking:

Edited on by DartBuzzer



shaneoh wrote:

DartBuzzer wrote:

and are actually flying cars as is expected.

Exactly what I've been saying about VR. There's no implementation of the tech as it is expected, ergo, not Virtual Reality.

DartBuzzer wrote:

Doesn't matter what people think until they try it. Then they make their judgement.

So who are you to judge if there are flying cars if you tried it.


No one has actually reported "We have flying cars now!" in a serious sense. On the other hand, everyone that reports on VR always refers to it as VR.



DartBuzzer wrote:

No one has actually reported "We have flying cars now!" in a serious sense. On the other hand, everyone that reports on VR always refers to it as VR.

Shifting goalposts. First it's "you have to experience it," now it's "it has to be reported on."

I would also like to mention that we DO have flying cars, they're called aeroplanes. Although, as you are no longer responding to me, you're not going to argue either way. I was genuinely interested in which position you'd take on that. It would have concluded the argument quite definitively.

Edited on by shaneoh

The Greatest love story ever, Rosie Love (part 33 done)
The collective noun for a group of lunatics is a forum. A forum of lunatics.
I'm belligerent, you were warned.


VR is decent.
VR using cardboard and an underpowered device is of no interest to me - but I am not the audience - it’s novelty VR aimed at kids.



I'm interested in the LABO VR-Kit because of Breath of the Wild 3D.
What are the differences between the two LABO releases?

I'm confused by the more expensive version. I never played any of the LABO games.
Does it have more exclusive content or is it a rehash of old cardboards?

Edited on by SKTTR

Switch fc: 6705-1518-0990


@SKTTR, the VR LABO kit has two SKUs.

An entry level kit that comes with the Goggle & Blaster constructs as well as the software for $40 (you can buy the Camera & Elephant construct set and the Bird & Wind Pedal construct set seperately for $20 each if you like it and want the whole VR set).

Then there's an all in one kit that has all 6 VR constructs & the software for $80 if you want to go all in from the start.

Neither SKU comes with past LABO constructs, and the BotW & Odyssey compatibility only requires that you have the Goggle construct.

Edited on by RR529

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


My thought on this changed Botw is coming to it so it is now a buy.

Now it's Reyn time

My Nintendo: Rice


@RR529 Thanks for the clarification.

Switch fc: 6705-1518-0990


The fact that some games will be supported has me interested. I'll keep an eye on your experiences! I wonder whether other games will be supported in the near future?


Switch Friend Code: SW-2231-9448-5129


So this released today. Don't have it yet myself, but I'm eager to hear some hands on impressions, especially from people who also own PSVR or another higher end set (I know it's not aiming to be the same kind of experience, but a thumbs up from people who have experience with them would be a good sign that Nintendo did good within their limitations).

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


@SepticLemon I think you still need to hold it, because the Joy-Con need to be attached to the Switch to track your head movement.



@SepticLemon I have thought about with breath of the wild laying on my back in order to let gravity to do everything. Also i just bought the starter pack today so i will see this for myself overall my thoughts on this has changed,

Now it's Reyn time

My Nintendo: Rice


Keeping an eye on VR, hoping Thumper will get an update. Would be nice if they did do a VR Pro, though.

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

Discord server:
Keep it PG-13-ish.



@Octane, no external headtracking with LABO VR, so if he's already lying down when he starts it up, it'll probably assume he's facing forward because it won't know.

EDIT: Maybe a mod could slightly adjust the title just to make it a general LABO VR discussion thread, since most talk of it is centering here anyways?

Edited on by RR529

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)

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