
Topic: Testify as to how and why the Wii is your all-time favorite platform.

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These prompts have been sort of trending on this website as of late, and I figured I would give it a try with my personal favorite platform, the Nintendo Wii. My reasoning is:

1: Theme music for basically everything on the platform
2: Backwards compatible with Gamecube games
3: A fantastic list of first-party games (SMG 1 and 2, Smash Bros. Brawl, Metroid Prime Trilogy, MKWii, Wii Sports + Resort, Mario Party 8) not even mentioning the Gamecube library which was fully compatible as far as I know.
4: I'm on the side of people who liked the motion controls. Not every game implemented them as well as they could have, but a lot of games used them in creative ways.
5: A great Virtual Console service
6: Did I mention that there's theme music for literally everything you do in the menu and channels? Take notes, modern Nintendo

What do you guys think?

Edited on by StarPoint

"Science compels us to explode the sun!"

Currently playing:

Persona 3 Reload (PC)
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy (PC)


Its what even got me into gaming, everything about it is burned into my memory!

I love that thing!

Nintendo are like woman, You love them for whats on the inside, not the outside…you know what I mean! Luzlane best girl!

(My friend code is SW-7322-1645-6323, please ask me before you use it)

I’m very much alive!

Current obsession: Persona 4 golden!


Its what even got me into gaming, everything about it is burned into my memory!

I love that thing!

Nintendo are like woman, You love them for whats on the inside, not the outside…you know what I mean! Luzlane best girl!

(My friend code is SW-7322-1645-6323, please ask me before you use it)

I’m very much alive!

Current obsession: Persona 4 golden!


@Snatcher Same here! It was the first console I ever got as a little kid, and it just stuck with me. Perhaps there's some nostalgia at play here, but I don't care. I still think it's a great system, nostalgia aside

"Science compels us to explode the sun!"

Currently playing:

Persona 3 Reload (PC)
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy (PC)


I did something like this on the Switch version but I've had a lot more time for my loves with the Wii to become apparent, like:
1. Motion controls were (and still are, to me) one of the coolest industry innovations ever. Being able to move your arm/body and have a character on screen do an action at damn neat the exact same time was a magical feeling to experience for the first time (I remember being amazed when I did a trick in MKWii for the first time).
2. The games on it were wonderful. They came out swinging at the start with Zelda TP, Mario Galaxy, MKWii and so many more. By the end of it's lifespan, it also had sequels to both Mario and Zelda games previously listed along with the revivals of many cult series such as Punch Out, Sin and Punishment, Excitebike and especially Kirby. Yeah, there was a lull between the big games at points and we absolutely do not need to talk about shovelware, yikes, but the big ones delivered and they delivered HARD.
3. Along with the Xbox 360, it had an innovative digital storefront for the time. Nintendo being Nintendo were definitely reluctant to move into a new age of digital so, to smoothen the transition, they made it look like you weren't using money with Wii Points. Questionable efforts aside, the shop was amazing. I didn't use it myself (I was 6 when it came out and saying that makes me feel like a goddamn prune) but it looked so cool. The variety of games, Virtual Console being genuinely one of the entire industry's best concepts and the whole spunky vibe to it was fascinating. Speaking of which...
5. The music. Not necessarily the music in the games (which were also fantastic), but rather the console itself. There has never been a console that has had as much KA-CHOW as the Wii purely from it's sound effects and music. The light doodle-doodle-la-doo on the main menu, the spacey feeling of the icons and the tiny details in each of the built in apps, it was so good. Hell, the shop and Mii themes have become so iconic they've been reborn as memes. That's how you know you've made a banging console.

This probably looks like the ramblings of a madman but man, I just think the Wii is amazing and everyone here should think so as well, though if you disagree, that's fine as well (slowly cocks shotgun).

Edited on by Fizza

Currently MIA for exams; see you all in a bit! o7
Mario Maker 2 Maker ID: YT1-0Q2-YFF
Please ask for permission before using my FC!
Currently Playing: ....nothing XD

Switch Friend Code: SW-3505-5480-3330 | Twitter:



1: Agreed. I think that the implementation of motion controls can completely change a game. Games like Splatoon were so smart to implement gyro aiming, and I don't think I would enjoy the game nearly as much if it didn't implement it, it's just so smooth. And for games on the Wii specifically, I loved Wii Sports Resort since the tracking was very accurate, especially in the Swordfighting and Table Tennis minigames.

2: Shovelware was probably at its worst on the Wii, but for me personally, that doesn't detract from the absolute bangers on the system. It is really cool how they revived a lot of older IPs as well.

5: Hard agree on the music and SFX as well. I think once something reaches meme status, that means it's incredibly iconic, either good or bad, which in this case it's good. The sound effects are also great. The majority have a good, punchy sound to them, without being too over-the-top.

It's hard for me to see how somebody could look at the Wii and be like, "Yeah it's a trash console." But I mean, everyone has opinions, and I (sometimes begrudgingly) respect that.

"Science compels us to explode the sun!"

Currently playing:

Persona 3 Reload (PC)
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy (PC)


The Wii Remote is my favourite controller of all time - its simplicity married with its versatility, not to mention its uniqueness - unrivalled, at least until the joy-con turned up.

The Wii would be my favourite console, were it not for its descendant, the Wii U (once soft-modded), being capable of everything the Wii could do (except for reading GameCube discs), but with the added benefits of vibrant HD graphics, off-TV play, and the ability to 'inject' all games into the OS without having to boot a separate piece of software first.

The Wii was where my game collecting started, so played a pivotal part in my life over the past 10 years.

You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

My Nintendo: gcunit | Nintendo Network ID: gcunit


@gcunit I would have also probably said the Wii U if not for the lack of Gamecube support. The Wii U's lineup is good, but in my opinion, it doesn't compare to the Wii/ Gamecube combo that the Wii has.

"Science compels us to explode the sun!"

Currently playing:

Persona 3 Reload (PC)
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy (PC)


@Fizza dude I know right? Though to me just seeing people not know what the GameCube is makes me feel old. Also though some people really don’t like any form of motion controls some games REALLY do it right like Dewey’s adventure monkey ball nerf and the like!


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