
Topic: For those who have played RIME on Switch

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If you are disappointed by the atrocious Switch version of the game like me, here's the deal :

RIME is FREE on the Epic Store until the 30th of May.

The PC version is million times better than the switch counterpart.

Have fun and save 35 bucks for another game.



I'm sure the PC version is better (obviously), but honestly I didn't think the Switch version was all that bad. It was a bit rough for sure, but totally playable. I didn't get it until after the patch, so I'm sure that helped, but none of the technical issues in the game really detracted from the experience for me. I wouldn't pay full price for it, but I was happy to get it on sale for $15.

Can't argue with free though



I heard the Switch version of RIME lags during the cutscenes, which should never happen ever since cutscenes are the same for everyone every time.


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