Tag: Mega Man - Page 5

  • News Keiji Inafune Shares His Thoughts on PlatinumGames, Working With Fans and Mega Man's Creation

    Kaio: King of Pirates' fate is in the hands of its publisher, Marvelous

    Keiji Inafune caused a bit of a stir a week ago, satisfying the fantasies and dreams of many Mega Man fans by announcing Mighty No.9, a 'spritual successor' to the Mega Man franchise that's steadily creeping towards its crowdfunding stretch goal that will bring a Wii U release...

  • News Jools Watsham Offers to Help Create a 3DS Version of Mighty No. 9

    ...And the response sounds rather promising

    A few days ago comcept USA announced a Kickstarter project for Mighty No. 9 — a spiritual successor to Capcom's Mega Man series — and it has been receiving a lot of attention from funders, press and even other development studios since then it would seem. The project has already reached its minimum...

  • News Keiji Inafune Addresses Concerns Over Capcom Legal Issues With Mighty No. 9, Explains Fan Collaboration Plans

    "With the Legends project we didn't get to do all that we wanted to do"

    Over the weekend Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune caused a minor internet meltdown by launching a Kickstarter campaign for Mighty No. 9, a project with an all-star development team and a strong Mega Man vibe to it. At the time of writing the fundraiser has unsurprisingly gained...

  • News Mega Man Creator Keiji Inafune Working On Spiritual Successor Mighty No. 9

    Wii U version added as stretch goal to Kickstarter campaign

    Capcom may be content to allow Mega Man's 25th birthday to pass without a brand-new adventure, but creator Kenji Inafune has taken matters into his own hands and is attempting to make a spiritual successor to the Blue Bomber via Kickstarter. Mighty No.9 is Mega Man in all but name,...

  • News Super Cute Mega Man Nanoblock Sets Emerge in Japan

    No new game from Capcom again... again

    Mega Man is still in his 25th Anniversary Year, and what delights he's received as promotional gifts in his honour. We've had themed USB drives, miniature statues, and even a Rush tissue box. And yet, as our imaginary real-life Blue Bomber opens present after present, the one thing he wants the most isn't...

  • News Pre-Orders Open for Mega Man Anniversary Statue

    Limited to 1,000 worldwide

    Mega Man’s silver anniversary rolls along with a special edition commemorative piece up for grabs. Pre-orders have started for the Mega Man 25th Anniversary Statue at the Capcom Store. Made of solid resin and standing nearly 10 inches tall, the piece features both Mega Man and Mega Man X in action. The statue is going...

  • News Capcom To Reveal More Info On Mega Man's 25th Anniversary At Comic-Con 2013

    Is a new game on the way?

    Capcom is rolling like a tank at this year's San Diego Comic-Con, and will showcase a wide range of its forthcoming titles — including Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies and DuckTales Remastered. However, it's the tantalising promise of fresh information regarding Mega Man's 25th Anniversary that caught our...

  • News An Epic Mega Man Art Book is Coming to North America

    It only has 432 pages...

    As we all know by now, Capcom has been sanctioning various celebratory products for Mega Man's 25th Anniversary. It may have been saving the best non-game product for late in the day, however, as Udon Entertainment has given more details on the brand new official series art book — MM25: Mega Man & Mega Man X Official...

  • News An Official Mega Man [Board] Game is Coming!

    We're getting closer, at least

    The 25th Anniversary of Mega Man has seen the series honoured in myriad ways, from a spot reserved for the Blue Bomber in the next Super Smash Bros. to, um, a Rush tissue pouch. The main thing that really seems to have been missing is an actual new game for Mega Man to call hi

  • News Fan Group Prepares to Release 8-Bit Demake of Mega Man Legends 3

    Former game staffers contribute

    For those that didn't know, this past Saturday the Mega Rock Fan Fiesta event took place in Tokyo, and at the shindig a rather surprising fan project was announced. As the Blue Bomber's fans continue to bemoan the cancellation and abandonment of Mega Man Legends 3, a Facebook group called Get Me Off the Moon — which...

  • Weirdness The Mystery of the Mega Man 2 Box Art Pistol is Explained

    Capcom's Art Director blew it

    Retro game covers can be fascinating, on occasion because of just how awful they can look. Often there's a charm on display that you just don't see in many modern-day, high budget cover designs that have clearly been produced by a rather expensive branding agency; back then, video games were also predominantly targeting...

  • News Game Gear Mega Man Could be Destined for the 3DS Virtual Console

    Seems likely thanks to ESRB rating

    We've sure had a lot of retro Mega Man on Nintendo systems recently, with both the 3DS and Wii U Virtual Consoles bringing us fresh experiences that we hadn't enjoyed since the Wii Virtual Console; sarcasm aside, they've been additional opportunities for newcomers to the series to see what fans have been banging on...

  • News Fan Project Mega Man Unlimited Finished and Blasting Onto PC on 14th July

    It's a new Mega Man game, rejoice!

    Back in early May we brought your attention to the fan-developed PC game, Mega Man Unlimited, though it perhaps helps dodge problems by ditching the space as Megaman Unlimited. The work of Philippe "MegaPhilX" Poulin and a small but dedicated team, its terrific art design once confused a Capcom employee who...

  • Review Mega Man 6 (3DS eShop / NES)

    Mega Man's NES swan song

    In 1993, the SNES was already out and Capcom was about to release Mega Man X, but they just couldn't let themselves to say goodbye to the NES and made one last 8-bit Mega Man game for the beloved system. Mega Man 6 was released so late into the system's life that Capcom decided to not even publish the game in Europe — this...

  • Feature A Miiverse Adventure With Mega Man X

    Time for some Megan Man, er, Mega Man

    A little while ago we reviewed Mega Man X on the Wii U Virtual Console, and liked it a lot. We happen to think this is a brilliant game, but it may nevertheless seem peculiar to those encountering it for the first time. We decided to try and see the game through fresh eyes while working on the review, and below...

  • News Mega Man's Dad Is "Ecstatic" That The Blue Bomber Is In Smash Bros.

    Proud father

    Mega Man creator Kenji Inafune is one of Capcom's most famous former employees, yet he appeared to part company with the publisher under a cloud. You might assume this could make Inafune rather bitter about how his former creations are being used by Capcom, but you couldn't be further from the truth. Speaking to VideoGamer, Inafune...

  • Review Mega Man 4 (Wii U eShop / NES)

    The Blue Bomber jumps onto the GamePad

    In 1991 the world got a fourth entry in what had quickly shaped up to be one of the NES's most popular series. This game was Mega Man 4, and expectations were high. After all, the first game laid down a solid — if static — template that resonated very well with gamers, the second game refined the formula...

  • Review Mega Man 3 (Wii U eShop / NES)

    The Blue Bomber jumps onto the GamePad

    It's fitting that Mega Man 3 introduces our hero's antagonistic, cocksure older brother Proto Man, as the game itself seems to eternally duke it out with its own brother Mega Man 2 for the coveted title of Best in Series. But wherever you may fall on the question, there's no doubt that this third installment in...

  • Review Mega Man 2 (Wii U eShop / NES)

    The Blue Bomber jumps onto the GamePad

    In 1987, Capcom released the original Mega Man. It was well-received by both gamers and critics, but it was not much of a financial success. Over the course of the next year, however, Mega Man 2 was developed as a labour of love by Keiji Inafune and his team, alongside other projects that were expected to be...

  • News Mega Man 2, 3 And 4 Are Now Available On North American Wii U eShop

    Capcom continues to celebrate the Blue Bomber's 25th anniversary

    It's been a good day for Mega Man; Capcom's hero is the new challenger in the hotly anticipated Super Smash Bros. title for the Wii U and 3DS, and alongside the bomber's debut title for the NES on the Wii U eShop, Mega Man 2, 3 and 4 have appeared on the Virtual Store. Mega Man 2, 3...

  • Weirdness Capcom Selling a Rush Tissue Pouch in Japan for Mega Man Anniversary

    Just what the fans want...

    While this year has been a celebration of the Mega Man franchise's 25th Anniversary, Capcom's mainly been offering soundtracks, USB pen drives, laptop skins and other non-gaming products. We've also seen the release of the classic NES titles on the 3DS Virtual Console, with some doubling up on the Wii U Virtual Console for...

  • Review Mega Man 5 (3DS eShop / NES)

    Super fighting robot

    Capcom has been very fast with releasing the original Mega Man series on 3DS Virtual Console, and now we're already up to the fifth entry. As you might expect, Mega Man 5 is quite similar to the four games before it; eight new Robot Masters have appeared, and it's up to Mega Man to stop them and their leader, who appears to be...

  • News New Mega Man Graphic Novel Lands in North America on 22nd May

    Order now for a pre-order discount

    If you like Mega Man and if you also like comics/graphic novels, then chances are you know about the Archie publications on the franchise. The graphic novel releases combine multiple comics into one juicy bundle, with the story-lines covering enough lore and background to the many games to satisfy the most ardent...

  • News Mega Man 5 Soundtrack Rocks Onto Capcom Store

    Tsk, it only has 57 tracks

    If you're a Mega Man fan that simply has to buy every re-release that graces Nintendo Virtual Console platforms, chances are you may have just recently downloaded Mega Man 5 onto your 3DS. Coincidentally — or not, we suspect — Capcom has updated its gradual release of the Blue Bomber's soundtracks with the fifth entry...

  • News Capcom, Take Note: This Is How You Mark Mega Man's 25th Birthday

    Shame this custom Game Boy is just a fan mod

    Mega Man is 25 this year, and while Capcom has at least acknowledged this fact, there seems little chance of fans getting an all-new Blue Bomber outing before 2014 rolls around. Still, if Capcom isn't prepared to go the extra mile to mark the event, then the fans can show their respect in their own way...

  • News Mega Man FPS "Polarized Opinions" Within Capcom As Well

    Maverick Hunter divided opinion internally

    Recently we reported on Maverick Hunter, Capcom's abandoned Mega Man first-person shooter. The game — which was developed by former Retro staffers at Armature — was eventually cancelled following Keiji Inafune's departure from the company where he made his name. Since then, there's been a lot of...

  • Video Mega Man Unlimited - The Fan Game That Looks as Good as the Real Thing

    Mega in many ways

    At the time of writing, it looks unlikely that Capcom will be reeling out a new Mega Man game to celebrate the series' 25th Anniversary, with free PC title Street Fighter X Mega Man and various collectibles being the offerings dished out by the publisher. Yet while the officially sanctioned fan game released last year — as it...

  • News This Mega Man 25th Anniversary 3DS Case Sure Is Snazzy

    Available in standard and XL sizes, too

    Capcom has received a lot of flak for not giving the Blue Bomber a proper 25th birthday, but the company has made amends to a certain extent by announcing this gorgeous-looking Mega Man 25th Anniversary 3DS snap-on case. Available in both standard and XL sizes, the 2-piece case has an image of Mega Man on...

  • News Mega Man Soundtracks Released on U.S. Capcom Store

    If you're in Europe, tough

    The Mega Man franchise is currently indulging in its 25th Anniversary celebrations with various goodies though yes, we know, no full game to date. For fans of the series, however, recent months have given a good opportunity to buy assorted trinkets to celebrate, with Capcom also gradually bringing the first six NES titles...

  • News Bass and Treble Figures Turning Up In The U.S. This Summer

    Will join Mega Man and Rush pack

    The 25th anniversary of Mega Man continues to be celebrated in a number of beautiful, non-interactive ways! Capcom Senior Online/Community Manager, Brett Elston, confirmed through his blog that a combo pack of Mega Man’s rivals Bass and Treble will arrive in the U.S. this summer. Produced by D-Arts/Bandai/Tamashii...

  • News The Story of an Abandoned Mega Man FPS, Maverick Hunter, Emerges

    Former Metroid Prime team worked on the project

    When it comes to the 25th Anniversary of Mega Man, we've had scraps to feast on from Capcom. We've had figurines, USB sticks and a free PC game, but what the fans truly crave — new top-end games in the franchise — have been absent so far. Courtesy of Polygon, meanwhile, we now have a glimpse of a...

  • News This New Mega Man Anniversary Statue Goes Large

    Alas, still no "proper" game for the big anniversary

    With this being the 25th Anniversary year of the Mega Man franchise, Capcom has released a free PC crossover game — Street Fighter X Mega Man — which in many respects was a slightly polished fan effort, and has given us some celebratory laptops and USB drives in different regions. Plenty of...

  • News Gaze Upon The Mega Man Figures You Will Never Own

    Custom made and packed with awesomeness

    There's no shortage of Mega Man figures out there — the popularity of the character both in the west and Japan has ensured a steady flow of cool merchandise — but unsurprisingly most are based on the anime-style iteration of the character, and not the one found on the western boxes. Although they're not...

  • News Capcom Having "Ongoing Discussions About Mega Man"

    No new game, but plenty of merchandise on the way

    Capcom revealed a few things during its 'World of Capcom' panel at PAX East. For a start there were the announcements of DuckTales: Remastered and Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara, which will both be coming to the Wii U eShop this summer. But it wasn't all about ducks and dragons, Mega...

  • News Mega Man Boss Battle Exhibition Artwork Now on Sale

    Worldwide shipping is available

    While Capcom may be showing little love for its iconic Mega Man franchise, fans and those inspired by the games continually do so in the developer's place. One example is the Mega Man Boss Battle exhibition currently running at the Gauntlet Gallery in San Francisco, a showing open until 31st March. It features a...

  • News Capcom Releasing Special Mega Man Ultrabook in Japan

    North America's getting some flash drives, though

    In December of last year, Mega Man celebrated its 25th anniversary. Yes, it was way back in 1987 when Mega Man blasted his way onto the NES and quickly cemented himself into gaming folklore. To celebrate the Blue Bomber's birthday, Capcom is releasing a special edition Mega Man Ultrabook. The design...

  • News LEGO Mega Man Could Become a Reality

    Block Man isn't included

    Many of you are quite possibly familiar with LEGO CUUSOO, the community-based site that allows fans to submit proposals for sets and figures that they'd like to see released by the famous company. The first step is earning 10,000 votes, at which point the idea is formally reviewed to see whether it's a possible inclusion in...

  • News Mega Man Legends 3 Lives On In Fan-Made Browser Game

    The legend will never die

    Capcom broke a few hearts when it cancelled Mega Man Legends 3, but lovers of the Blue Bomber don't take setbacks like this sitting down. Fans Blyka and fAB have created a browser-based version of the Servbot mission in the Mega Man Legends 3: Prototype Version. Servbot Roundup allows you to: Ride around as Barrett, as...

  • News Capcom Wishes Everyone A Merry 'Mega Man' Christmas

    Happy Holidays from its blue hero

    Capcom has treated its fans with a festive tribute to one of its most famous franchises, Mega Man. The blue-suited protagonist is seen battling his way through numerous winter levels spanning across various Mega Man titles, with 'O Come All Ye Faithful' providing some Christmas cheer throughout the video. As well...

  • Feature The Confusing World of Mega Man Spin-Offs - Part 2

    Lots and lots of Mega Man

    We've already brought you our first part of a feature looking at the confusing world of Mega Man spin-offs, and now we're diving into some lesser known adventures from the Blue Bomber's universe. If you've played all of these then we can say one thing with confidence — you're a big fan of the franchise. Without further...

  • Feature The Confusing World of Mega Man Spin-Offs - Part 1

    Stay with us

    We've already talked about the ten numbered console games in the Classic Mega Man series, but as you are no doubt aware that barely scratches the surface when it comes to Capcom's classic franchise. We could spend several weeks spotlighting all of the titles released across all platforms — and, believe us, we'd love to — but we...

  • Feature Mega Man Retrospective - Part Two

    Back to the future

    Yesterday we brought you part one of our Mega Man retrospective, where we looked at the first five main entries in the iconic series. It's all in honour of the Blue Bomber's 25th Anniversary, with this segment spanning the NES to Wii eras of Nintendo systems, with some non-Nintendo systems making a brief appearance. Mega Man 6...

  • Feature Mega Man Retrospective - Part One

    25 years young

    Twenty-five years ago today, the world was introduced to a super fighting robot — the Blue Bomber himself — Mega Man. Known as Rock Man in his native Japan, Mega Man earned global fame and popularity, introducing gamers to a unique and challenging franchise that, unsurprisingly, became a piece of classic gaming history. Looking...

  • News Mega Man 1 to 6 Blasting Onto 3DS Virtual Console

    No need to be blue

    In early November we reported that Capcom was aiming to bring the NES Mega Man games to the 3DS Virtual Console, and it's now been confirmed that this will be a reality. With all of the NES titles already released in Japan and the original Mega Man available on the European eShop, the time for North America to join in has now...

  • News Street Fighter X Mega Man Is "A Bit Of A Mea Culpa"

    Accepting blame with a free PC game

    A few days ago Capcom announced Street Fighter X Mega Man, a free PC game to be released on 17th December that blends the two iconic franchises together as one big anniversary celebration. Capcom has assured fans that this download will be just the start of celebrations for Mega Man's anniversary, and that the...

  • News Capcom Has A Whole Year Of Mega Man Celebrations Planned

    Reaction to Street Fighter X Mega Man will decide the future of the series

    The PC-based game Street Fighter X Mega Man is most certainly a nice bonus for long-suffering Mega Man fans, but those same fanatics will no doubt be hoping that it's not the only way in which Capcom is marking the Blue Bomber's 25th birthday. Thankfully, such fears are...

  • News Capcom Announce Street Fighter X Mega Man

    Will be a free PC only download

    Street Fighter and Mega Man are both celebrating their 25th Anniversary this year, which is quite a feat. To celebrate both of their birthdays a special fan-made game called Street Fighter X Mega Man will be made available to download on your PC through the Capcom Unity website on 17th December. Street Fighter X Mega...

  • News Capcom Reasserts Its Commitment To Mega Man

    "You've not seen the last of the Blue Bomber on consoles and handhelds"

    We've said it once, and we'll say it again: this year has not been good for Mega Man. His most recent outing — Mega Man Xover — didn't sit too well with fans, and he is sorely missing from the 3DS eShop, (though Capcom is working to rectify this). However, in a recent...

  • News Capcom Hopes To Bring Entire NES Mega Man Series To 3DS Virtual Console

    Some issues holding it back

    An interview with Capcom Senior VP Christian Svensson and Capcom Community Manager Brett Elston in the latest Nintendo Power suggests that the company is planning on bringing all six of the NES Mega Man titles to the 3DS Virtual Console. We've already seen the first game in Japan and Europe, while a further three titles...

  • News Mega Man Fans Troll Capcom Following iOS Social Game Announcement

    Is it really Xover for Mega Man?

    An awful lot of Mega Man fans were pretty beat up when Capcom revealed that the hugely anticipated 3DS entry Mega Man Legends 3 was no longer in development, and since then the company has done precious little to comfort the massive global fan-base that has grown up around the character. However, with Mega Man's...