Tag: Capcom - Page 19

  • News No Updates Planned For Resident Evil: Revelations On 3DS

    New features limited to HD version

    3DS players wishing to play as the hairtastic Rachel in Resident Evil: Revelations will have to move on to the upcoming console version of the game, according to Capcom Senior VP Christian Svensson. Answering a fan request on the Capcom Unity forums, Svensson denied that any new content would come for the 3DS...

  • News Erutan Beautifully Sings 'The Hunter's Mark' in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Trailer

    Capcom developed the special trailer just for her

    Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate has finally emerged in the West and to celebrate the release Capcom has conjured up a new trailer which features well-known performer Erutan softly sing along with the game's theme. Erutan - whose real name is Kate Covington - has been playing music since she was one and a...

  • News Capcom Having "Ongoing Discussions About Mega Man"

    No new game, but plenty of merchandise on the way

    Capcom revealed a few things during its 'World of Capcom' panel at PAX East. For a start there were the announcements of DuckTales: Remastered and Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara, which will both be coming to the Wii U eShop this summer. But it wasn't all about ducks and dragons, Mega...

  • News Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara Coming To Wii U eShop This June

    Capcom unleashes the dragon at PAX East

    Prior to PAX East Capcom teased us all by saying there would be a "surprise or two" in store during its 'World of Capcom' panel. It certainly wasn't kidding, as the company has not only confirmed that Duck Tales: Remastered will be making a welcome appearance this summer, but a Dungeons & Dragons...

  • News Capcom To Make "New Product Announcements" At PAX East

    Says there may be "a surprise or two" in store

    PAX East is set to kick off in Boston this weekend and it's sure to generate a heck of a lot of buzz, what with the amount of video game companies that will be in attendance. One of those companies will be Capcom, which will be showcasing games such as Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Resident Evil...

  • News Read The Thoughts of Monsters in Resident Evil Revelations

    Rachel confirmed as playable in Raid Mode

    Capcom has revealed a number of new features for the Wii U version of Resident Evil Revelations. Unsurprisingly the main additions come as a result of the GamePad, which is used to display your map, weapons and inventory when playing with two screens - similar to the way it functioned on the 3DS. As we...

  • Video This Brünnhilde Great Sword Can Be Yours For Just 60,000 Zeni

    While stocks last!

    Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is pretty great and all, but sometimes you just want to put down your controller, pick up a massive blade and actually slay some beasts in the real world. Thank goodness then for the MHSN's recent promotion on the Brünnhilde Great Sword, which is an absolute steal at just 60,000 Zeni. Or perhaps you'd...

  • Rumour Capcom Developing New Strider Title For Digital Services

    Could Strider Hiryu be coming to the Wii U eShop?

    Capcom's Strider is one of the seminal arcade titles of the '80s, thanks to its balletic gameplay, amazing visuals and fantastic setting. Given the amazing potential of the premise (who doesn't want to be a futuristic ninja?), it's surprising that Capcom hasn't done more to exploit the character over...

  • News Updated Ace Attorney 5 Website Submits More Information

    New details on Kizuki Kokone, Apollo Justice and 3DS features

    The Ace Attorney series will soon be making the leap over to the 3DS with Ace Attorney 5. It sees Phoenix Wright take centre stage once more, and this time he has a new assistant to help him snare sneaky lies from testimonies. Capcom has recently updated the Ace Attorney 5 website and,...

  • News Monster Hunter Producer Answers Fan Questions In New Video Interview

    Did your question make the cut?

    A few weeks back, Nintendo UK asked Monster Hunter fans to put some questions to producer Ryozo Tsujimoto with the aim of getting them answered in an exclusive video interview. The video has now been posted online, and gives a little more insight into the creation of what is likely to be one of the biggest Nintendo...

  • News Apollo Justice Returns in Ace Attorney 5

    Justice is blind

    More news on Ace Attorney 5 has been promised by Capcom but as of yet we've had no major announcement. However, we have learnt — thanks to a picture in the latest Famitsu magazine — that Apollo Justice is making a return in the upcoming game. The picture shows the young attorney as we've never seen him before. He's still...

  • News Mega Man 3 Hitting 3DS Virtual Console Next Week

    4, 5 and 6 to follow in April, May and June

    Capcom has confirmed that Mega Man 3 will be coming to the North American 3DS Virtual Console next week — March 14th, to be precise. Furthermore, the company has confirmed that Mega Man 4, 5 and 6 will launch in April, May and June respectively. We've no confirmation that the game will be hitting Europe...

  • News Capcom's Gun.Smoke Rated For 3DS eShop Release

    This town ain't big enough for the both of us

    As we reported a short time ago, Capcom looks set to bring its Capcom Arcade Cabinet releases to the Nintendo 3DS as stand-alone downloads. 1943 got rated by the ESRB recently, and the vertically-scrolling shooter has now be joined by wild west blaster Gun.Smoke. Interestingly, Gun.Smoke is actually...

  • News Ace Attorney Collection for 3DS Has Been Proposed "Many Times" at Capcom

    We should "hang in there"

    While the 3DS has seen some notable franchises carry across from its predecessor, the DS, one that hasn't done so in the West is Ace Attorney. Japan has been enjoying Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney since late last year, while Ace Attorney 5 is expected in the same region later this year; alas, localisation hasn't even...

  • News Resident Evil Revelations "Infernal Mode" on Wii U Looks Hard as Hell

    We need a bigger gun...

    While it's not quite the new series entry we may have been hoping for, Resident Evil Revelations on Wii U does take an excellent 3DS title, add some additional characters for the online co-op mode and apply a lick of HD paint. While we need to see it in action and sample its GamePad controls to get a better idea of whether...

  • News Platinum Games: Ask Capcom if You Want Okami 2

    Hideki Kamiya appears open to the idea

    Okami, with its vibrant Japanese art style and immersive gameplay elements, is loved by many a gamer. Originally a PlayStation 2 title, it came to the Wii with motion controls and also recently had a HD version made for the PlayStation 3. Plenty of people out there would love to see a sequel made —...

  • News Capcom Releasing Special Mega Man Ultrabook in Japan

    North America's getting some flash drives, though

    In December of last year, Mega Man celebrated its 25th anniversary. Yes, it was way back in 1987 when Mega Man blasted his way onto the NES and quickly cemented himself into gaming folklore. To celebrate the Blue Bomber's birthday, Capcom is releasing a special edition Mega Man Ultrabook. The design...

  • News Capcom Seeks a Western "Breakthrough" With Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

    "We're giving opportunity and options to consumers to really pick up the version they want"

    Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is old news in Japan — in the case of the 3DS version, very old news — yet it's one of two high-profile releases landing on the Wii U in the West in March, while also giving Nintendo handheld owners their first chance of slaying...

  • News Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate's 3DS Online Multiplayer Workaround Is Coming to Europe

    We imagine North America will also be included

    Not too long ago we told you about an option for online multiplayer in Monster Hunter 3 G on 3DS in Japan, which will require a separately sold Wii or Wii U LAN adapter, a Wii U and an app — due to the core software only supporting local multiplayer. No doubt useful for those that only own the 3DS...

  • News Update to Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate To Bring Off-TV Play and Cross-Region Online Multiplayer

    Play with hunters from across the Atlantic from April onwards

    With Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate around the corner on both Wii U and 3DS, it promises to bring an expanded version of the Wii original to a new audience, as well as enthusiastic veteran hunters. It's also a game that has an active community and fan-base, many of whom frequent the dedicated...

  • News More Ace Attorney 5 Information Is On The Way

    Capcom's Psyche-Lock is nearly broken

    Last September it was announced that the upcoming Ace Attorney 5 would be making it over to Western shores. However, since then news has been relatively thin on the ground... Hold it! It appears Capcom's senior vice-president Christian Svensson has left some evidence in the C

  • News Street Fighter Chess - For More Intellectual Brawling

    Try the Ryu opening

    Some say video games are violent, to which the response is often "yep, as are TV and films". Without getting dragged into a debate, we've found a product that is arguably as violent as anything else, it's the Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Chess Set. Chess? Violent? You bet, it's a game where minions are sent to their slaughter...

  • News Capcom's Arcade Cabinet Games Could Be Hitting The 3DS

    We're gonna party like it's 1943

    A while back, we reported on Capcom Arcade Cabinet — a venture by the esteemed industry veteran to resurrect some of its coin-op classics. So far, the package has only been released on PS3 and Xbox 360, but a recent ESRB listing for vertically-scrolling shooter 1943 seems to suggest that the individual titles will...

  • News Monster Hunter 3 G on 3DS to Go Online Via Wii U Adapter

    An optional extra for those with just the 3DS game

    While today's 3DS Nintendo Direct from Japan showed a variety of interesting upcoming games, there was a surprise announcement of a new peripheral that will allow those with Monster Hunter 3 G on 3DS in Japan to take their local multiplayer games online for the first time. All you need is a Wii U...

  • News No Off-Screen Play For Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate On Wii U

    It's vital to maintain the two-screen experience, says Capcom

    Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate producer Ryozo Tsujimoto has revealed that the Wii U version of the game will not support off-TV play. Speaking to Joystiq, Tsujimoto explained that the reasoning behind the move was to maintain the all-important two-screen experience: We don't have that...

  • News Fan Feedback Prompted Capcom's Resident Evil: Revelations HD Development

    Giving the fans what they want

    Resident Evil: Revelations has been out on 3DS for just over a year, and soon we'll be able to play it in full HD as the game is now in development for Wii U, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Many people have wondered why Capcom made the decision to make the switch to home consoles, and whether or not this was all part of...

  • News Wii U Resident Evil: Revelations Will Not Support Wii Remote and Nunchuk

    One less way to kill a zombie

    Earlier on in the week we reported on the controller options that will be available to players in the upcoming Wii U version of Resident Evil: Revelations. It turns out the game will feature off-screen play and will also support the Pro Controller. However, those hoping for the ability to play with the Wii Remote and...

  • News Wii U Resident Evil: Revelations To Feature Off-Screen Play and Pro Controller Support

    Exclusive features coming to Nintendo's console

    Details relating to the Wii U version of Resident Evil: Revelations have been divulged in the latest issue of Official Nintendo Magazine, and it has been confirmed that the game will allow off-screen play and will also offer Pro Controller support. It has also been confirmed that the GamePad screen...

  • News Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Online Play Will Be Region Locked For Wii U

    The world isn't in play

    In a recent interview with Monster Hunter producer Ryozo Tsujimoto on Gamereactor it has been revealed that Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate online servers will be region-locked. This means that players won't be able to experience online gameplay with other players in another region - so North Americans can't play with gamers in...

  • News Put Your Questions To The Producer Of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

    Answers will come in a special video in March

    Do you have any burning questions you'd like to put to the developers behind the forthcoming beast-slaying epic Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate? If the answer is yes then today's your lucky day - Nintendo UK is inviting fans to put their queries to producer Ryozo Tsujimoto, and the best questions will be...

  • News Capcom: Resident Evil Revelations 3DS Sales Could Have Been Better

    But game wasn't "a failure"

    Resident Evil Revelations launched on the 3DS last year and was granted a positive critical reaction. It also sold well - but apparently not quite as well as Capcom was hoping. Speaking to Eurogamer about the

  • News GAME Doubles Up On Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

    Get both the 3DS and Wii U versions for a slightly reduced price in the UK

    As you probably know, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is launching on two Nintendo systems this year - the 3DS and the Wii U. While the Wii U version offers online play, the 3DS edition has that all-important portable factor - something we can imagine is causing many potential...

  • News Platinum CEO: Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts Restored My Faith In Games Development

    Tatsuya Minami explains how the SNES classic helped him out of a rut

    The latest Iwata Asks focuses on Japanese studio PlatinumGames, which is currently hard at work creating Bayonetta 2 for the Wii U. In the interview, Iwata chats with PlatinumGames President and CEO Tatsuya Minami about his development past, and uncovers an interesting piece of...

  • News Resident Evil Revelations Set to Infest Wii U

    Terrifies North America on 21st May, Europe on 24th May

    Not long ago rumours spread around the web, like a virus we guess, that 3DS title Resident Evil Revelations was getting revamped for home consoles. Capcom has now issued a press release to confirm that the rumours were true, and thankfully Wii U is one of the platforms getting the re-boot. Set...

  • News Monster Hunter Tri Servers To Be Shutdown At the End of April

    Go hunting on your own

    As newer consoles and titles come along, it's inevitable that games with healthy online components have their support taken away, leaving what remains for gamers to pick over. Unfortunately that fate awaits Monster Hunter Tri, with the servers for the online co-op in the Wii title being taken down on 30th April. Described as...

  • News Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Taking A Bite Out Of 3DS And Wii U On March 19th

    Back for seconds three days later in Europe

    Capcom and Nintendo have confirmed that Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate will be released in North America on March 19th. The game will be available on both the Wii U and 3DS. Europe will have to wait just three days longer to get its hands on the epic title. Downloadable versions are also expected to be made...

  • News Capcom Bringing Retail 3DS Games to the eShop

    The collection grows

    The 3DS eShop has evolved a fair bit in a little over a year and a half, with a fresh layout, demos, and retail downloads all arriving since its humble launch. It's the latter that's arguably the most intriguing, as it clashes with Nintendo's traditional support for high street retail partners, while prompting ire among some due...

  • News Mega Man Legends 3 Lives On In Fan-Made Browser Game

    The legend will never die

    Capcom broke a few hearts when it cancelled Mega Man Legends 3, but lovers of the Blue Bomber don't take setbacks like this sitting down. Fans Blyka and fAB have created a browser-based version of the Servbot mission in the Mega Man Legends 3: Prototype Version. Servbot Roundup allows you to: Ride around as Barrett, as...

  • News Capcom Not Looking To Bring "Late Ports" To Wii U

    Focusing on new titles rather than old ones

    The Wii U has had its fair share of ports already; games that have been released previously on other consoles and have been transferred over to Nintendo's new system with a few more bells and whistles attached. Batman: Arkham City Armoured Edition, Darksiders II, and Mass Effect 3 for example have all had...

  • First Impressions Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate - Wii U

    We played the monster mash

    Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for Wii U may not be an entirely new game built from the ground up, but it’s fair to say that this upcoming expansion has a lot of gamers excited. Monster Hunter Tri was without doubt one of the definitive hardcore title for Wii owners seeking an in-depth experience, and MH3 Ultimate looks set...

  • News Capcom Wishes Everyone A Merry 'Mega Man' Christmas

    Happy Holidays from its blue hero

    Capcom has treated its fans with a festive tribute to one of its most famous franchises, Mega Man. The blue-suited protagonist is seen battling his way through numerous winter levels spanning across various Mega Man titles, with 'O Come All Ye Faithful' providing some Christmas cheer throughout the video. As well...

  • Feature The Confusing World of Mega Man Spin-Offs - Part 2

    Lots and lots of Mega Man

    We've already brought you our first part of a feature looking at the confusing world of Mega Man spin-offs, and now we're diving into some lesser known adventures from the Blue Bomber's universe. If you've played all of these then we can say one thing with confidence — you're a big fan of the franchise. Without further...

  • Feature The Confusing World of Mega Man Spin-Offs - Part 1

    Stay with us

    We've already talked about the ten numbered console games in the Classic Mega Man series, but as you are no doubt aware that barely scratches the surface when it comes to Capcom's classic franchise. We could spend several weeks spotlighting all of the titles released across all platforms — and, believe us, we'd love to — but we...

  • Feature Mega Man Retrospective - Part Two

    Back to the future

    Yesterday we brought you part one of our Mega Man retrospective, where we looked at the first five main entries in the iconic series. It's all in honour of the Blue Bomber's 25th Anniversary, with this segment spanning the NES to Wii eras of Nintendo systems, with some non-Nintendo systems making a brief appearance. Mega Man 6...

  • Feature Mega Man Retrospective - Part One

    25 years young

    Twenty-five years ago today, the world was introduced to a super fighting robot — the Blue Bomber himself — Mega Man. Known as Rock Man in his native Japan, Mega Man earned global fame and popularity, introducing gamers to a unique and challenging franchise that, unsurprisingly, became a piece of classic gaming history. Looking...

  • News Capcom Releases New Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Wii U Gameplay Videos

    Includes humongous swords

    As a special pre-Christmas treat, Capcom has released a series of three gameplay videos via its community blog for the upcoming Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on Wii U. The videos contain battles with three brand new beasties; the Lagombi, Zinogre and Brachydios, with all three battles taking place on very different terrains...

  • Rumour Capcom Is Bringing Its Arcade Classics To 3DS And Wii U eShop

    Coin-op titles headed to Nintendo systems in 2013?

    Capcom is working on bringing its arcade classics to digital platforms in the form of Capcom Arcade Cabinet, and according to French site Pockett Videogames, the Wii U eShop and 3DS eShop will be joining the retro party. So far, it would seem as if Capcom Arcade Cabinet is only coming to the Xbox...

  • News Street Fighter X Mega Man Is "A Bit Of A Mea Culpa"

    Accepting blame with a free PC game

    A few days ago Capcom announced Street Fighter X Mega Man, a free PC game to be released on 17th December that blends the two iconic franchises together as one big anniversary celebration. Capcom has assured fans that this download will be just the start of celebrations for Mega Man's anniversary, and that the...

  • News Capcom Has A Whole Year Of Mega Man Celebrations Planned

    Reaction to Street Fighter X Mega Man will decide the future of the series

    The PC-based game Street Fighter X Mega Man is most certainly a nice bonus for long-suffering Mega Man fans, but those same fanatics will no doubt be hoping that it's not the only way in which Capcom is marking the Blue Bomber's 25th birthday. Thankfully, such fears are...

  • News Capcom Announce Street Fighter X Mega Man

    Will be a free PC only download

    Street Fighter and Mega Man are both celebrating their 25th Anniversary this year, which is quite a feat. To celebrate both of their birthdays a special fan-made game called Street Fighter X Mega Man will be made available to download on your PC through the Capcom Unity website on 17th December. Street Fighter X Mega...