Latest Interviews


  • News Takashi Iizuka Talks NiGHTS

    Early this month Takashi Iizuka spoke to NGamer magazine, his interview has now been published on the CVG website for all to enjoy.

    "CVG: First of all, just to relax the diehard fans, will the Wii version of NiGHTS be following the fundamental game mechanics of the original? Takashi Iizuka: For those loyal fans that have waiting 11 years for NiGHTS...


  • News Shigeru Miyamoto Comments On Sony Home And 360

    Sony announced their "Home" service recently, a system that allows you to take control of an interactive human and interact in a digital world.

    Shigeru Miyamoto said: “Nintendo years ago considered and rejected the type of approach Sony is now taking. Clearly Nintendo’s Miis have become a cultural phenomenon in their own right, appealing well...

  • News Shigeru Miyamoto Address Game Developers Conference

    Today Nintendo-san Miyamoto shared his "Creative Vision" as he gave his Keynote speech at the 2007 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco.

    Miymoto started off by announcing that his speech would be "a very different kind of keynote, a personal experience" and boy was he right, he even showed a bunch of his own photos using the Photo Channel on...

  • News Reggie Talks Apple Merger

    The stuff dreams are made of for all the shiny white plastic manufacturers around the world.

    It's been a soft rumour for quite a while now, ever since we saw the first pictures of the gleaming white Wii console, Nintendo merging with Apple, Apple buying Nintendo, Steve Jobs appearing on the Nintendo stage at E3... alas its all pure geek speculation...


  • News Japanese Only Games Could Get Worldwide VC Launches

    Finally Nintendo make some kind of hint that we may see Japanese only Nintendo classics put out for worldwide release.

    For a few weeks now the word on then street has been that import favourites will not see a release on the Virtual Console due to problems with translation and such. However, speaking with Wired, Nintendo senior Vice President George...

  • News Reggies Talks Shortages And Metroid

    Talking to MTV Reggie had some interesting stuff to say about the Nintendo Wii and DS consoles.

    Firstly he apologised for the lack of Wii and DS units being made readily available. "We apologize that it continues to be a difficult problem to get your hands on [a Wii]," he said. "The fact is, we manufactured 4 million Wii consoles by...

  • News Fight Night Could Be Coming To Wii...

    ... and when I say "could" I mean it's pretty much inevitable that we can expect several boxing games on the Wii this year, right?

    In an interview with, producer of the Fight Night series David Blank stated: "We're talking about it right now. We're contemplating and we definitely feel there are some exciting things we can do...

  • News Knowing Me, Knowing You

    Ah ha! Upcoming gaming blog Game People interview Nintendo Life founder on life, games and blogging.

    Were you ever curious about who made Nintendo Life? I doubt it - but If you were, now you have a chance to find out about our founding member courtesy of Andy from Game People. Andy approached me last week and told me all about a new regular...


  • News Reggie Acts Cool Again

    Now lets get this straight from the start: everything Reggie Fils-Aime says is cool. Got that? Right, then I'll carry on telling you what he says about the Wii hardware sales.

    The Nintendo of America president has said today that Nintendo are on track to ship 4 million Nintendo Wii units by the end of the year - and could even exceed that figure...

  • News Nintendo Originally Planned $100 Wii

    BusinessWeek Tokyo correspondent Kenji Hall recently talked with two members of the development team, Shigeru Miyamoto and veteran designer Ken'ichiro Ashida, about developing the Wii.

    The two Japanese veterans were quizzed about various aspects of the Wii development cycle, here's a selection of answers that are of significant interest...

  • News Reggie Talks To CNET

    Web giant CNET sits down with Reggie and asks him about the Wii, will we all get one?

    The Nintendo Of US and A President, Reggie, was quizzed by CNET's Rich DeMuro. The interview was recorded and thrown online for us all to see. Reggie looked as calm as ever, but completely deflected the whole "one more secret" rumour that'd currently been buzzing...

  • News Downloadable Content For Twilight Princess?

    The guys over at recently had a chat with Nintendo of America Senior Vice President George Harrison, and they managed to get a few interesting facts out of him, one of them being that downloadable content for the next game in the critically acclaimed Zelda series, is a possibility they are considering.

    There is very little doubt that The...


  • News Bully Them All You Want

    US Judge rejects a ban on Rockstar's latest smack-em-up "Bully" known in the UK as "Canis Canem Edit".

    The US lawyer Jack Thompson attempted to get the game "Bully" banned from sale in Florida saying it was nothing more than a "Columbine simulator". The lawyer has a history of hate towards video games and seems to think they are the root of all...


  • Feature Exclusive Interview: Opera Talk Wii

    The norwegian software company talk Opera for Nintendo DS and the Wii

    Opera's Berit Hanson was nice enough to answers our questions regarding their web browser currently in development for Wii. Why do you think Nintendo chose Opera for their Wii browser? There are a lot of browsers out there, and some are more popular than Opera? Opera is...

  • News Eidos Boss Expects Wii Success

    Lara Croft know-it-all Ian Livingstone has suggested that Nintendo's approach is very interesting and could prove very successful.

    This came in an interview with, the Eidos "product acquisition director" was quizzed about the company's support for the three major players in the imminent console war. "The beauty about being an...


  • News Red Steel Interview

    Producer/Blogger Marie-Sol Beaudry talks to Firing Squad about Red Steel, including the initial development. pointed us in the right direction of the latest Red Steel interview. This time it was putting the questions to the Ubisoft games producer, Marie-Sol Beaudry. "The first contact between Ubisoft and Nintendo...

  • News London Games Festival

    A new festival coming to London this October celebrating everything that video games have to offer. and have teamed up with a bunch of companies to bring the games industry back to the UK. The new festival set to take place between 2nd and 7th October will be held at venues across London. These events include The...

  • News SEGA Says More Wii On The Way

    SEGA's Scott Steinberg confirms the company is already looking towards second generation titles for Wii

    SEGA of America's Vice President of Marketing Scott Steinberg recently sad down with and discussed what the SEGA's plans were for Wii. First topic was the affordability of Wii development over the 360 and PS3. So, there's no doubt...


  • News Miyamoto Talks Galaxy

    Nintendo chief Shigeru Miyamoto talks to MTV about the upcoming Wii title, Super Mario Galaxy

    Earlier this week EuroGamer reported on an interview between MTV (yes, really) and Sir Miyamoto. The maestro was talking about the next generation Mario game, Super Mario Galaxy, set for release on Wii sometime early 2007. "Is having different spheres...


  • News The Story Behind Nintendo ON talk to the mastermind behind the 2005 Nintendo ON video and reveal all of its secrets.

    Casting your mind back to the weeks leading up to E3 2005 you may remember a video, a video that sent tingles all the way from your head, down your spine and into your toes. Nintendo ON was probably the most convincing Nintendo fake ever. In an article...

  • News Kojima Wants To Develop On The Wii

    And he says he would even quit Metal Gear Solid 4 to do it!

    In a recent interview with Computer and Video Games, Hideo Kojima has revealed that he is very interested in working on the Wii. CVG: What are your impressions of Nintendo Wii and how did Snake appear in Smash Brothers? Kojima: I’ve played Tennis, Zelda and Mario on Wii. I find Tennis...

  • News Miyamoto To Talk To Kotaku

    Kotaku will be featuring a video interview with Shigeru Miyamoto next week concerning the Wii and DS connectivity.

    Gaming weblog, Kotaku, will feature a video interview with Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto about Wii/DS connectivity next week, along with the Wii information. Miyamoto says that the connectivity is already built into the Wii, and the DS...


  • News Keita Takahashi Not Interested In The Revolution

    Katamari Damacy creator, Keita Takahashi, says he is not interested in working on the Nintendo Revolution.

    In an interview with Game Developer magazine, Keita Takahashi had this to say about the Revolution: “I’m not really interested in it. I don’t think a controller should have that much influence on the enjoyment of games. I see what...

  • News Iwata Considers Making Games Again

    Nintendo President Satoru Iwata has hinted that he has desire to return to games development. have reported on an interview between Satoru Iwata, current Nintendo President and MTV. "Recently I have gained a little bit of interest in getting more involved in game development again. However at present all my spare time is take...


  • News Revolution Name Will Definitely Change

    In an interview with Beth Llewelyn, the Nintendo senior director of public relations states Revolution name will change.

    Like any other week, there has been countless rumours about the name of Nintendo next console, we've even seen shots of a "Nintendo Go" logo floating around, which didn't seem to go anywhere. However, in an interview with,...

  • News Iwata Keynote Transcript

    Nintendo have released a transcript of Satoru Iwata's Games Developers Conference speech yesterday.

    Just in case you were interested in exactly what the Nintendo president had to say, we've received a full length transcript of the keynote speech, delivered yesterday. "Thank you so much for giving me the honor of speaking before you again this...

  • News Miyamoto Webcast Online

    British Gaming Blog uploads a full transcript and video of this rare broadcasted interview with a living legend.

    Miyamoto has been extremely busy in Europe this past week, as we earlier reported he would take part in a telecast interview with website, where gamers would be able to submit their own questions to the man behind Nintendo...

  • News Miyamoto Not Phased By Sony

    The expected dual launch between Sony and Nintendo doesn't worry the grandfather of games.

    With Miyamoto's recent trip to Europe, he seemed to stop off at pretty much every press opportunity he had, what a 54-year-old legend. When in London, he stopped briefly in talk exclusively to The Observer, the over-sized newspaper of England. Seeing as the...

  • News Zelda Confirmed To Use Revolution Controller

    Miyamoto confirms that Zelda: Twilight Princess will take full advantage of Revolution and its controller...

    One of the biggest rumours floating around in Nintendo waters has been about the upcoming Gamecube title, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and its "compatibility" with the next-generation console, the Revolution. Whilst visiting in...

  • News Inside The Opera Browser

    Cubed3 puts the questions to the people at Opera, who recently announced its pending web browser for Nintendo DS.

    Our friends over at Cubed3 have had a chance to quiz Berit Hanson, the Opera PR Manager for devices about the upcoming Opera web browser for Nintendo DS. The interview, posted today, covers a bunch of questions you might have about the...

  • News Question Miyamoto

    Nintendo frontman to be grilled by the public via an online webchat this coming Friday 17th March 2006.

    Miyamoto needs no introduction, you all probably know who he is. Nintendo have revealed that the man himself will be taking part in an online webchat next Friday via the website. It's your chance to put your questions to Nintendo's...

  • News Download Your Games... In The Future

    EA's big European boss reckons digital download distribution will replace physical media within the next 10 years.

    Dr. Jens Uwe Intat of EA Europe states "within the next ten years all entertainment media will be downloaded to a device". Bold statement? actually no, it's probably about right. Speaking at the firm's European HQ in Chertsey, Dr. Intat...

  • News Metroid Prime Cheaters Will Be Hunted reveal lots of Metroid features in an interview with the games designer, Rich Vorodi.'s "NOA Andy" had a chance to sit down with the game designer behind the highly anticipated new Metroid game, Metroid Prime Hunters for Nintendo DS. Rich Vorodi first explained abit about his role in the development and what he was...

  • News New Super Mario Bros. Producer Speaks

    Nintendo Power speak to Takashi Tezuka, the producer of the New Super Mario Bros. title for Nintendo DS.

    EuroGamer report on an article in this months Nintendo Power magazine talking to Takashi Tezuka, the director of Super Mario World and producer of New Super Mario Bros. title, who says, "is set to be a return to form rather than a radical...


  • News Reggie Just Keeps Talking

    The latest interview with Reggie Fils-Aime hits the blogosphere, he talks DS Lite, Revolution & Zelda.

    Engadget have published a lengthy interview with the big boss man, Reggie Fils-Aime. One interesting point, the interviewer, Peter Rojas, asked if we should expect a third iteration of the DS in about 18 months time. Reggie replied: "I...

  • News Uwe Boll Rants

    Cult Hero film maker snaps back at the gaming press, also talks about his fantasic movies.

    Useless Uwe Boll today sat down and talked to EuroGamer, he had quite a lot to say about the press, his movies and everything in-between. Apparently our fault, the gaming press, as to why his movies get such a bad reputation. Lets remember that his recent...

  • News Step Into The Blue Ocean

    Ocean, whatever happened to those guys? Anyways, Nintendo of America talk philosophy.

    The business industry loves buzzwords and hooks, Perrin Kaplan, Nintendo of America's vice president, marketing and corporate affairs, has come up with something. We all know the direction Nintendo is heading in at the moment, but here's what Kaplan came up with...

  • News Reggie Speaks, We Listen

    Reggie has once more told us nothing, but promises we'll know all come May.

    Nintendo are notorious for keeping there lips tightly sealed when talking pre-game for new ventures. We know quite a lot about Revolution, but we don't know everything. Reggie teased us once more this week, talking to Electronic Gaming Monthly, via EuroGamer he said the...

  • News Gates Comments On The Revolution

    Microsoft's Bill Gates reveals a slice of his thoughts on Nintendo's Revolution console.

    You may hate Bill Gates, for whatever reason, but he's not a stupid guy. He's probably the reason your here now, on a computer, whether you like it or not. Being behind one of Nintendo's rivals, it would be easy to slam the Revolution -- but that would be a...


  • News Twilight Princess To Surpass Every Expectation

    Zelda character designer says Twilight Princess "more than you could possibly ever, ever, ever expect".

    Nintendo tease us, yet again, with some little bite-size slices of Twilight Princess information. Nintendo Power recently interviewed the game's character designer, Yoshiyuki Oyama, which has been transcribed by "Finally, no...

  • News Reggie's New Year Revolutions

    Reggie tells how it is right now and how its gonna be for the rest of the year.

    The media giant CNET recently caught up with Reggie Fils-Aime, executive vice president of sales and marketing for Nintendo America, and asked him about the company's plans for 2006. The lengthy interview talked about various aspects of Nintendo's...

  • News ATI Talks Revolution Graphics

    Revolution Report sit down with ATI to talk about the upcoming Hollywood graphics card.

    The other day Revolution Report's Senior Editor, Shawn White, managed to snag an interview with ATI's Public Relations Manager, John Swinimer. ATI are responsible for the graphics card in the upcoming Nintendo Revolution, code-named "Hollywood", they also...

  • News Miyamoto Calls New Zelda Game "Hardcore"

    Could The Twilight Princess be the most violent and dark Zelda game so far?

    Shigeru Miyamoto steps into the spotlight again, this time talking to the UK's Maxim magazine about the egally awaited Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess game due for release later this year. Maxim asked Miyamoto if he was ever "tempted to throw Nintendo's life-long...

  • News Nintendo Goes Back To Basics In 2006

    Shigeru Miyamoto speaks with Japanese favourite, Famitsu, about Odama and 2006.

    The lord that is Miyamoto took time out of his busy schedule to reflect on the coming year with the Japanese magazine. He talked about modern games and how we need to recapture that original feeling we had when playing those NES games. "Nintendo's theme for 2006...