Tag: Ubisoft - Page 11

  • News Ubisoft: Beyond Good & Evil 2 Is On The Way

    Yves Guillemot confirms the sequel is coming

    Beyond Good & Evil emerged on a multitude of platforms — including the GameCube — ten years ago now and people have wanted to know about its sequel ever since. Beyond Good & Evil 2 has certainly been an elusive one; news on its release has been pretty thin on the ground leading many to...

  • Rumour Assassin's Creed IV Due This Year, Features Pirates

    Ooh-arrr, and so on

    It's rumoured release time again, just as today threatened to pass without any new additions. This time around it's an all new entry in the Assassin's Creed series, which will apparently be called Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, moving beyond all of that silly non-numbered spin-off business. It's apparently due this fiscal year,...

  • News LinkedIn Profile Suggests That Splinter Cell: Blacklist Is Stalking Towards Wii U

    Ubisoft loves the Wii U after all?

    Ubisoft may have annoyed a lot of Nintendo fans with the Rayman Legends delay, but the recent news that Watch_Dogs is coming to the Wii U this year has surely given the publisher a little boost. That goodwill could be amplified if the LinkedIn profile of a Ubisoft staffer is to be believed. The profile lists...

  • News Ubisoft Still Undecided On How To Use The Wii U GamePad In Watch_Dogs

    Just put a map on it?

    We reported over the weekend that those who purchase Watch_Dogs for the Wii U would get the same experience as copies of the game sold on other platforms, and now developer Ubisoft is thinking on how to implement the games features on the GamePad. Speaking with

  • Rumour Rayman Creator To Part Company With Ubisoft

    Michel Ancel to leave publisher after Rayman Legends is released?

    Ubisoft's decision to hold back the Wii U version of Rayman Legends to facilitate a multi-platform launch has caused quite a bit of ill-feeling, but if this latest rumour is to be believed, it could end up costing the French publisher one of its most talented staffers. French site

  • News Developer Says Watch_Dogs Will Offer The "Same Experience" On All Consoles

    "Players will have the same enjoyment; they will not feel any letdown."

    Ubisoft's hotly anticipated Watch_Dogs was officially announced as a Wii U title last week. The game will now be released on Nintendo's system as well as PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC and the newly announced PlayStation 4. Naturally, when games go multiplatform some people want...

  • News Ubisoft CEO Not Satisfied With Wii U Sales

    But says they will improve

    Ubisoft has been cruel and kind to Wii U recently. Of course there was the now infamous announcement that the publisher would be delaying Rayman Legends until September to allow for a multiplatform release, then it made a peace offering with the announcement of an online challenge mode for the delayed game th

  • News Watch Dogs Confirmed For Release On Wii U

    Though Ubisoft insists we now call it Watch_Dogs

    While plenty of Sony gamers are drooling over the announcement of the Playstation 4, some good news has come to light for Nintendo fans - in particular, Wii U owners. You read the headline right, Watch_Dogs is coming to the Wii U. We reported last week that the title was rumoured for release on the...

  • News Assassin's Creed III's Tyranny of King Washington DLC Goes for the Kill On 21st February

    The Infamy is the first of three parts

    Assassin's Creed III was a major launch release on Wii U, providing a version of one of the year's biggest multi-platform blockbusters. Like a lot of high profile games it offers various DLC packages, and after an initial mission add-on and a multiplayer pack — though it can be hard to actually find an active...

  • News Surprise Ubisoft Sale Arrives on Wii U eShop in North America

    Should be codenamed "Operation Rayman Appeasement"

    There's certainly been a lot of fiery outrage around the web and here on Nintendo Life in the past week, with Ubisoft being a target following its delay of Rayman Legends on Wii U — implemented in order to accommodate a simultaneous release on Xbox 360 and PS3. Wii U owners excited about the game...

  • News Rayman Legends Challenge Mode Coming Exclusively To Wii U This April

    And it's free, too

    As we all know Rayman Legends has now been delayed until September to accommodate a now mutiplatform release. To ease Wii U owners' pains, Ubisoft said it would be bringing a second demo to the Wii U eShop. However, it turns out that instead of a demo, it will be releasing the game's full online challenge mode for free in April

  • Rumour Ubisoft's Watch Dogs Is Coming To The Wii U

    It's coming to "all home consoles", apparently

    Ubisoft's Watch Dogs was one of the surprises of last year's E3 event, showcasing cutting-edge gameplay based around the control of information. The open world action title is based around hacking and surveillance, and features some amazing visuals — leading many to predict that it would be a next-gen...

  • News Ubisoft "Satisfied" With Wii U Launch, But Notes Low Software Tie-In Ratios

    CEO Yves Guillemot talks business with investors

    Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has stated that his company is satisfied with the launch of the Wii U and happy with its own market share in both North America and Europe, but also noted the impact of "low tie-in ratios" on software. During Ubisoft's investors call last week, Guillemot had the following...

  • News Rayman Legends Boss and Dev Team Protest Wii U Release Delay

    Insubordination ahoy

    Last week's news that Rayman Legends is going multi-platform and is delayed to September was disappointing for a lot of Wii U owners. While the loss of exclusivity was a blow, it was arguably the seemingly unnecessary delay to a finished game that enraged many. We saw an outraged anonymous forum post from someone claiming to be...

  • News Wii U To Get An "Exclusive" Rayman Legends Demo Soon

    Ubisoft makes a peace offering to Wii U owners

    As you may have heard, Rayman Legends is no longer a Wii U exclusive and has now been pushed back to the faraway land of September. Ubisoft has confirmed that the Wii U version of the game is finished, but has insisted it will be releasing it with the other versions of the game rather than putting it on...

  • News Ubisoft Confirms Rayman Legends Delay Isn't Down To Development Issues

    "I know it's not an elaborate, 'convincing' answer, but it's the simple truth."

    Yesterday's bombshell announcement that Rayman Legends is going multiplaform and will be delayed until September certainly ruffled a few feathers — you've already left us over 600 comments (and counting) regarding the ne

  • News Ubisoft: Nintendo Will Make "Necessary Changes" To Wii U

    "We have a pipeline of games of very high quality coming on that machine"

    Earlier today, Ubisoft announced that its hotly anticipated title Rayman Legends has been pushed back to September and will no longer be exclusive to Wii U. The game will now be coming out on other platforms, representing a big blow to Nintendo as it was seen as one of the Wii...

  • News The Next Assassin's Creed Game Will Star A New Hero

    Ubisoft makes its annual Assassin's Creed announcement

    Ubisoft has been making some unpopular revelations today, most notably the announcement that Rayman Legends is no longer a Wii U exclusive and has been pushed all the way back to September. On a more positive note, Ubisoft has also announced that the Assassin's Creed series will be getting a...

  • News ZombiU Now Populated By Over 300,000 Undead Players

    Back from the dead

    We reported earlier that Ubisoft is open to the idea of more ZombiU games - which is good news of fans of the Wii U launch title. However, this might come as slightly less positive news to the 300,000 players who have already fallen foul of the game's stern difficulty level and nerve-shredding atmosphere. In the same interview...

  • News Ubisoft: Wii U Power Meant No Limitations For Rayman Legends

    Rayman creator lavishes Wii U with more praise

    Rayman creator Michel Ancel has had nothing but positive things to say about Wii U since he’s been working with the new system. In previous interviews he has noted that Nintendo’s new home console is “surprisingly powerful” and that Ubisoft could really focus on making its latest game, Rayman...

  • Rumour Ubisoft Looking To Buy THQ's Assets

    French company reportedly in talks to acquire tangible assets

    On Wednesday THQ filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy in the United States, handing over its tangible assets to Clearlake Investments, an investment firm, with a view to selling the business on. It appears that Ubisoft is the front runner to pick up THQ's tangible assets, with MCV reporting...

  • Developer Interview ZombiU Producer Talks About Beginnings, Reactions and Survival Horror

    "Some players are not into survival, and that’s totally fine"

    In terms of high-profile third-party exclusives on Wii U launch day, ZombiU was comfortably the biggest show in town. While a number of multi-platform titles brought their HD shine to a Nintendo platform for the first time, those looking for a new experience that was hardcore in nature...

  • News ZombiU Producer "Disappointed" By Early Reviews

    Additional opinions provided the antidote

    ZombiU was a high-profile system exclusive on Wii U's launch day, grabbing a lot of headlines and even having its own hardware bundle in Europe. It's also a survival horror title that we rated rather highly here at Nintendo Life, yet it attracted a broad range of diverse critical opinions in various reviews...

  • News Ubisoft Uplay App On The Way To Wii U

    Adding a bit extra

    Ubisoft is comfortably the most supportive third-party developer in Wii U's launch window, releasing a mixture of ports and exclusive titles that cover genres suitable for less experienced players, through to blockbusters for those who'd call themselves hardcore. It seems the publisher's support is set to step up a notch further,...

  • News Rabbids Rumble Launch Trailer Fights For Attention

    In case you missed out on your daily dose of crazy

    Rabbids Rumble, the newest entry in the Raving Rabbids series, was released yesterday for the 3DS in North America, and is due out on November 16th in Europe. To kick off its launch, Ubisoft has released a launch trailer which should provide you with your daily (or weekly) dose of sheer insanity...

  • News Ubisoft Boss Thinks Wii U Is Cheap, But Is Still Unhappy On Pricing

    No pleasing some people

    Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has stated that although the Wii U is cheap when compared to devices like Apple's iPad, he's not 100% happy with the price of the system. Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz, Guillemot remarked: I always prefer lower pricing, so I can't say I'm happy. I'm never happy when the machines are expensive...

  • News Ubisoft Plan To Sell Wii U Retail Games Via The eShop

    Uplay service also incoming

    Nintendo are being secretive as always about their plans to bring retail Wii U games to the eShop but that hasn't stopped third party developers from getting the ball rolling with their own digital plans for the new console. Namco Bandai has already confirmed that Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U Edition will be available...

  • News Paper Mario, Fire Emblem and Rayman Legends Get New Trailers

    Now with 100% more Lums, goats, and arrows!

    Yesterday, Nintendo of America broadcasted a new Nintendo Direct, which focused specifically on upcoming 3DS titles and software. We already posted the brand new trailer to the newly-named Animal Crossing: New Leaf, but Nintendo also released fresh trailers for

  • News Rayman Creator Says Wii U is "Surprisingly Powerful"

    Developing titles is easier than expected

    We already know Rayman creator Michel Ancel is a big fan of Wii U, as last week we reported his praise of the GamePad, saying it's "more advanced than what people might think". He's also stated how surprised he is at the console's power, and that developing Rayman Legends for Wii U has been easier than he...

  • News Gangnam Style Confirmed for Just Dance 4

    Ubisoft seems Psy-ched

    Ubisoft announced earlier today that Gangnam Style, the number one hit song by South Korean rapper Psy, will soon be available as downloadable content for Just Dance 4. Having attracted more than 490 million views since it first appeared on YouTube in July, Gangnam Style has become one of the most viewed videos on the...

  • News Ubisoft States That Wii U GamePad Latency is "Just 1/60 of a Second"

    GamePad is "more advanced than what people might think"

    Nintendo's most recent systems, particularly from DS onwards, have succeeded on the strength of unique selling points rather than raw power, even if some label these as "gimmicks". DS introduced dual screens and stylus-based touch controls, 3DS was initially marketed on its glasses-free 3D...

  • News Ubisoft Announces Rabbids Rumble North American Release Date

    Three extra days of Rabbid fun

    Last week we reported that the Rabbids would be rumbling on to European 3DS consoles on 16th November. Today Ubisoft has confirmed that Rabbids Rumble will be launching on 13th November in North America, three days before it hits European shores. Rabbids Rumble features over 100 crazy Rabbids to capture and collect,...

  • News Rayman Origins Was In The Works For The Wii U

    Rayman Legends predecessor could have been on the Wii U

    Once upon a time, Rayman Origins was in the works for the Wii U, as Ubisoft expected an earlier launch date for the console. Sadly the team had no choice but to scrap development once they discovered that the system wouldn't be released in 2011. Rayman creator Michel Ancel told Nintendo Power...

  • News New Rabbids Rumble Trailer Shows European Release Date

    Let's get ready to rumble

    It has been just over 4 months since Rabbids Rumble was confirmed for the Nintendo 3DS, and Ubisoft has finally given us a release date for its wacky second outing on the handheld system. During a brand new trailer, it is confirmed that the 8th game in the series will be released across Europe next month on the 16th...

  • Hands On Ubisoft's Wii U Launch Hits

    Taking Rayman Legends and ZombiU for another spin

    When it comes to third-party launch support for Wii U, Ubisoft is the stand-out with its sheer volume of titles on the way. As always, the publisher is wading in with a substantial variety of games to cater to gamers of almost all levels and persuasions, but we recently had a chance to have another...

  • First Impressions Assassin's Creed III

    Battles on the high seas

    Assassin’s Creed III is one of Wii U’s highest-profile launch titles, with the November date coming just a few weeks after its appearance on the other HD systems. It’s also one of Ubisoft’s most ambitious development projects in its long history, with a number of studios and hundreds of staff working on what it hopes...

  • News Assassin's Creed III Confirmed For UK Wii U Launch

    Another massive release for day one

    Highly anticipated action title Assassin's Creed III has been confirmed as a day one launch title in the UK, thanks to Ubisoft's own online store. That means that the publisher will be releasing seven titles for launch, with Rayman Legends, Just Dance 4,

  • News Ubisoft: Wii U Is The Most Innovative System On Earth

    Or any other planet, for that matter

    Ubisoft's Jean-Phillipe Caro has lavished praise on Nintendo's new Wii U console, giving it the lion's share of the credit when it comes to explaining ZombiU's positive pre-release reception. Speaking to ONM, Caro said: I think we are making something fresh with the most innovative console. The Wii U is the...

  • News ZombiU Gets Royally Scary in Buckingham Palace

    The guided tours seem to have been cancelled

    Ubisoft's ZombiU hype machine is well and truly underway, with some new footage just released after its debut at PAX. It's a title that, in concept and use of the GamePad if nothing else at this stage, has us rather intrigued. The latest video takes place within Buckingham Palace, which is looking a bit...

  • News Get Your Feet Wet With This Assassin's Creed III Naval Warfare Footage

    High seas havoc

    Ubisoft has released footage of Assassin's Creed III which shows off the highly-anticipated naval warfare component of the game. A first for a series where contact with water previously meant instant death for some unlucky assassins, this section of the game looks set to add a bit a variety to proceedings and break up the endless...

  • Video See The Brains Behind ZombiU in This Dev Diary

    Release due 'this Christmas'

    ZombiU is arguably one of the most intriguing Wii U launch titles announced so far, eschewing the bright and colourful approach of certain high-profile rivals and promising dark, frightening survival horror in a zombie-infested London. During E3 it also showed off some clever uses of the Wii U GamePad, by making it a key...

  • News Rayman Legends is Exclusive to Wii U

    At least for now

    A new Rayman Legends trailer has rolled out of Gamescom, and there's an interesting if not entirely unexpected fact at the end — it's a Wii U exclusive. That's slightly at odds with what Ubisoft's Michael Micholic said during E3, when he stated that the publisher was "not really saying it's a Wii U exclusive". Has Nintendo...

  • News Yves Guillemot: Nintendo's 'Created Something Good' with Wii U

    Nintendo 'taking lots of risks with the games they create'

    When it came to judging console manufacturer's and publisher's efforts at E3, Ubisoft was the recipient of plenty of praise from attendees and those viewing on the web. Its own press conference may have included some sketchy, cringeworthy jokes — though that's not exactly rare at E3 —...

  • News New Marvel Avengers Media Assembles

    Hulk out

    It's summer, now traditionally the season of the superhero, so Ubisoft has released some new screenshots and a CG trailer of Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth to celebrate. There's also some cool key art from Marvel artist Leinil Yu. Marvel Avengers is coming to Wii U later on this year and will give you the chance to get to grips with...

  • News Get Down With The Hip Hop Dance Experience

    Gettin' jiggy wit it

    You love dancing games, right? Good, because Ubisoft has announced a new one. The Hip Hop Dance Experience hopes to have you jumping around to some of the biggest names in hip hop when it comes out on Wii in November. Following in the two-steps of Michael Jackson: The Experience and The Black Eyed Peas Experience, it's being...

  • News Ubisoft's Killer Freaks Evolved From Rabbids

    Then shifted to zombies for a 'serious' tone

    When Killer Freaks from Outer Space for Wii U was shown at E3 2011, some may have thought that Ubisoft had produced one of the more intriguing teasers for the system. It was a new IP with strange looking aliens that the player could shoot with impunity: it pushed some buttons. This year we've learned...

  • First Impressions ZombiU

    London crawling

    Ubisoft's first-person shooter ZombiU is brutal. Adapted from the ashes of the cancelled Killer Freaks from Outer Space, it sees London overrun by hordes of infected monsters. Your only goal is to survive, but don't expect to do so for very long; battles are desperate, fought with melee weapons or a weak pistol until you can scrape...

  • News Just Dance Greatest Hits Gets on the Dance Floor

    If you just can't get enough

    Just Dance is a franchise that has become unstoppable, swallowing up the Wii charts for weeks at a time and being responsible for adverts of attractive, rhythmic people jigging around with a Wii Remote in their hand. We've had three titles so far and know that Just Dance 4 is on the way, so it's not going anywhere. Back...

  • First Impressions Rayman Legends

    An absolute jaw-dropper

    Ubisoft's Rayman Origins was praised for its amazing 2D visuals, lush environments and solid platforming. So when word leaked out that Ubisoft was working on a possible sequel, fans of the limbless one sat up and took notice. After finding out the game would be shown at E3 on Nintendo's upcoming Wii U console, the thought of...

  • News Ubisoft Expects Five Million Wii U Consoles in First Six Months

    Doesn't consider the console to be a risk

    Ubisoft has recently taken up the role as a major third-party cheerleader for Wii U, and in a recent interview with Reuters, the company's CEO Yves Guillemot continued to talk up the system and its launch prospects. Guillemot had this to say about his expectation that Nintendo will manufacture five million...