
Topic: Bring back Dream World

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Is there any way for Nintendo to bring back the Dream World for Pokemon B/W2? I never got to use it and just want to be able to access it for once.



The online online I've experienced was Gen 6, and that was certainly far less special. Just some kind of carnival games, effectively an item lottery.



@Morpheel I don't know about other ways in BW1, but in BW2 there's an Xtransceiver minigame you can play to farm them, or Join Avenue florists.



Dream world was a neat idea but so poorly executed. Even when it was online it was extremely limited in how much you could use it because either they could not afford to, or (more likely) were unwilling to pay for the servers needed to handle the millions of people who bought the games.

Furthermore, upon it closing down, a pretty significant amount of features in the games were just lost. Which I consider to be very poor game design.

Nintendo Switch FC: 4867-2891-2493
Switch username: Em
Discord: Heavyarms55#1475
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