Latest Interviews









  • Interview Michael Inglis - Building LEGO Zelda

    Legendary LEGO

    Recently we found out that a project to make LEGO Zelda a reality, via the CUUSOO platform, had reached 10,000 supporters and, as a result, has gone forward for consideration by The LEGO Group. There are still hurdles to get over, including the small matter of Nintendo agreeing to license the brand, but it's an achievement to...

  • Interview Nigoro on La-Mulana's Cancellation

    What happened?

    Those waiting for La-Mulana's WiiWare release were left disappointed recently when publisher Nicalis cancelled the game's western launch. Nicalis cited problems with low sales of the WiiWare platform and a protracted development period, leaving no current route overseas for the 2D platformer and developer Nigoro. We spoke to...

  • Interview Peter Ong - Disney Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion

    We have a chat with the game's director about Mickey's handheld odyssey

    We're suckers for retro here at Nintendo Life, and we certainly found our interest piqued when Disney Interactive revealed that it's upcoming portable title Disney Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion was to be a 16-bit-style sequel to the Mega Drive's Castle of Illusion Starring...

  • Interview Trent Oster - WiiWare from a Developer's Perspective

    Changes that can support independent developers

    After declaring that Beamdog will never develop for Nintendo again, company president Trent Oster was the recipient of both praise and criticism for his honesty. The tone of the original remarks on Twitter riled some, while debates about the merits and flaws of WiiWare and Nintendo’s digital strategy...

  • News Oster Lays Out WiiWare Criticisms

    Lessons to be learned

    There was a lot of controversy recently when Trent Oster — president of Beamdog, the company responsible for MDK2's WiiWare port — said that his company would never develop for Nintendo again: some objected to the tone of his remarks and comments about Wii as a console. In an interview with Nintendo Life, Oster outlines...


  • Interview Renegade Kid - ATV Wild Ride 3D

    ATV racer gets a 3D facelift

    After having trouble getting the original ATV Wild Ride for Nintendo DS onto retail shelves, developer Renegade Kid have decided to give the game a 3D makeover and this time offer the game on Nintendo's 3DS eShop. We recently got the chance to take the game for a spin and we thought now might be a good time to sit down...

  • Interview Shinesparkers - Celebrating Metroid with Music

    Recreating the adventure

    Recently we became aware of Harmony of a Hunter, a two-disc album of fan-produced Metroid music that covers the history of the franchise: it's available for free from this download page. It's a project from Metroid fan-site, and a follow-up album called Harmony of a Hunter: 101% Run is on the way. We spoke...

  • Ninterview IAmThatOneGuy Talks About Creating Paper Samus

    Aran sweater

    Last week we told you about a giant paper Samus created by Flickr user IAmThatOneGuy, and we decided that we wanted to learn more about how it was created. We reached out to the paper artist and learned more about him and his unique project. Nintendo Life: First, please introduce yourself and your creation. Matthew R Green: My name is...

  • Interview Senile Team - Rush Rush Rally Racing

    Racing to answer

    Tomorrow sees the European release of Rush Rush Rally Racing (R4) for WiiWare, nearly 18 months after it was first announced. We sat down with developer Senile Team's Jeroen and Roel van Mastbergen to talk racers, future releases and WiiWare. Nintendo Life: Firstly, please introduce yourself to our readers. Senile Team: Hi readers!...

  • Interview Ludosity - Alien Chaos 3D

    Signs of intelligent life

    Developer Ludosity and publisher Reef Entertainment just revealed a new 3DS download game for Europe called Alien Chaos 3D, so we tracked down the developer and convinced it to spill the beans on its upcoming eShop shooter. Nintendo Life: First of all, can you tell us a little bit more about the Ludosity studio? Ludosity:...


  • Interview Super Fighter Team - Developing for SNES in 2012

    Brandon Cobb explains why retro gaming matters

    When we published a news article about a new SNES title on the way in 2013, Nightmare Busters, it attracted a great deal of interest. While many of us spend the majority of our game-time on current-day consoles, there still seems to be an appetite for retro titles and platforms. Few companies represent...

  • News Resident Evil Revelations Almost Had Campaign Co-Op

    Killer shrimp were also considered

    Resident Evil Revelations was the first major release on 3DS this year, and it's pushed a lot of buttons with an impressive campaign and online co-op mode. Like all video game projects, however, the final product doesn't include everything that the developers initially intended, as producer Masachika Kawata and...

  • Ninterview Camille and Kennerly - The Harp Twins

    Making sweet music

    The internet is full of unusual covers of Nintendo songs, but none caught our eye quite like this Ballad of the Goddess harp duet by identical twins Camille and Kennerly, aka The Harp Twins. We talked to the musical duo about gaming, music and sticking together. Nintendo Life: Hi guys, thanks for agreeing to this interview! First...

  • News Hideki Konno Discusses Mario Kart 7 and its Development

    Blue shells aren't going anywhere

    Mario Kart 7 is now well established as one of the games to own on 3DS, contributing to an important revival for the handheld in the Holiday period. We'd wager a lot of gamers are still revving up their karts for some racing, which says a lot for the series' appeal to gamers of varying experience levels. IGN has...


  • Interview Mutant Mudds Reader Questions

    Renegade Kid answers your questions

    With Mutant Mudds getting closer to release we recently gave you, the readers, the opportunity to ask Renegade Kid any questions you had about the game. Jools Watsham, director of Mutant Mudds and co-founder of Renegade Kid, was kind enough to take time out of his busy schedule to answer your questions...

