Latest Interviews


  • Interviews QubicGames - Gnomz (WiiWare)

    Learn more about the porcelain protectors

    After the revelation of Gnomz yesterday we had to sit down with QubicGames' Michał Dys to learn more about the bizarre WiiWare fighting platformer. We'll also have a preview of the game coming up tomorrow, so don't miss it. Nintendo Life: The first question has to be: why gnomes? What is it about them that...

  • Interview Enjoy Gaming - Pyramids (3DS eShop)

    We talk about the eShop's first 3D puzzler-platformer

    We at Nintendo Life love a good puzzle, and Pyramids looks to provide just that. It originally caught our eye as one of the first announced third-party eShop titles, and it's still only one of less than ten in the running so far. We sat down with Enjoy Gaming's Production Manager, Janice Spencer,...

  • Interview Collecting Smiles - Colors! 3D

    Take a look at the upcoming 3D painting app along with the first two screenshots

    The 3DS eShop is slowly gaining steam, but most will admit that the download service doesn't quite have the robust library we might hope for four months in, especially when it comes to third-party software. That's set to change soon with the help of Colors! 3D, an art...

  • Interview Gameloft - Let's Golf! 3D and the State of the eShop

    Talkin' shop

    The 3DS eShop is entering its fourth month, but besides the 3D Classics series and Pokédex 3D, the only original software available for download is Let's Golf! 3D from Gameloft. As we look forward to the future of Nintendo's online shops and back at their predecessors, we decided to sit down with the team and chat about the Big N's...


  • Interview Object Vision Software - Aya and the Cubes of Light

    We talk to the B2B software house turned game studio about its debut release

    For over a decade, if you knew about Object Vision Software, it was likely because your business needed custom, or bespoke, software or consultation. Now the B2B firm has stepped into the world of video game development with the innovative WiiWare puzzler Aya and the Cubes...

  • Interview Tanukii Studios - Go! Go! Kokopolo and Beyond

    We sit down with the sole member of the young DSiWare dev

    Here at Nintendo Life, two things we love are creative independent developers and unique game designs. One great example of the latter is the recently released Go! Go! Kokopolo, a quirky, challenging downloadable title that hit the DSi Shop a little while ago and scored an 8/10 in our Go! Go!...


  • Interview Microforum - Kyotokei and the Future of the eShop

    We take the new horizontal shmup head-on

    We love when something a little out of the ordinary pops up on WiiWare, and one such game is Kyotokei, an original horizontal shoot-em-up that recently launched in North America and garnered an impressive 7/10 in our Kyotokei review. Our own Corbie Dillard and Zach Kaplan sat down with Giovanni Simotti, CTO...

  • Interview Firemint - Flight Control (WiiWare)

    We talk about the newest iteration of the up-and-coming developer's popular IP

    After conquering the iOS, DSiWare and even PlayStation Move platforms, Firemint's addictive air traffic control-based Flight Control is landing today on WiiWare in Europe and North America. We sat down with Writer and Media Liaison Logan Booker to talk about the...

  • Interviews Renegade Kid - Mutant Mudds

    Developer talks platforming

    When developer Renegade Kid first showed off some early footage of its Maximillian and the Rise of the Mutant Mudds 3D platform title, many gamers were a bit shocked at the radical departure from many of its previous efforts like Moon and Dementium: The Ward. The game's cartoon looks and light-hearted theme were a far cry...



  • Feature Gaming Thoughts of a Self-Confessed Tattooligan

    Jim Smallman about his gaming heritage and why Nintendo will always have a special place in his hear

    While most gamers show their love and appreciation for their hobby by tirelessly buying up software, hardware and official merchandise, there are a select few who decide to take their adoration a step further. One such individual is UK-based comedian...


  • Interview MonkeyPaw Games - BurgerTime World Tour

    Developer talks classic arcade update

    With the upcoming release of Burgertime World Tour on the WiiWare service, we thought now might be a good time to get in touch with MonkeyPaw Games and attempt to gain some new information on the title. John Greiner, president of MonkeyPaw Games, was kind enough to take time out of his busy schedule to sit down...

  • Interviews High Voltage Software - Conduit 2

    We go deep inside the Wii's newest FPS

    A little under a week ago saw the release of the first person shooter Conduit 2, the highly anticipated sequel from High Voltage Software. To take a closer look at the development of the game (as well as a possible hint at future 3DS outings), we went behind the scenes with Kevin Sheller, a senior producer at...

  • Interviews Monster Tale - Dreamrift's Peter Ong

    DreamRift's co-founder spins us a tale of two screens

    Even though its successor released last month in Europe and North America, the DS was never going to go down without a fight. A new Pokemon generation dominated the handheld's last days as top dog, but right under the radar flew Majesco and DreamRift's excellent platform/pet RPG Monster Tale...

  • Interviews TT Games - LEGO Battles: Ninjago (DS)

    We talk about ninjas and studs

    LEGO Battles: Ninjago is bringing its own brand of Spinjitzu to North America and Europe this week. TT Games producer Vince Grogan appeared in a puff of smoke, so we hurled shuriken-sharp questions in his direction until he fled. Nintendo Life: What's the first thing we should know about LEGO Battles: Ninjago? Vince...


  • Interviews Richie Knucklez - The Kong Off

    "the most important person in video gaming right now"

    In the documentary The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters, Steve Wiebe travels to FunSpot Arcade to put a stop to all the naysayers disputing his record-setting Donkey Kong skills. To the amazement of everyone watching, he achieves the first ever kill screen on the Funspot Donkey Kong machine...

  • Interviews Electronic Arts - Madden NFL Football (3DS)

    The development team tackles our tough questions

    Sports and video games go together like quarterbacks and cheerleaders, and that's why we at Nintendo Life are excited that Madden NFL, one of the longest-running and most popular American football franchises, is among the 3DS launch line-up. We've been tossing the pigskin back and forth across the...

  • Interviews Scroll's Ray Barnholt Talks SNES and New-Age Fanzines

    Former 1UP staffer fills us in on what he's up to now

    The humble fanzine harks back to an era when the net didn't exist and the most bits you could possibly hope for from a games console was 16. It's hard to appreciate this now, but back then these crude pen-and-paper creations were the ancestors of sites like the one you're reading right now;...


  • Interviews Doctor Kong Director Alexis Neophytides

    We catch up with Alexis and Hank at the film's Brooklyn premiere

    The saga over high scores in Donkey Kong is no longer a tale of two dudes. While most of us came to know the world of modern day Donkey Kongers through the epic rivalry between Steve Wiebe and Billy Mitchelll, it wasn't long before a third player emerged out of left field. Hank Chien,...

  • Interviews Catching Up with Steve Wiebe

    The former champ ain't no chump

    Not since a certain famous gorilla and plumber-to-be squared off for the coveted Pauline has there been a rivalry like that of the Kings of Kong. The film The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters brought to public attention the fight for dominance between family man Steve Wiebe and Goliath-like hot saucier Billy...

  • Interviews WayForward - Mighty Milky Way

    Sean Velasco talks Mighty Milky Way

    We've already seen WayForward release some of the best DSiWare titles the service has seen to date, but now the company is getting set to release the pseudo-sequel to their first DSiWare hit Mighty Flip Champs. And while Mighty Milky Way shares many of the traits of its predecessor, it's actually a completely...

  • Interviews Ben Geisler - Jam City Rollergirls

    We go all post-mortem

    Cast your minds back several years to the announcement of WiiWare, and its promise to bring smaller, riskier titles to Wii owners. Over the years there's no doubt the service has seen some pretty unique games, and the latest in that line is Jam City Rollergirls, the only video game ever based on roller derby. Our Jam City...


  • Interviews Dr. Hank Chien, the Current King of Kong

    Doctor Kong tells all

    We recently live blogged former King of Kong Steve Wiebe's attempt to take back the Donkey Kong record, but before last March, we weren't even aware that a new champ was out there. We recently sat down with the New York plastic surgeon to get his thoughts on his rise to fame, competitive playing and more as well as get some...

  • Interview Geek Prints - Retro Video Game Clothing

    Being a nerd has never looked so fashionable

    There are many ways to show your appreciation for gaming's illustrious past. One is obviously re-living classic titles via Nintendo's popular Virtual Console service, while another is seeking out original hardware and software for that authentic experience. However, here at Nintendo Life HQ we've been...


  • Interviews Curve Studios - Fluidity / Hydroventure

    Developers spill about Fluidity

    Fluidity was recently released on WiiWare in North America and we were very impressed with the game's unique approach and fluid execution. With the game making its debut today on the European WiiWare service under its new moniker Hydroventure , we thought it might be a good time to sit down with developer Curve...


  • Interviews Two Tribes - Frenzic

    Promising puzzler gets it in the Q&A

    DSiWare puzzler Frenzic is nearly upon us – released this Friday in Europe and Monday for North America at 200 Points, in fact. Publisher Two Tribes graciously granted us time for an interview to find out more about the process of bringing Frenzic to DSiWare. Nintendo Life: Can you tell us a bit about Frenzic?...


  • News Call of Duty: Black Ops Wii to Get Online Co-Op and Zombie Modes

    Activision interview opens up

    Call of Duty: Black Ops on Wii has been shrouded in secrecy for months, with next-to nothing concrete revealed, but now the game's senior producer Anna Donlan has spilled the beans on what gamers can expect on November 9th. The biggest news is arguably that the game will feature online co-operative play, including the...

  • Interviews Frozen Codebase - Jam City Rollergirls

    Jammers, blue shells and water bombs - welcome to roller derby

    Some games have thrilling stories of inspiration: a childhood nightmare overcome, fresh eyes on a new hobby. Jam City Rollergirls does not have quite such noble origins: it's the offspring of the fast-paced sport of roller derby and lots of drinking. We chatted to developer Frozen...

  • Interviews Epicenter Studios - Rock of the Dead

    House of the Dead meets Rock Band meets Neil Patrick Harris. Thoughts and new screenshots revealed

    Sometimes, a game comes along that makes you say "Why didn't I think of that?" – right after you marvel at how cool it is, of course. Rock of the Dead, the upcoming title from independent studio Epicenter, is just one such game. Imagine, if...

  • News NBA Jam Man Disappointed by Gamers' Negative Attitudes

    Try to contain your surprise

    Trey Smith, Creative Director of recent Wii slam-a-jamma NBA Jam, is an old head in this industry, having been working on games for the best part of a decade. He must have seen his fair share of problems in his team, but when quizzed by the MTV Multiplayer blog what did he state as the number one biggest problem...

  • Interviews WayForward - Shantae: Risky's Revenge

    Matt Bozon talks about his long-awaited sequel

    After an eight year absence, WayForward's half-genie has finally come out of the bottle for her brand new sequel just released on Nintendo's DSiWare service. Shantae: Risky's Revenge captures all of the unique gameplay of the original and expands upon it with all new magical powers and animal...

  • Interviews Sega - Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1

    We chat about the hedgehog's 2D return

    It's nearly here: Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 is released on WiiWare in North America on October 11th, with a European release following on Friday October 15th. With the game now finished and so very nearly here, we caught up with Ken Balough, Digital Brand Manager for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I, to...



  • Interviews Onteca Studio Visit - A Monsteca Corral

    We discuss monsters, robots and WiiWare with Corral’s Producer and Art Director

    Following our recent A Monsteca Corral: Monsters vs. Robots review, we headed to Liverpool in the UK to chat with independent developer Onteca’s Jon Wetherall (Producer) and Rich Alston (Art Director), about their first WiiWare title. Nintendo Life: Where did the...

  • News Sakamoto says Metroid: Other M is a "Perfect Metroid Experience"

    The wait is nearly over

    It's been a long wait for Metroid: Other M, but within a few weeks we'll finally know whether or not it's an excellent outing for the bounty hunter. Metroid creator Yoshio Sakamoto certainly seems to think so, even going so far as to say it's the perfect Metroid experience in an interview with Official Nintendo Magazine. But...


  • News Jett Rocket's Return May Not be in Platform Form

    Shin'en interview hints at branching out

    Graphically resplendent and rather enjoyable WiiWare platformer Jett Rocket has been making waves since landing in June, and those who've clocked the adventure may have already seen this closing screen that hints at a reappearance for the jumpsuited Jett. Well, don't expect to see him repeating his...

  • News Shu Takumi Talks Ghost Trick, Ace Attorney

    Would love to see a 3DS Phantom Detective

    Recently, published an interview with Shu Takumi, a creative director at Capcom who's working on Ghost Trick and whose past projects include the first four Phoenix Wright titles. In it, he discusses his excitement with Phantom Detective: I swear none of you have ever seen anything like it...

  • Interviews Takumi Naramura - La Mulana

    La Mulana creator talks about new WiiWare remake

    Nicalis have already released one hit indie PC title on the WiiWare service with the release of Cave Story and are now putting the finishing touches on their second WiiWare release La Mulana. Since it's been awhile since we've heard any new information on the game, we decided to go directly to the...


  • Interviews Dancing Dots - QuickPick Farmer

    The independent French studio talks about its upcoming release, downloadable gaming, humour and more

    On July 5th, North American DSi owners will be able to download QuickPick Farmer, the first DSiWare release from independent developer Dancing Dots (not to be confused with Dippin' Dots, the ice cream of the future). We spoke to managing director...

  • News Kingdom Hearts DS Release Re:coded to Tease 3DS Title

    Nomura tells all!

    According to a recent interview with Square Enix director Tetsuya Nomura, the 3DS Kingdom Hearts game will be a brand new adventure in which characters Soru and Riku explore worlds previously unforeseen in the series (no Pixar characters, though). If you want any more tidbits, though, it might do you well to check out the upcoming...

  • News Optimus Prime Talks About Being the First Voice of Mario

    Peter Cullen reminisces about lending his vocal talents to the world's most famous plumber

    Legendary voice actor Peter Cullen - who has recently lent his talents to Activision's upcoming Transformers title War for Cybertron (also known as the slightly less threatening Cybertron Adventures on Wii) was interviewed by the other day and...

  • News 3DS Online Content to Push, Not Pull

    In new Nintendo console, the games come to you

    There are still no hard-and-fast facts about how the 3DS's shop will function, but several recent interviews with Satoru Iwata have revealed a potential sea change in thinking at Nintendo's highest level: as well as Mr Iwata's post-E3 comments that the console could support video chat, a discussion with...

  • E3 2010 First Impressions: Ivy the Kiwi?

    Yuji Naka shows off his newest project

    For the three or four people on the planet who don't know, Yuji Naka is the former head of Sega's Sonic Team and had a hand in the creation of the Mega Drive Sonic releases. He was also heavily involved in the creation of NiGHTS Into Dreams for the Sega Saturn before leaving the team to pursue other projects...

  • E3 2010 Interviews: Okamiden - Capcom

    Okamiden producer answers a few of our questions

    Okamiden has remained under the radar for the most part as of late, so it was nice to see the game on display at E3 2010. After spending a bit of time with the game, it's clear that it continues the tradition of beautiful oriental-style artwork and scenery, not to mention the same unique gameplay of...

  • Interviews Marcin Kawa - Bloober Team

    Executive producer slices and dices about the team's upcoming aviation nightmare

    You don't see a whole lot of blood and guts on WiiWare, so Bloober Team's upcoming episodic vamp-fest Last Flight certainly stands out among the crowd. We spoke to Marcin Kawa of Bloober Team about how development is going, getting beat to the pop culture punch on...


  • Interviews Mere Mortals

    We chat to the Pocket Pack developer about its download-focused future

    Mere Mortals probably isn't a name you instantly recognise, but UK readers have experienced more of the company's output than they might realise. The multi-talented team produced the animations for Charlie Brooker's Gameswipe, had a hand in the CG for Danny Boyle's Sunshine and...

  • Interviews Mateusz Makowiec & Piotr Łatocha - Heavy Fire: Special Operations

    We catch up with Teyon to find out more about its latest WiiWare game

    Teyon has been a pretty big supporter of both WiiWare and DSiWare lately and with a new war-themed arcade shooter approaching release we thought we'd find out a bit more about the company, its newest WiiWare game and plans for the future. Mateusz Makowiec, the VP for Sales and...

  • Interviews Ty Roberts - Bejeweled 2

    We talk to producer Ty Roberts about PopCap's upcoming WiiWare debut

    Though PopCap is no stranger to Nintendo platforms, having already released several retail and download games for the DS and DSiWare, Bejeweled 2 marks their first foray in the lounges of Wii owners. After a bit of hands-on time with the final release candidate, we thought we'd...

  • News Suda 51 Interested in Killer7 Sequel, No Plans for NMH3

    Travis's story done but perhaps Harman Smith's isn't

    Our good friends over at Cubed3 recently snagged an interview with Suda51 of No More Heroes fame, probing him about any upcoming projects on the horizon from his Grasshopper Manufacture team. Although he didn't confirm any new projects he did lay down some tantalising hints, including his desire...

  • Interviews Ryozo Tsujimoto - Monster Hunter Tri

    We chat monsters, quests and gamers clocking 8,000 hours

    Initially scheduled for the week of the game's launch in April, ongoing issues with the Icelandic volcano dust cloud situation meant we had to postpone our interview with Monster Hunter Tri producer Ryozo Tsujimoto, but we're now able to bring you the interview in full. Nintendo Life: Why do...

  • Interviews NBA Jam Producer Pete Trenouth

    Yes, the announcer is back

    The upcoming NBA Jam revival for the Wii has been music to the ears of gamers wanting to taste that nostalgic goodness that will see them slam dunking like beasts as if it's easier than breathing, all to the enthusiastic commentary of the in-game announcer. The NBA Jam series is long overdue for a return and with the...

  • News Don't Worry, You May Get More 2D Metroids

    "Certainly possible", says Yoshio Sakamoto

    As promising as Metroid: Other M looks, not everybody is happy with the direction the series has taken: some would be happier with a straightforward 2D Samus adventure like the days of old. Their prayers may not be falling on deaf ears either, as Metroid overlord Yoshio Sakamoto has hinted the flat...

  • News Dive: The Medes Islands Secret "Like an Underwater Metroid," Says Developer

    Comparison holds water, no multiplayer due to size limits

    Intriguing concepts on WiiWare are ten-a-penny – or, in US dollars, a dime-a-dozen – but the idea of setting a platformer entirely underwater is a new one on us, and new comparisons to classic Nintendo platform-shooter Metroid pretty much earmark Dive: The Medes Islands Secret as one to...


  • Interviews Shin'en Multimedia - Jett Rocket

    New game details as well as exclusive screenshots of the WiiWare 3D platformer

    One look at upcoming WiiWare platformer Jett Rocket is all you need to see that it's not quite like anything else on the service. A 3D platformer with graphics to rival many full retail releases, it certainly has a lot of promise. We caught up with Shin'en Multimedia CEO...

  • News An In-Depth Look at Dive: The Medes Island Secret

    Designer dives into the game's details with

    Recently, sat down with José A. Giacomelli of Cosmonaut Games to talk about its upcoming WiiWare release, Dive: The Medes Island Secret. Among the topics discussed were the dynamics of a platformer based underwater, the length of gameplay (ten non-linear levels clocking in at an...

  • Interviews Gamelion Studios - Furry Legends

    We get answers from the Producer and Game Designer

    We've already told you what we thought based on our playtime with WiiWare rollerball adventure Furry Legends, but we still had plenty of questions, so we sat down with Game Designer Adam Kramarzewski, Producer Lukasz Szczepanski and Gamelion VP Sebastian Szczygiel to get some answers. Nintendo Life:...

  • Interviews Farbs and Christophe Kohler - Fishie Fishie

    We chat with the original creator and WiiWare developer about the recently released title

    Not too long ago we had the chance to have a chat with Farbs, original creator of Fishie Fishie, and Christophe Kohler, the developer who picked the title up and made adjustments for its WiiWare release. We asked them a few questions about the title and they...

  • Interviews High Voltage Software - Conduit 2

    The sequel's producer talks new multiplayer features, weapons and more

    When it comes to Conduit 2, High Voltage Software's sequel to their debut Wii first-person shooter from 2009, we know a couple of things: that stuff is going to blow up and it will feature a whole host of new multiplayer bells and whistles, including a new co-operative mode...

  • News Suda51 Refers To No More Heroes 3 as a Bodily Function, Of Course

    Travis Touchdown's stories weren't the only things that came thick and fast

    Grasshopper Manufacture has successfully established itself as a force to be reckoned with when it comes to developing compelling games with stylistic artistry. It also seems that the studio's CEO, Goichi Suda, possesses the same kind of flair when articulating his...

  • Interviews Tomorrow Corporation

    Massive new "indie game" studio talks about its plans for domination

    Some call the surge of indie gaming developers over the past few years unique and refreshing. Others, like the newly self-aware "indie game" studio Tomorrow Corporation, call them dastardly and nefarious, hogging all of the limelight from Big Gaming. That, quite simply,...


  • Interviews Pixel Talks Cave Story

    Cave Story creator answers a few of our questions.

    With the upcoming release of Cave Story from Nicalis on Monday, we thought we'd take a minute to speak to the creator of the game to find out what it was like to bring his much-loved PC classic to the WiiWare service. Pixel was kind enough to take a few moments to answer a couple of our questions...

  • Interviews Namco Bandai Games - Fragile Dreams

    Some interesting insights into the unique Wii release.

    With Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon recently released in North America and hitting Europe today, we thought it would be a good time to get in touch with some of the guys at Namco Bandai in order to find out a little more information about this rather unique Wii title. Kentaro...

  • Interviews Steve Lycett - Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing

    Sumo Digital's executive producer talks karts and characters

    Since the release of OutRun 2 back in 2004, Sumo Digital has gone on to become somewhat of a bedfellow with SEGA, having produced several games based on key IP. Following on from the release on Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, we caught up with Steve Lycett, Sumo Digital's executive...

  • News Reggie: Innovation Is Still Nintendo's Priority

    Reggie Fils-Aime talks about the life that the Wii has ahead of itself, and Nintendo's competitors

    Nintendo representatives don't usually pay much attention to any smack talk that might come from their competitors, but in a recent interview with Kotaku, the President at Nintendo of America seems to have been doing a bit of trash talking himself!...

  • Interviews Akaoni - Zombie Panic in Wonderland

    They'll huff and they'll puff and they'll eat your brains

    Spanish developers Akaoni Studio are hard at work on their WiiWare debut Zombie Panic in Wonderland, a promising shooter that couldn't possibly have a more self-explanatory name. We caught up with Jose Manuel of Akaoni to see how the game is shaping up, if zombies can love and whether fast...

  • Interviews Readers Ask Steve Wiebe

    The King of Kong answers your questions

    You asked, and now underdog star of the 2007 documentary The King of Kong and current holder of the Donkey Kong Jr. world record Steve Wiebe has answered. Before he takes on the Donkey Kong world record yet again at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco this week, see what Wiebe thinks about modern...

  • Interviews Dreambox Games - Robox

    New details and screens on this gorgeous WiiWare platformer

    Spanish developer Dreambox's first release, Robox, was revealed just last week and has already captured our attention with its lush visual style and interesting concept. We tracked down Dreambox art director Julio Romon to learn a little more about their upcoming platformer, and he was...

  • Interviews Sabarasa Software and Save the Turtles

    We get answers on the upcoming DSiWare puzzler

    Nintendo Life: Firstly tell us a bit about your company Sabarasa Inc. and anything you've done previously that our readers might be aware of. Javier Otaegui, CEO and founder of Sabarasa: Sabarasa is a game developer based on Argentina and Mexico. We’ve been developing games for well over a decade now,...

  • News Ask Steve Wiebe

    Here's your chance to pose a question to the King of Kong

    Steve Wiebe, underdog star of the 2007 documentary The King of Kong and current holder of the Donkey Kong Jr. world record, has answers for you. You've got questions for him. Now's your chance to get those answers. All this week we want to know what you want to know about the world of Steve...


  • Interviews EnjoyUp Games - Chronos Twins

    EnjoyUp Games talk Chronos Twins.

    With the recent release of Chronos Twins on both the DSiWare and WiiWare services, we thought it might be a good time to try to get some more information out of EnjoyUp Games about the titles they've created during their years in the gaming industry. Julio Moruno, Lead Game Designer on Chronos Twins, was kind enough...

  • News ONM Cross-Examines Capcom on Ace Attorney

    Gamers get their questions answered

    Coinciding with Friday's European launch of the fifth game in the series, a recent ONM Asks session saw Shu Takumi (Creative Director of the Ace Attorney series) and Motohide Eshiro (Producer of Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth) answering some questions on the popular quirky courtroom puzzle games...

  • Interviews Flipper Developer Hugo Smits

    The one-man voxel machine talks DSiWare development

    It's not long until Flipper will be swimming onto DSi systems, so we had just enough time to reel in Hugo Smits, hook some questions on him and wait for him to return with the answers. Nintendo Life: First off, congratulations on the Seal of Approval! Just to bring our readers up to speed, what's...