
Topic: Advice for disabled to use Wii

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I have a family member who has ataxia which is a brain disorder which makes her walk like she's drunk. She uses a walker and she has difficulty doing things like pressing the correct button in an elevator, her finger doesn't hit the right button. I read that Wii has "exergames" which may help her. I have never owned a Wii. What exactly do I need to play games like the slalom. I think the balance board, the game CD, a CD player. What else? Do I need a console? I guess I can buy these used off of Ebay or Amazon. Any stores carry these things?

Thanks we are desperate to try anything that can help us.

Edited on by cyounghiker



The Wii itself is the console, so you'll need to buy one of those. They're not manufactured but you should be able to get one used online or maybe in a game shop that sells secondhand consoles. Make sure it comes with a Wii Remote (the main controller you use) and Nunchuk (the little attachable controller that's needed for some games) and a sensor bar (which you need for the controllers to work).

And yeah you'll need the game disc and Balance Board if you intend to play Wii Fit. Specifically you should get Wii Fit Plus, that's an improved version and probably won't cost you any extra nowadays. The discs go in the Wii console itself, you don't need a separate disc player. Hope this helps!

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong


@Dogorilla Thank you! that's a big help, ill start my online search!!!


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