Latest Interviews


  • Feature Nnooo Interview - Pop Plus: Solo

    Nnooo's Pop was one of the very first WiiWare releases and has gone on to become something of a poster child for downloadable gaming.

    Since the Wii launch we've also see an iPhone version, and the Aussie developer is putting the finishing touches to a DSiWare variant called Pop Plus: Solo as we speak. Keen to find out more about this, we got in...

  • Interview Catching Up With Takahashi Meijin On Hudson's Adventure Island

    The man, the legend

    Takahashi Meijin is something of a legend in his native Japan. You might know him as '16 Shot' thanks to his famed ability to hit a controller button 16 times in a second. However, if you're a keen fan of Hudson's output then you might also know him as the inspiration for Master Higgins from Adventure Island. However, these days...

  • News Eximion Interview - Cube: Gardens of Zen

    With the recent announcement of Cube: Gardens of Zen coming to the WiiWare service, we wanted to get in touch with its creators to find out a little bit more about the game and what we can expect from the WiiWare release.

    Chris van der Linden, Creative Director at Eximion, was kind enough to take time out of his busy schedule to take part in an...

  • News Gamelion Studios Interview - Furry Legends

    With the recent release of new screenshots of Gamelion Studios' first WiiWare title Furry Legends, we felt like now might be a good time to get in touch with them in an effort to find out more information on their upcoming release.

    Lukasz Szczepanski, producer of Furry Legends at Gamelion Studios in Poland, was kind enough to take time out of his...


  • News Hudson Interview - Onslaught

    When the release of Onslaught looked like it was still a few weeks away Amar Gavhane, the associate brand manager over at Hudson kindly agreed to do an interview with us answering all our questions about game modes, weapons, etc. It would have made for a fascinating read, except for just one small snag, before we could publish the interview the game surprised everyone and came out in Europe!

    As we reviewed it shortly after its release and already revealed the answers to most of our questions, we agreed with Amar to run with a rev...

  • Podcast Episode 2

    Including an interview with House of the Dead: Overkill producer, Neil McEwan of Headstrong games.

    Along with the interview episode 2 of the Nintendo Life podcast includes a round up of the latest Wii and DS news such as the recent announcement of another Mario & Sonic game. Podcast #2 contents: Wii & DS News round up Neil McEwan, Producer...

  • News Gaijin Games Interview - Bit.Trip Beat

    Bit.Trip Beat looks set to be one of the most original and fun games of 2009 on WiiWare. It’s a clever blend of Atari 2600 visuals, Pong gameplay and a slamming chiptune soundtrack.

    Intrigued by this mysterious looking game we contacted the developers Gaijin Games to find out more. Thankfully the head honcho, Alex Neuse agreed to spill the beans...

  • News Team Meat Interview - Super Meat Boy

    Team Meat's Super Meat Boy title might be very early in development for the WiiWare service, but it's never to early to dig for a little new information on the game. With the popularity of the flash version of the game already creating some anticipation for the game, we couldn't resist touching base with the developers in an effort to pry a few tidbits of information out of them.

    We recently caught up with two members of Team Meat, Edmund McMillen and Tommy Refenes, and they were kind enough to take part in an interview with WiiWare World. You can read on below to see what they had to say to...


  • News Nintendo Channel: Ian Livingstone C64 Interview

    Some of our readers have informed us that there's another C64 interview available on the Nintendo Channel in select European countries - This one's with Ian Livingstone, the co-creator of Games Workshop, nowadays mostly known for their Warhammer franchise of board and videogames. Ian also created Fighting Fantasy, a popular choose your own adventure book series.

    As in the John Rowlands interview, the focus is mostly on the memories of playing C64 games and what his favourite one is. Naturally we also see him playing the game on the VC, because it is available. Unlike the previous interview, this one's not split into part...

  • News Nintendo Channel: John Rowlands C64 Interview

    If you live in the UK and you've got the Nintendo Channel installed you can now watch an interview with a popular C64 developer - John Rowlands, the creator of Mayhem in Monsterland, Creatures 1 and 2, and other classics.

    Strangely enough the video isn't available in most European countries (And obviously not in the rest of the world either), but...

  • News Over The Top Games Interview - Icarian: Kindred Spirits

    One of the most promising WiiWare games due later this year has to be Icarian: Kindred Spirits which is being developed by the newly formed independent studio ‘Over The Top Games’ based in Madrid, Spain.

    The screenshots we have seen of the game so far look really nice, even LostWinds quality. If the gameplay is also as good we will have a winner...

  • News Semnat Studios Interview - Eduardo the Samurai Toaster

    Semnat Studio's Eduardo the Samurai Toaster is already garnering quite a bit of enthusiastic attention just in the short time since it was announced, so we decided it might be time to get in touch with the developers and find out as much information as we could about this interesting upcoming WiiWare title.

    Daniel Coleman of Semnat Studios was kind...


  • News YUKE'S / High Voltage Interview - Evasive Space

    After two previous WiiWare releases in Gyrostarr and V.I.P Casino: Blackjack, High Voltage Software has now partnered up with YUKES Company of America to bring Wii owners their next WiiWare offering Evasive Space.

    We recently caught up with Keith Hladik, Associate Producer at High Voltage Games and Nate Fitt, Marketing Manager at YUKE'S Company of...

  • News DK Games Interview - Equilibrio

    With the recent announcement of DK Games' first WiiWare entry Equilibrio, we thought it might be a good time to talk to the man behind the game in an attempt to gain a bit more insight into the game and the development studio behind it.

    Lead developer of DK Games Christophe Kohler was kind enough to take time out of his busy development schedule to...

  • News RealArcade Interview - Tiki Towers

    Tiki Towers is set to hit the US WiiWare service this Monday, December 22nd so we decided it might be a good time to get in touch with the developers of Tiki Towers in order to find out more about the game.

    Graham Kays, producer of Tiki Towers, was nice enough to take time out of his busy schedule to talk with WiiWare World about the game. You can...

  • News Allied Kingdoms Interview - Planet Pachinko

    The WiiWare service originally set out to be an outlet for indie developers to share their small budget gems with the world. So far we have seen too much of that as most games released are from established development studios with the occasional indie such as 2D Boy finding success.

    Enter Darren Wilson from Allied Kingdoms, his company is a true...


  • News Hudson Interview - Alien Crush Returns

    With the recent release of Alien Crush Returns, Hudson continues to breath new life into their classic franchises through both the Wii Virtual Console and WiiWare services. While they've also brought out some great new titles, it's these remakes of their classic titles that seem to grab the most attention from gamers around the world.

    We recently...

  • News Wayforward Interview - LIT

    Wayforward Technologies has gained quite a reputation for their quality titles during their years in the video game industry, creating such acclaimed titles as Shantae for the Game Boy Color system as well as Contra 4 for Nintendo's DS system.

    Now the team is getting set to release LIT, their first WiiWare title, and we thought it would be a good...

  • News Incredible Technologies Interview: Target Toss Pro Bags

    Target Toss Pro Bags is coming out on WiiWare this coming Monday (17th November) in North America for the mid-range price of 700 Wii Points.

    With this in mind what better time to catch up with Gary Colabuono, the marketing director at Incredible Technologies to find out more about this sports game aimed squarely at the causal market? WiiWare World:...

  • News Steel Penny Games Interview: Bruiser and Scratch

    Will this upcoming WiiWare game by naughty or nice?

    Back in the rolling mists of time we ran an interview with Steel Penny Games - the chaps behind the upcoming WiiWare puzzler Bruiser and Scratch in the Case of the Puzzling Paw. Formed by ex-Naughty Dog staff, Steel Penny Games is headed up by Jason Hughes, who agreed to a second interview after...

  • News Nicalis Interview: Cave Story

    The news that the legendary PC freeware game Cave Story is making its way to WiiWare has made many people very happy indeed - us included.

    Created by Japanese programmer Daisuke Amaya (better known as Pixel), the game is being ported by Tyrone Rodriguez and his team at Nicalis. Keen to know more about the historic conversion, we tracked Rodriguez...


  • News JoJu Games Interview: Mart Racer

    Since we don't have a lot of information regarding the upcoming shopping spree-infused racing title Mart Racer from JoJu Games, we decided to get in touch with the company to try to find out a little more information on the game. Lead Development Director Juan Gril was kind enough to take time out of his busy schedule to take part in an exclusive interview for WiiWare World and here's what he had to tell us...

    WiiWare World: Can you tell us a little bit about JoJu Games? Juan Gril: We started Joju 3 years and a half ago. We are mostly guys...

  • News Kaasa Interview - Commodore 64 on Wii Virtual Console

    Bringing the mighty breadbox to the Wii

    If we had reported back in 2006 that the Virtual Console would ever play host to a series of Commodore 64 games we might have been branded as crazy. Heck, some of our readers are too young to know what this home computer was, some even questioned if the beloved breadbox was a competitor of the Nintendo 64!...

  • News High Voltage Interview: High Voltage Hot Rod Show

    We love a good racing game here at WiiWare World. As D2C’s SPOGS Racing failed to deliver the goods we pinned our hopes on another racer to come to WiiWare and save the day. Perhaps High Voltage Hot Rod Show is that game?

    We got in touch with our pals at High Voltage Software, developers of the rather good Gyrostarr and the upcoming awesome...

  • News Mindware Interview Part 2 - MaBoShi: The Three Shape Arcade

    Those among our readership with good memories will remember that a few weeks ago we did an interview..

    ...with Micky G. Albert the president of Mindware Corp. in Japan about his WiiWare debut with MaBoShi: The Three Shape Arcade. So detailed were his answers that we thought it best to run the interview in two parts! Here is the second part of our...

  • News Studio Walljump Interview: Liight

    Since we haven't been given much information on Studio Walljump's upcoming WiiWare puzzler Liight, we thought it might be time to go straight to the top to get a bit more information on this unique light-infused puzzle title.

    Thankfully, Nicholas Trahan, owner of development house Studio Walljump, was kind enough to take time out of his busy...

  • News Treasure: Buy Dynamite Headdy, You Fools

    Highly respected Japanese developer Treasure has spoken about the Virtual Console service in a recent interview with

    President Masato Maegawa said he was pleased with the commercial performance of titles like Gunstar Heroes and Sin & Punishment, but was sad to see that so few people had downloaded Dynamite Headdy – a game which holds...

  • News Wahoo Studios / NinjaBee Interview: Boingz

    While we don't know a lot about Wahoo Studio's upcoming Wiiware title Boingz, we were lucky enough to get an exclusive interview with Jeremy and Joey from Wahoo Studios to find out a bit more about the game. They were also nice enough to send us over a short game play video of the game in action to further show how the game is played. You can check out the full interview and game play video below.

    WiiWare World: How long has Boingz been in development? Jeremy: About a year. WW: How did you come up with th...


  • News Mindware Interview Part 1 - MaBoShi: The Three Shape Arcade

    When we first saw some screenshots of MaBoShi: The Three Shape Arcade, we didn’t know what to expect.

    However upon playing it following its release in late August all our reservations were swept aside and it was promptly awarded an 8/10 in our review. We wanted to know more about how this intriguing game came to pass so we set about contacting the...

  • News Ronimo Games Interview: Swords and Soldiers

    The recently announced Swords and Soldiers is shaping up to be one of the more interesting WiiWare titles we've seen.

    An unusual mix of RTS and side-scrolling action, the gorgeous 2D visuals should ensure the game stands out from the rest of the WiiWare crowd. In order to learn a little more about the title itself, we got in touch with Fabian Akker...

  • News Shin'en Interview - Fun! Fun! Minigolf

    How's the handicap?

    We're massive fans of Shin'en here at WiiWare World, having enjoyed the output of the German developer for many years now. Iridion II is easily one of our favourite GBA shooters and Nanostray 2 recently rocked our socks off on the DS. So as you might imagine the news that Shin'en are to produce titles for Nintendo's WiiWare...

  • News RiverMan Media Interview - MadStone

    MadStone was confirmed back in June and it appears to be shaping up to be a pretty solid puzzle title for the WiiWare service. Keen to know more about the mysterious developers RiverMan Media, we tracked down brothers Jacob Stevens and Paul Stevens and asked them nicely if they wouldn't mind answering a few questions about the soon to be released game. Happily for us they were only too happy to oblige...

    WiiWare World: Can you tell our readers a bit about how Riverman Media got formed? Jacob Stevens: It may sound sentimental, but from the momen...

  • News Empty Clip Studios Interview - Groovin' Blocks

    After the surprise announcement of an intriguing new action/puzzle game with the funky name of Groovin’ Blocks we really wanted to know a bit more. Could this fusion of Rock Band and Lumines be one to look out for when it hits the WiiWare service tomorrow in the USA?

    Thankfully Francois Bertrand, the co-founder of Empty Clip Studios managed to...


  • News 2D Boy Interview - World Of Goo

    As the much anticipated World of Goo draws ever closer to release we thought it would be a good time to catch up with Ron and Kyle, the masterminds behind 2D Boy to find out a bit more about the most recent developments.

    Thankfully the dynamic duo were only too happy to answer our questions. Read on and find out what’s new in the World of Goo:...

  • News Goldeneye Locked In Legal Limbo

    WAAAAY back in the mists of time we reported that Nintendo was looking to bring Rare’s N64 classic Goldeneye to the Virtual Console.

    Soon afterwards it became clear that it wasn’t going to happen, and to make matters worse, it looked as if Rare’s new owners might bring the game to their 360 console via the Xbox Live Arcade service, albeit in...


  • News Abstraction Games Interview - Potpourrii

    We love a good puzzler here at WiiWare World, and Abstraction Games upcoming game, Potpourrii is looking to be one of the more interesting ones coming up. Many people had assumed this was just a simple Bust-A-Move clone with a circular spin, but it seems there is more to it than just that.

    As the release date for Potpourrii draws ever closer we...

  • News JV Games Interview - Pong Toss

    With the upcoming release of the controversial WiiWare title Frat Party Games - Pong Toss, we thought it would be a good time to get some inside information on the title. We were fortunate enough to catch up with Jag Jaeger, co-founder and VP of JV Games and he was kind enough to take time out of his busy schedule to do an interview with WiiWare World. Here's what Jag had to tell us in this exclusive interview.

    Wiiware World: What gave you the idea to translate this frat party game into a videogame? Jag Jaeger The reasons are many, but...

  • News Bplus Interview #2 - Plättchen - Twist 'n' Paint

    Way back in March we caught up with the charismatic Bernd Geiblinger of Bplus, the Austrian developers of the upcoming WiiWare game Plättchen - Twist 'n' Paint. It was a fascinating insight into this mysterious game, but we were still left wondering quite how the gameplay would work in practice.

    Seeing as the game is finally due this month in...

  • News High Voltage Interview - Animales de la Muerte

    Update: Animales is NOT coming to WiiWare now!

    We've been keeping a keen eye trained on Animales de la Muerte for some time now; this gloriously bloodthursty comic shooter certainly has what it takes to catch the eye, but what's the story behind its development? We demanded answers, and we got them. The awesomely named Chad Kent - Executive Producer...


  • News Telltale Games Interview - Strong Bad's Cool Game

    Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People (SBCG4AP for short) is perhaps one of the most anticipated upcoming WiiWare releases. When it was first announced it came as a real surprise, as people were not expecting a point and click adventure game based on one of the most popular flash cartoon series at all!

    We recently caught up with Mark Darin, a...

  • Feature Secret of Evermore - Brian Fehdrau Interview

    Developer of Secret of Evermore

    Our resident reviewer Corbie Dillard has been busy securing some fresh content for his SNES fansite. He really struck gold with a recent interview which he did with Brian Fehdrau, the lead programmer on the Squaresoft USA team that developed the Super Nintendo rpg hit Secret of Evermore. At the present moment, Square...

  • News Oxygen Games Interview - Pirates: The Key of Dreams

    With the anticipation level building for the upcoming WiiWare title Pirates: The Key of Dreams, we decided to check in with Phil Merricks, Project Manager at Oxygen Games to find out a little more information about the game. Phil was kind enough to answer a few of our questions and you can find out what he had to tell WiiWare World in this exclusive interview.

    WiiWare World: How long has Pirates: The Key of Dreams been in development for the WiiWare service? Phil Merricks: About 6 months. WW: What was the thinking behind making Pirates: The Key of Dreams a prequel to the fort...

  • News Big Blue Bubble Interview - Home Sweet Home

    Home decorating simulator Home Sweet Home is Big Blue Bubble's first title for Nintendo's WiiWare service. Keen to know a little more about this interesting title, we got in touch with the developer's CEO Damir Slogar, and asked him a few questions.

    WiiWare World: Could you give us a brief history of your studio? What other notable projects have you...

  • News Luc Bernard Talks Eternity's Child, Rose Princess and Uwe Boll

    Luc Bernard’s Eternity’s Child has been on the WiiWare radar for some time now thanks to its gorgeous visuals and unique setting, so many people were surprised when the talented Anglo-French developer was interviewed recently and publicly stated that he was disappointed with his work.

    We got in touch with this enigmatic young gent and asked him...

  • News Ghostfire Games Interview - Helix

    Since we don't have a lot of information about Helix, the upcoming release from Texas based developer Ghostfire Games, we recently contacted their CEO, Ed Roman about setting up a possible interview. Ed was kind enough to take time out of his busy schedule to do a telephone interview with WiiWare World.

    Find out what he had to tell WiiWare World in...

  • News D2C Games Interview: SPOGS Racing

    Since the very first screenshot in Nintendo Power many of our readers have been itching to find out more about SPOGS Racing.

    This looks set to be a fun arcade racing game, where you can smash into your opponents and steal their parts. Rather than playing as a whole car, you just play as a wheel – you can tell this game doesn’t take itself too...


  • News Hudson Interview - Alien Crush, Bomberman, Tetris, Blue Oasis

    Hudson is a company that needs little introduction. One of the first publishers to flock to the legendary NES console, Hudson has continued to be a solid Nintendo supporter and has recently opened its WiiWare account with the enjoyable Star Soldier R. Needless to say, the veteran publisher also has several other interesting titles on the horizon.


  • News David Braben Interview: LostWinds

    We talk to the founder of Frontier Developments

    David Braben, founder of Frontier Developments and the man famous for bringing the world such legendary videogames as Elite and Virus, recently gave us the honour of taking part in an exclusive interview. In it, he talks about Frontier's recent WiiWare release LostWinds and also gives a little insight...

  • News Two Tribes Interview - Toki Tori

    For many people Toki Tori represents the dark horse of the European WiiWare launch. Unless you were a keen Gameboy Color gamer there's a chance that you've never heard of this cute little character before, but he's been given a new lease of life on WiiWare in what is proving to be an extremely promising title.

    Sensing that the world needed to know...

  • Feature Square-Enix Changes Its Mind About The Virtual Console?

    Time will tell

    Highly respected Japanese developer Square-Enix has broken its silence regarding the lack of support for Nintendo’s Virtual Console service in a recent interview at the 2008 Game Developers Conference. Producer of WiiWare title Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King Toshihiro Tsuchida lifted the lid on why the company...


  • News WiiWare interview - Plättchen Twist 'n' Paint (Bplus)

    In our series of exclusive interviews with up and coming WiiWare developers we have been lucky enough to grab a few moments with Bernd Geiblinger, the art director of Plättchen Twist 'n' Paint.

    The veteran Viennese developers at Bplus certainly appear switched on and want to make a name for themselves on the new WiiWare service. Let's see what they...


  • News Inside the Mind of Luc Bernard - Eternity's Child Interview

    Eternity's Child is the product of the wild and wacky mind of artist Luc Bernard. It's shaping up to be one of the more promising WiiWare releases and is certainly getting a lot of attention thanks to its lush visuals and unique setting.

    We caught up with Luc and popped a few questions his way regarding this innovative platform adventure. WW:...

  • News WiiWare Focus: Interview with Nnooo (Pop)

    Our coverage of the upcoming WiiWare service continues with this exclusive interview with Nic Watt of Nnooo, the small indie studio behind the promising Pop. We caught up with Nic and grilled him on this forthcoming release - here's what he had to say...

    WW: How did the concept for Pop come about? NW: Since the Wii was announced I have been thinking...

  • News WiiWare Focus - Interview with Medaverse (Gravitronix)

    Jesse Lowther, lead designer and CEO of Medaverse Studios was kind enough to spill the beans to WiiWare World regarding the latest developments with their upcoming WiiWare title Gravitronix.

    Having nailed their colours to the mast and taking the bold step of launching their first game at 500 Wii Points (the price of an NES game) we have to admit to...

  • News Factor 5 Speak About Secret Wii Project

    Julian Eggebrecht spills the beans, but still no name as yet

    They won’t reveal the name of the top secret project they’re working on, but those fine chaps at Factor 5 have still given us a few juicy pieces of information to chew on for the time being. Speaking to IGN, Factor 5 president Julian Eggebrecht shed a little light on this mysterious...

  • News WiiWare Focus - Steel Penny Interview

    WiiWare World recently caught up with Jason Hughes, president of Steel Penny games who are one of the earlier third party development studios out there to put their money where their mouth is and develop something new for Nintendo's new WiiWare service.

    With their pedigee as former Naughty Dog veterans we are hopeful that their first WiiWare venture...

  • News WiiWare focus - Interview with the director of Butterfly Garden

    WiiWare World recently caught up with Shayne Guiliano, the Studio Director of Autonomous Productions, to find out his thoughts on Nintendo's new WiiWare service and catch up on the development of Butterfly Garden. It looks as if things are shaping up well for the 2009 WiiWare release and that this will be a game worth keeping an eye on.



  • News Tetsuya Mizuguchi "Worries About Wii"

    Former Sega star is wary of Nintendo’s dominance

    He may have been part of Sega’s ‘golden era’ and had a part in such classic titles as Rez, Meteos and Lumines, but it would seem that videogame legend Tetsuya Mizuguchi is being kept up at night by the runaway success of the Wii. In a recently interview with Wired, he was asked about...

  • News Suda 51 Interview

    Grasshopper's main man spills the beans on his latest game, No More Heroes

    Our very good friends at Wii Italia recently got chance to speak to the director of No More Heroes, Goichi Suda (better known as Suda 51) and they've kindly allowed us to reproduce the interview in English. Wii Italia: Did you say that this game was going to be more violent...

  • News "Wii 2 May Appear Sooner Than You Think"

    More Nintendo bashing on the cards

    It seems that everyone wants to have a dig at Nintendo these days. First there was former Sensible Software boss Jon Hare having a good old rant, and now Codemasters CEO Rod Cousens has waded in with his own unique brand of criticism, even going as far as to suggest that the Wii’s dominance isn’t as assured as...

  • News Satoru Iwata Interview: "I HEART Apple"

    Nintendo's president speaks about the Wii's success and why he wants his company to be more like the creator of the ipod

    President of Nintendo Satoru Iwata has recently taken part a somewhat interesting interview with Japanese site In it he explains why he thinks the Wii has been such a success (it’s because of the interface and NOT...

  • News Samba De Amigo Wii - Gearbox Speaks

    The FPS expert is bringing the Dreamcast classic bang up to date, so dust off your maracas, people

    Brothers in Arms developer Gearbox Software may not be a name that instantly springs to mind when considering which software house should be tasked with updating the Sega classic Samba de Amiga, but the company has nevertheless been awarded that...

  • News Sega Hint At More Wii-based NiGHTS Titles

    After waiting over a decade it seems that Sega are willing to milk the franchise for all it's worth

    It may not have lived up to the expectations of many fans, but Sega’s NiGHTS: Journey into Dreams has obviously performed well enough at retail for its developers to be considering future titles and it would appear that the Wii is the favoured...

  • News Retro Talk About Metroid Prime

    Highly respected American developer spills the beans

    American developer Retro Studios has broken its silence about working with Nintendo on the critically acclaimed Metroid Prime franchise. The Texas-based company worked closely with the Japanese giant to craft what many gamers regard as being one of the finest FPS adventure series in existence. In...


  • Interview InLight Talks Teenage Zombies

    Recently we got the chance to put our questions to Darren McGrath, VP Creative Development at InLight Entertainment about their upcoming DS title, Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingies!

    Putting up the rotting, decaying questions for was was our very own zombie slayer, Damien "Ghoulash" McFerran. How did...

  • News Press Day: NiGHTS

    On Friday the 30th of November 2007 Nintendo Life were invited to SEGA of Europe’s head offices in the UK for a press day.

    The day was in aid of the much anticipated NiGHTS sequel, Journey of Dreams, a Nintendo Wii exclusive game. Ant asked me to go down on behalf of Nintendo Life, and this is a report on the day! The day was a chance for Takashi...

  • Interview Takashi Iizuka Talks NiGHTS

    Last Friday we were invited back down to SEGA HQ for a press session with NiGHTS Directory, Takashi Iizuka, for those interested we have a full transcript of the Q&A session.

    Nintendo Life: When did development for Journey of Dreams start?Takashi Iizuka: The idea came about 2 Years ago. Development began 1 and a half years ago Nintendo Life: Years...


  • News The Road To Super Mario Galaxy

    Nintendo developer, Yoshiaki Koizumi, has given a keynote speech at The Montreal Games Summit including explaining the steps that were taken to design Super Mario Galaxy.

    So in 2005, a spec sheet was created for “Super Mario Revolutions”. Koizumi explained, "The concept was to play with Mario running around on spherical objects – something...

  • News Iwata Asks About Super Mario Galaxy

    The head honcho of Nintendo talks to the developers of Super Mario Galaxy in a series of interviews.

    Following on from the 'Iwata asks' series of interviews around the launch of the Wii, the top dog of Nintendo talks to the developers of Super Mario Galaxy about the latest Mario game. Here's a short extract: Shimizu:So we had quite a few members of...

  • News No Wii Hard Drive. Period. (For Now?)

    Since the launch of the Wii there have been concerns of memory shortages and most of the Internet community seems to have expected the announcement of a hard drive for some time now.

    Nintendo have today squashed the rumours once again however, talking with they said: “The way that we look at it is, we really don’t want people storing...


  • News Reggie Promises More Wiis

    A lot more units are being manufactured but will there be enough?

    At the Wii launch we all had problems obtaining the motion-sensing console which left desperate parents paying over the odds trying to get their loved ones a shiny new Wii. Unfortunately, it looks like to be more of the same towards the end of this year. In an interview with Mercury...

  • News Iwata Talks Development, Miyamoto & Wii Sports 2

    Nintendo's leader talks shop with one of his friends.

    Satoru Iwata, President and CEO of Nintendo, recently had an informal chat come-interview with Japanese site The discussion reveals many aspects of game development from Iwata himself and from stories of how Miyamoto has influenced him. At times throughout the talk such wise discussion...


  • News Nintendo Franchise Defence

    Miyamoto still looks towards creating new ideas and characters, Nintendo doesn't solely run on Mario and Zelda.

    Things seem to have changed alot at Nintendo over the past 5 years, but they still come under fire for recycling the same brands over and over. Personally I don't have a big issue with this, you might aswell have a different brand for each...


  • News Miyamoto Is Wired

    Nintendo grand master was recently quizzed by the Wired news crew, talking Mario Galaxy, WiiFit and WiiWare and others.

    A Miyamoto interview is always something to saver and study, its not often the genius spills his thoughts with the media, Wired recently got a dose of his current brain activity and quizzed him with the general post-E3 questions we...

  • News Metroid Prime 3 - Not Online?

    Retro Studios have been quoted as saying there will be no online play in the forth coming Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Doh.

    Interviewed by GamePro, Retro Studios CEO Michael Kelbaugh told the website that his studio's upcoming title Metroid Prime 3: Corruption will not feature online multiplayer. "It's something we talked about early on, but we...