Latest Previews


  • First Impressions Gradius Rebirth

    Gradius Rebirth is out now in Japan and the guys at Konami have done a good job bringing the classic series back for another outing, this time on WiiWare.

    ReBirth isn’t an all new game, more of a remix of past Gradius titles, all presented in a lovely retro style. The first thing that hits you is the charming 16-bit graphics and sound, which are...



  • News Sim City DS 2 Revealed In Famitsu

    Long-running Japanese publication has the scoop on this interesting update of the classic city building franchise

    The latest issue of Japanese videogame magazine Famistu carries an interesting news story regarding the next instalment of the Sim City franchise. Dubbed Sim City DS 2, the game appears to be heavily tailored towards younger gamers with...


  • News Medal Of Honor: Heroes 2 Gets Early Praise

    IGN's Matt C has declared that Heroes 2 "officially beats the pants off Metroid Prime 3 in the FPS control department" - strong words!

    "On another note, I just want to put it out there: Medal of Honor Heroes 2 officially beats the pants off Metroid Prime 3 in the FPS control department. This is the new Wii benchmark, period. Not even close...


  • News Mario Kart Wii Details

    NGamer rush into pole position with one of the first previews of the game with a handful of screengrabs to boot.

    "When it came to the thing actually being revealed - in precisely 30 seconds of mouthwatering footage - we were cheering on the edge of our chairs just like you, gawping at the promising new tracks and classic old ones just like you...