Tag: Ubisoft - Page 12

  • News Ubisoft 'Not Really Saying' That Rayman Legends is Wii U Exclusive

    Could have fooled us

    While EA was the major partner of Nintendo at E3 2011, Ubisoft undoubtedly assumed that role this year, showing off its Wii U content in its own press conference before appearing on stage with Reggie Fils-Aime the following day. One title that looked attractive and made good use of the Wii U's GamePad and graphical capabilities,...

  • News Ghost Recon Online Still Planning Wii U Assault

    PC first, then Wii U

    Last year Ubisoft announced Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Online for Wii U, but with no mention of it at this year's E3 we wondered if it had slipped off the publisher's plate. Ubi's senior vice president of sales and marketing, Tony Key, has put such speculation to bed by saying a Wii U version is still planned. Key told IGN the...

  • E3 2012 Rabbids Land is a Wii U Party Board Game


    Ubisoft is making a mischievous play for Mario Party's market in Rabbids Land, a board game infused with mini games that'll be ready for Wii U's launch. The distractions are amusement park-inspired — is this going to become a theme on Wii U? — and mix up competitive and co-operative asymmetric multiplayer. Up to three players will...

  • E3 2012 Sports Connection Steps Up to the Plate

    Filling in for Wii Sports

    Wii U's E3 2011 concept video hinted at a new version of Wii Sports. That hasn't been confirmed as a title actually in development so far, but luckily for sports fans Ubisoft is ready to pitch in with Sports Connection. The compilation gives you the chance to win kart races from the comfort of your bathroom, live the...

  • E3 2012 Your Shape Gets U Bending

    Witness the fitness

    Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2013 is set to go toe-to-toe with Nintendo's own Wii Fit U in Wii U's launch window. Only the strongest will survive: does Ubisoft's exercise-a-thon have a chance of winning the battle with Nintendo's considerable bulge? There's certainly going to be plenty of peer pressure to lose those pounds with a...

  • E3 2012 Rayman Legends Trailer Looks Glorious in HD

    Wii U's best looking title?

    Ubisoft's got eight games on the way to Wii U, but few look as beautiful as Rayman Legends. Don't believe us? Here's a five minute gameplay video running in 720p. Rayman Legends is exclusive to Wii U and supports five players: four using Wii Remotes and one using the Wii U GamePad to play as Murphy, a helpful little chap...

  • E3 2012 Nintendo Land to Show Off the GamePad

    A theme park of well-known attractions

    Nintendo Land will arrive on Wii U, which will primarily aim to make use of the GamePad for innovative gameplay through a compilation of themed mini-game experiences. It'll feature game areas based on three big franchises: Zelda Battle Quest, Animal Crossing Sweet Day and Luigi's Mansion Ghost Mansion. It'll...

  • Reaction Ubisoft Bets Big On Wii U

    Will it be legendary?

    Ubisoft has now finished its E3 conference extravaganza, and unlike EA dedicated a section to Wii U, underlining support for Nintendo's next gen console. In total the publisher unveiled eight titles, not all necessarily for launch day, but in any case representing a broad variety of styles and experiences. So, what stood out?...

  • E3 2012 Assassin's Creed III Trailer


    Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed III was one of the publisher's biggest titles of its E3 conference this year, and while we didn't see any Wii U-specific footage the game is shaping up very nicely indeed. The trailer might all be CGI but it should give you a taste of what to expect from Connor's trip onto Wii U later this year. It's one of eight...

  • News Ubisoft Manager Says Wii U Only Supports One GamePad

    Hopes take a knock

    We're all hoping Nintendo will confirm Wii U supports two GamePads during its E3 conference, but don't get your expectations up too high — Ubisoft France manager Xavier Poix has told VentureBeat the machine only supports one GamePad. GamesBeat: How many players can you get on the Wii U at once? Is it four or is it two…?...

  • E3 2012 Ubisoft Reveals Wii U Line-Up

    Something for everyone?

    Ubisoft's just lifted the lid on its full line-up of Wii U titles. Some we knew about already, others we didn't. Here's what's heading to Wii U: Assassin's Creed III Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth Rayman Legends Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2013

  • E3 2012 Ubi's Wii U-Exclusive Zombie Shooter ZombiU


    Not content with showing off more of Rayman Legends for Wii U, Ubisoft's also lifted the lid on ZombiU, a Wii U-exclusive zombie-based survival horror. It's actually an evolution of last year's Killer Freaks from Outer Space, but with zombies instead of aliens. The publisher showed off a very lengthy trailer showing Dead Rising-style...

  • E3 2012 Ubisoft Shows Off Rayman Legends for Wii U

    Supports Pro Controller

    Ubisoft's shown off more about Rayman Legends including how it'll work with the Wii U GamePad. In co-op play, the player using the GamePad controls a new character, Murphy, who's more of a support character instead of playing a regular role: Murphy can interact with ropes, platforms and enemies on screen to make life easier...

  • E3 2012 Ubisoft Announces Just Dance 4 for Wii U

    Out in October, apparently

    Ubisoft's done what EA hasn't and shown off a game for Wii U. Just Dance 4 kicked off Ubisoft's press conference with a performance from Flo-Rida and some dancers. The video in the background showed a player placing the Wii U GamePad into the cradle and dancing. As you would. Ubisoft has confirmed Wii U will support up...

  • E3 2012 Watch Ubisoft's Wii U Games Live Right Here

    It's true

    Want to watch Ubisoft's Wii U games? Then keep it here as we bring you the live video of its E3 press conference. Can't get YouTube working for whatever reason? We'll have updates for you on new games, technology and anything else interesting Ubisoft has to show. Hopefully there's no Mr Caffeine. Ubisoft's conference is just part of the...

  • News Rabbids Rumble Confirmed for 3DS

    We knew it

    A few weeks back we unearthed an age rating for Rabbids Rumble and Ubisoft gave us no comment. Now we know the game's real, as we have a press release and assets. Rabbids Rumble has minigames — of course — but also has a turns-based combat system that promises "intense battles mixing tactics with the Rabbid’s classic wackiness"...

  • Rumour Splinter Cell: Blacklist Coming to Wii U

    Play Sam again

    Ubisoft's got a lot of Wii U games to show off next Monday, and one of them might feature everyone's favourite gruff-voiced special agent spy that's not Solid Snake. According to reports, Splinter Cell: Blacklist is heading to Wii U, PS3 and Xbox 360 in early 2013. Ubisoft has refused to comment, saying only it "doesn't comment on...

  • Feature The Full E3 2012 Schedule

    Bookmark this (updated 31st May)

    With one week to go, we've put together a complete guide to this year's E3 show so you know exactly what's on offer, when and how to watch it. We've compiled a list of the major press conferences and live events and converted them into a range of time zones so you know exactly when to come to Nintendo Life to get...

  • News Rayman Hits 3DS VC in Europe Next Week

    Gear up for Origins

    With a Rayman Origins demo last week and Rayman on 3DS Virtual Console next week — not to mention a proper look at Rayman Legends for Wii U the week after — Ubisoft's hero is working harder than he has done in years. Rayman's Game Boy Color adventure lands in Europe next Thursday for £4.50, and is only the second VC title...

  • News Ubisoft to Reveal Wii U Games on 4th June

    Strap yourself in

    Ubisoft's confirmed it'll show off its Wii U games at its E3 press event on 4th June, ahead of Nintendo's conference on 5th June. Ubi hasn't said specifically which Wii U games it'll show off — no surprise there — but with half a dozen titles in development including Rayman Legends and Assassin's Creed III there should be...

  • News Rayman Origins 3DS Hits North America on 5th June

    Reduced price and launch trailer may tempt you

    After delays and some mystery, we finally have the North American release date for Rayman Origins: 5th June. That's three days before it arrives in Europe, and less than three weeks away for those who've been impatiently awaiting its arrival. Ubisoft has also confirmed the price for the U.S., which is a...

  • News Ubisoft Readying Seven Wii U Games

    Let's play the name game

    Ubisoft's throwing its considerable weight behind Wii U with no fewer than seven games in development, CEO Yves Guillemot has revealed. Speaking to investors (as reported by GamesIndustry.biz) Guillemot confirmed the publisher is a "very strong" supporter of Wii U, with five casual and two core titles in the works...

  • News Ubisoft Announces Avengers Game for Wii U

    Battle for Earth

    The film's already out — good, isn't it? — but there's no video game tie-in for The Avengers. Not yet anyway, as Ubisoft's just announced Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth for Wii U. The motion-controlled superhero game will come to the console later this year with 20 different Marvel characters in tow, so expect to see all the...

  • News Ratings Board Leaks Ubisoft's Rabbids Rumble

    They're bwaaah-ck

    Ubisoft is preparing another outing for the Rabbids, as we've unearthed a rating for Rabbids Rumble. The Australian Classification Board slapped a G rating on the game, citing "very mild crude humour", which doesn't really give much away. The rating doesn't specify which formats the game is heading to, but as there have...

  • News PEGI Rates Rayman for 3DS Virtual Console

    Back in the swing

    PEGI just rated the original Rayman for 3DS Virtual Console. Ubisoft released Rayman for Game Boy Color back in 2000, mixing the story of the original game with content from Rayman 2. There's already Rayman DSiWare on the eShop, but that's more faithful to the 32-bit original. It'll be the second Ubisoft game for 3DS Virtual...

  • News Rayman Legends is Coming to Wii U, Supports NFC

    Update: Ubisoft responds

    Update: Ubisoft has issued a statement about Rayman Legends, acknowledging its development but stressing it's for internal use only: An internal video showing images of Rayman Origins’ sequel has leaked over the Internet. This video was intended as a purely internal demonstrative video, and in NO way represents the final...

  • News Ubisoft Wants to Be Top Dog on Wii U

    Sound familiar?

    Ubisoft will stick to its tactic of big launch support for new consoles when Wii U launches later this year. Last year Ubi launched six games alongside 3DS and, back in 2006, released half a dozen games on the same day as Wii. That plan helped it become the biggest third-party publisher on both formats — though Ubi's Wii success...

  • News Ubisoft Ready for Digital Content Blitz on Wii U

    "We'll absolutely take advantage"

    Ubisoft's always a big day-one supporter of any console — it launched six games with 3DS a year ago — and it's one of the few publishers to have announced multiple Wii U projects in the forms of Assassin's Creed III, Killer Freaks from Outer Space and Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Online. It's not just retail games...

  • News Ubisoft Fills In Assassin's Creed III Wii U Details

    Eagle vision

    Assassin's Creed III is coming to Wii U, and Nintendo Gamer magazine (via NintenGen) has revealed some fresh details about how the game will use Wii U's new controller. As expected by anyone who's ever played a DS game, the Wii U's second screen will be used as a persistent map and navigation tool, linked to the series' virtual reality...

  • Rumour Ubisoft to Bring Your Shape to Wii U

    The shock

    Ubisoft's Your Shape series rose to prominence on Kinect, but it stopped off on Wii first before leaping onto Microsoft's swanky sensor. Now it looks like the fitness series is ready to come back to Nintendo, with a Wii U version supposedly in the works. According to a post from The Royalty Network (via Go Nintendo), Ubisoft has requested...

  • News Rayman Origins 3DS Delay Goes Worldwide

    Now everyone has to wait

    We recently found out that Ubisoft was delaying the 3DS version of Rayman Origins until 8th June in Europe and we've now been told that the game's delay will be worldwide. According to the company, Rayman Origins 3DS is now scheduled for a worldwide release in June with the PC release still set for 29th March in North...

  • News Rayman Origins 3DS Pushed Back in Europe

    Summer date

    Ubisoft's pushed the 3DS version of Rayman Origins back to June for Europe. The platformer was originally supposed to be released today but instead Ubi's now put an 8th June release date on the platformer. No reason for the delay has been given. Over in North America, Nintendo.com still lists the game for 20th March but there's no...

  • News Assassin's Creed III is Coming to Wii U


    Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed III will be released on Wii U, the publisher has revealed. The game reaches PS3 and Xbox 360 on 31st October but as we don't know when Wii U is out don't take this as a day one Wii U release. Still, the news that Ubisoft's supporting Wii U with one of its biggest upcoming titles has to be a reason to be cheerful,...

  • News Rayman Origins 3DS Has No Multiplayer


    Rayman Origins on 3DS has no multiplayer modes, Ubisoft has confirmed to us. A fact sheet for the 3DS version of the game emerged the other day and didn't make any mention of multiplayer, and now we know why — there's no local or online co-op play in Rayman's 3DS outing, a shame as four-player was one of the best things about Rayman...

  • News Rayman Origins 3DS Leaps the Atlantic on 20th March

    Helicopter hair and all

    Ubisoft has revealed Rayman Origins will release in North America on 20th March. The portable platformer is based on the critically acclaimed 2011 home console release, with StreetPass functionality thrown in for good measure. We've got some fresh screenshots below to get you all geared up for Rayman's upcoming adventure.

  • News More Just Dance 3 DLC Available Now

    No Luigi DLC, shockingly

    It's clear that a title is selling in huge numbers when the publisher offers downloadable content (DLC) on the Wii, as Ubisoft did with its Just Dance 3 Mario DLC last year. The trend is set to continue, with owners of the Wii game now having access to two additional DLC packs. The details from the press release are below...

  • News Rayman Origins 3DS Grabs Europe by the Globox on 16th March

    Bounding in

    Ubisoft has confirmed Rayman Origins for 3DS will reach Europe on Friday 16th March. The portable version of the superb home console platformer is the only real highlight of Ubisoft's 2012 release slate so far. Here's what else Ubi has planned for 3DS: Funky BarnFantasy PetzMonster 4X4Puzzler Crosswords All four of those titles are due...

  • News Australian Board Rates Ubisoft's First Ever Virtual Console Titles

    Bringing out the big guns

    It's hard to believe, but Ubisoft hasn't released a single game on either the Wii or 3DS Virtual Console, surprising considering the publisher's enormous 25-year back catalogue. That could all be about to change though, as the Australian Classifications Board has rated three titles for the services. Ratings for Prince of...

  • News Just Dance 3 Gets Mario DLC on 14th December


    Just Dance 3 is about to get a whole lot more plumber-y, as Nintendo UK has announced a Mario song is on the way next week. From 14th December you'll be able to download The Mario Song for 250 Nintendo Points, a medley of classics beats and tracks from Mario games past. An on-screen Mario jives to the beat, and the dance marks all wear Mario...

  • News Ubisoft Recruiting for Triple-A Wii U Online Game

    What could it be?

    We already know Ubisoft is one of the many third-party Wii U developers — it announced Killer Freaks From Outer Space at E3 2011 after all. The company's throwing more weight behind the platform though, now recruiting for a "AAA Wii U game" at its Quebec studio. Two positions are available: senior engine programmer and,...

  • News Solve the Mystery of the James Noir Launch Trailer

    Oh, that was easy

    One of the earliest third-party games revealed for 3DS James Noir's Hollywood Crimes finally makes it to Europe today, and we have a new launch trailer to show off. Originally called Hollywood 61, the game has one of the most bizarre plots we've ever heard in a game: as a contestant in a 1960s game show, you soon discover a...

  • News Ubisoft Reveals Its Drawsome Wii Graphics Tablet

    A work of art?

    After the success of THQ's uDraw, Ubisoft's the next company to muscle in on some of the Wii touch screen tablet action with its own peripheral Drawsome. The tablet — set for release exclusively in the United States on 6th December — boasts a 6.5" x 5" screen, slightly larger than the Wii U's 6.2" surface. Drawsome...

  • News Ubisoft Believes in Wii U for Core and Casual Customers

    But which will prevail?

    Ubisoft is always a big supporter of new hardware — it had six titles out for the 3DS launch, for example — and the publishing giant will be there on Wii U day one. Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has spoken to Gamasutra about the upcoming console's potential to appeal to the casual and core customers that could help it...

  • News Rayman Origins Trailer Shows Ten Ways to Travel

    Q & A 2

    In all the excitement over Super Mario 3D Land and The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, we almost forgot another iconic gaming character is due to return this Christmas. Rayman Origins on Wii and 3DS are both on the way before Christmas, and so it's time to learn a little more about them with a new trailer and a little Q&A with director

  • News Ubisoft: "Nobody Proved Wii Does FPS Controls Better"

    Many have tried...

    If there's one genre that's really exploded in popularity on consoles over the last five years, it's the first-person shooter, the Call of Duty series in particular experiencing phenomenal growth. While these titles thrive on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3, they don't always take advantage of the Wii's qualities, particularly when it comes...

  • News Rayman Origins 3DS Screenshots Look Good, Don't They?

    The limbless wonder rides again

    Rayman Origins is coming to Wii, but 3DS owners will get a version of the game too, and Ubisoft has just sent over some new shots of Rayman Origins on 3DS. The shots certainly look impressive: the smaller screen doesn't seem to have resulted in a loss of quality for the glorious 2D art that's attracted so much...

  • News Just Dance 2 is 8th Wii Game to Top 5 Million in US

    First from a third-party

    Ubisoft's Just Dance 2 might not be your idea of a good time, but that hasn't stopped over five million Americans picking up the game since it launched last October. The game enters an illustrious group of five-million-sellers, and is the first non-Nintendo game to reach the milestone on Wii. The other members of the 5m+...

  • News New Driver Renegade 3D Episode Pulls Up

    Take it for a spin

    It's been a while since we heard about Driver Renegade 3D, but Ubisoft is stepping up its game with a series of animated shorts depicting hero Tanner driving around, taking down bad guys and delivering cheesy one-liners. The first episode made waves in the 3DS eShop, particularly for some of the more adult language used, and the...

  • First Impressions Rayman Origins (Wii)

    Back to his best?

    Rayman Origins is the long awaited return to 2D platforming for Ubisoft's chopper-haired hero. While the version we played at a recent preview event was running on Xbox 360, we were told the team is aiming to make the Wii version as similar as possible. Running on Ubisoft's new UbiArt framework, the game is extremely beautiful —...

  • News Guillemot: "Assassin's Creed Wii U Won't Be Revelations"

    Ubisoft CEO teases what's in store

    With the recent news that Assassin's Creed: Lost Legacy for the 3DS has been scrapped, we were left wondering if the Wii U instalment of the popular stealth, action series might follow the same route. In an interview with Swedish website Aftonbladet (as translated by the Swedish branch of